Mot-clé :
DataPLAN: a web-based data management plan generator for the plant sciences
« Research Data Management (RDM) is a system for the effective handling of research data that enables scientists to structure their…15.02.2023
Workshop on PIDs within NFDI
« In order to gain an overview of the current state of the discussion on PIDs and for the identification of…16.11.2022
National Research Data Infrastructure: DFG welcomes funding decisions in third selection round
« On 4 November, the Joint Science Conference (GWK) passed the decision to fund seven more consortia and one initiative to…22.08.2022
Project „Data Literacy in NFDI“ has started
« Data literacy describes the ability to understand and implement the planned handling of digital data. It is therefore a…22.02.2022
NFDI InfraTalk: Data quality in the NFDI. Can there be a common basis? (7 February 2022)
« In our NFDI InfraTalk, scientists from different disciplines and consortia present exciting topics around NFDI and research data management. In…29.07.2021
Composantes de base du dispositif de gestion des données de recherche en Allemagne – Recommandations et retours d’expérience – numéro spécial [traduit de l’allemand]
« Le gouvernement fédéral et les Länder ont créé l’Association National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) e.V. afin de promouvoir la…29.07.2021
Getting to know NFDI, the German National Research Data Infrastructure, with York Sure-Vetter
« Open Science in Europe is constantly evolving, and each country is working hard to ensure an overall improvement of a…02.11.2020