Mot-clé :
COAR and INFLIBNET agree to launch a community of practice for repositories in India
« After two very successful days of meetings with many esteemed local and international representatives, COAR and INFLIBNET are pleased to…29.08.2023
#G20India – Chief Science Advisers Roundtable (G20-CSAR) – Outcome Document and Chair’s Summary – Gandhinagar, Gujarat 28 August 2023
« The Outcome Document pertains to paragraphs 1-12 and 14-17, which have been unanimously agreed to by all G20 delegations. The…01.02.2023
The Future Of Open Research In India – A Publishers Perspective
« Nitasha is two-term President of Association of Publishers in India, the trade body for international publishers. A publishing professional of…07.01.2021
Draft Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Proposes Major Changes to India’s Open Access Culture
« On 2/01/2021, the Ministry of Science and Technology rolled out the draft version of the proposed Science,…07.01.2021
India May Soon Adopt An Open Data Policy For Publicly Funded Research
« The draft Science, Technology, and Innovation Policy (STIP), 2020 proposed Open Science Framework for access to a large repository of…22.12.2020
Muthu Madhan: ‘One nation one subscription’ is an elusive goal
« (…) Muthu Madhan is a long-time crusader for open access (OA) to scholarly literature in India. He has been…01.10.2020
India pushes bold ‘one nation, one subscription’ journal-access plan
« Researchers will also recommend an open-access policy that promotes research being shared in online repositories. The Indian government is…27.04.2020
Ramesh C. Gaur: Provide access to plagiarism detection software to researchers to use it as a research assisting tool than a fault finding tool
« Professor Ramesh C. Gaur is one of the globally renowned library and information professionals with nearly three decades of experience.openinterview.org, Santosh C. Hulagabali, Ramesh C. Gaur, 21 avril 2020
K. VijayRaghavan – « Unlocking the doors to knowledge repositories: Challenges, Initiatives and Policy Interventions » 25 october 2019, Bangalore (India) [vidéo]
« On the occasion of International Open Access Week 2019, lecture and interactive session with Professor Krishnaswamy VijayRaghavan, principal Scientific Adviser…30.10.2019
India Will Skip Plan S, Focus on National Efforts in Science Publishing
« The government’s « directions will be entirely determined by the interests of Indian academia and of India », according to K. VijayRaghavan,…19.08.2019
Research outputs find a home at IndiaRxiv
» Open Access India and the Center for Open Science have collaborated…15.02.2018
Delhi Declaration on Open Access
« This declaration was drafted by a group comprising of researchers and professionals working for opening up access to research outputs…16.03.2017
Open access to scientific information in emerging countries
« Access to information plays a critical role in supporting development. Open access to scientific information is one solution. Up to…dlib.org, Joachim Schöpfel, D-Lib Magazine, March/April 2017
Should Indian researchers pay to get their work published?
« (…) We estimate that India is potentially spending about US$2.4 million annually on APCs and suggest that it…eprints.iisc.ernet.in, Muthu, Madhan, Kimidi et al, 27 octobre 2016
“Le copyright existe pour faciliter et non restreindre la diffusion du savoir”
« Une université qui photocopie des livres à des fins pédagogiques et à destination des élèves ne se…31.08.2016
Role of Open Access Digital Repositories (OADR) on Information Seeking Behavior among Research Scholars: A study
« The main purpose of the study is to examine the role of Open Access Digital Repositories on Information…20.05.2016
THEP : nouveau Laboratoire International Associé (LIA) franco-indien pour la physique des hautes énergies
« L’accord portant création du Laboratoire International Associé « THEP » (Theoretical High Energy Physics) a été signé le mercredi 4…27.04.2016
Thomson Reuters Collaborates with Indian Education Ministry to Advance the Global Impact of its Academic Research Performance
« Initiative will provide 165 higher education institutions with access to Web of Science, the world’s most trusted…15.02.2016
Le Congrès international des éditeurs se déroulera en Inde en 2018
« Le Congrès international des éditeurs 2018, annonce l’International Publishers Association dans un communiqué, se déroulera en Inde, dans…15.09.2015
Programme to Digitise Dissertations & Theses Expands in India
» Dissertations are an important and valuable tool for literature reviews, as they provide deep coverage and extensive…15.07.2014
Repères RSTI – La Chine occupe la tête du classement du QS University Rankings: BRICS 2014
« Le classement QS University Rankings: BRICS, qui compare les 200 plus grands établissements d’enseignement universitaire du Brésil, de…26.08.2013
L’Inde devient le troisième plus grand pays en nombre d’internautes
« Chiffres : Le nombre d’utilisateurs d’Internet a augmenté de 31% en un an en Inde, pour atteindre 73,9 millions,…16.10.2012