Mot-clé :
Open Is Not Forever: A Study of Vanished Open Access Journals
« The preservation of the scholarly record has been a point of concern since the beginning of knowledge production. With print…arxiv.org, Mikael Laakso, Lisa Matthias, Najko Jahn, 27 août 2020, arXiv:2008.11933
New subscription model may make cell biology journal open access
« The American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB) is launching a new library subscription model for its peer-reviewed basic research journal—Molecular…24.08.2020
Some Issues on the Funding of the Scientific Publication in Open Access
« The academic/scientific publication in Open Access is already a current practice with several advantages, and the trend is that it…21.08.2020
Why cOAlition S’ Rights Retention Strategy Protects Researchers
« Last month, cOAlition S released its Rights Retention Strategy to safeguard researchers’…18.08.2020
Adopting open access in the social sciences and humanities: evidence from a developing nation
« Open Access (OA) publishing, with ambitious movements such as Plan S, is engendering radical changes among academic publishers. Emerging countries…13.08.2020
Researcher’s Perceptions on Publishing “Negative” Results and Open Access
« Scientific advance is based on reproducibility, corroboration, and availability of research results. However, large numbers of experimental results that contradict…liebertpub.com, Lucía Echevarría, Alberto Malerba, Virginia Arechavala-Gomeza, 27 juillet 2020
Library Support for OA Books Workshop: the German perspective
« This summer, as part of the WP2, we started a series of European-based workshops, aiming at…07.08.2020
A journal recommender tool built on the Directory of Open Access Journals
« This application suggests open access journals based on their similarity to a draft abstract submitted by the user. It is…30.07.2020
A brief history of open access at Harvard
« This is the first of two related posts. The second will describe our current thinking about open access. (Watch for…osc-harvard.pubpub.org, Peter Suber, Martha Whitehead, 28 juillet 2020
Aidez-nous à mieux connaître les revues en accès ouvert qui ne facturent pas de frais de publication
« Le consortium OPERAS et ses partenaires lancent une enquête destinée à mieux comprendre les revues en accès ouvert qui ne…21.07.2020
ERC Scientific Council calls for open access plans to respect researchers’ needs
« The ERC Scientific Council is committed to implementing full and immediate Open Access and continues to support the principles underlying…21.07.2020
Baromètre de la science ouverte de l’université d’Évry
« Depuis 2019, le ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur, de la Recherche et de l’Innovation met à disposition un ensemble d’indicateurs pour…20.07.2020
Using PubPub for scholarly output: Import, Collaboration, Citations, and Zotero
« Here at COPIM, we are more and more getting into the groove of using PubPub for all sorts of purposes,…20.07.2020
Labour of Love: An Open Access Manifesto for Freedom, Integrity, and Creativity in the Humanities and Interpretive Social Sciences
« Over the next decade, Open Access (OA) is likely to become the default in scholarly…17.07.2020
Mesures de l’accès ouvert aux publications scientifiques : tenir compte du profil disciplinaire des pays et des institutions
« Dans son étude publiée aujourd’hui, « Mesurer le taux d’accès ouvert des publications scientifiques : le cas de la France…17.07.2020
Green OA: publishers and journals allowing zero embargo and CC-BY
« We witness increased interest in the role of green open access and how it can contribute to the goals of…101innovations.wordpress.com, Jeroen Bosman, Bianca Kramer, 16 juillet 2020
Read & Publish contracts in the context of a dynamic scholarly publishing system
« This report is the result of the study on Read & Publish agreements commissioned by EUA…15.07.2020
cOAlition S develops “Rights Retention Strategy” to safeguard researchers’ intellectual ownership rights and suppress unreasonable embargo periods
« Publishers commonly require authors to sign exclusive publishing agreements which restrict what authors can do with their research findings, including…10.07.2020
Open Access in Theory and Practice / The Theory-Practice Relationship and Openness
« Open Access in Theory and Practice investigates the theory-practice relationship in the domain of open access publication and dissemination of…10.07.2020
The CWTS Leiden Ranking 2020
« Today CWTS is releasing the 2020 edition of the CWTS Leiden Ranking. As always, the release of the ranking…09.07.2020
Consolidating institutional repositories in a digital, free, open access publication platform for all scholarly output
« Funders increasingly mandate researchers to publish their scientific articles in open access and to retain their copyright. Universities all over…23.06.2020
Open access platform for Dutch academic journals receives NWO grant
« On 1 July, the KNAW Humanities Cluster will begin the design and construction of an Open Access journals platform, openjournals.nl.22.06.2020
Open Sesame? Open access priorities, incentives, and policies among higher education institutions in the United Arab Emirates
« Higher education institutions (HEIs) have an instrumental role in the move towards Open Access (OA) by shaping the national strategies,…17.06.2020
Data journals: incentivizing data access and documentation within the scholarly communication system
« (…) This article describes the unique advantages of data journals. It also examines the data journal landscape, presenting the characteristics…17.06.2020
Europe et science ouverte : rapport de l’OSPP
« L’Open Science Policy Platform, comme son nom ne l’indique pas, c’est un groupe d’experts mandatés par…16.06.2020
Open Access Uptake in Germany 2010-18: Adoption in a diverse research landscape
« This study investigates the development of open access (OA) to journal articles from authors affiliated with German universities and non-university…12.06.2020
DOAJ, Redalyc (UAEM), AmeliCA collaboration to strengthen non-commercial Open Access Journals
« Redalyc (Autonomous University of the State of Mexico), AmeliCA and DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals) are delighted to announce…10.06.2020
Jisc’s Publications Router service is now integrated with Pure
« Jisc’s Publications Router service is now fully integrated with Pure, the research information management system…scholarlycommunications.jiscinvolve.org, Steve Byford, 9 juin 2020
PLOS and Carnegie Mellon University announce APC-free open access publishing agreement
« Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) and the Public Library of Science (PLOS) today announced a two-year open access agreement that allows…09.06.2020
Open Access to academic books: Working towards the “tipping point”
« Open access for academic books is deemed to be a relatively underdeveloped area. To help evaluate to which point this…03.06.2020
Un rapport Open Access individuel en un clic
« Parmi mes articles scientifiques, lesquels sont disponibles en libre accès ? Les chercheuses et chercheurs suisses peuvent désormais répondre à…27.05.2020
Knowledge Unlatched and EBSCO Information Services Announce Subscribe-to-Open Cooperation
« Knowledge Unlatched (KU), the international initiative for Open Access (OA), and EBSCO Information Services (EBSCO), one of the market leaders…20.05.2020
Survey launches to better scope Open Infrastructure in Europe
« In collaboration with SPARC Europe, we today launch a survey to map Open Access (OA)…15.05.2020
Modèle et trousse de l’ABRC pour une politique institutionnelle de libre accès
« L’ABRC a créé ces Modèle et trousse de l’ABRC pour une politique institutionnelle de libre accès pour aider à préparer ceux…13.05.2020
From Open Access to Open Science: The Path From Scientific Reality to Open Scientific Communication
« Although opening up of research is considered an appropriate and trend-setting model for future scientific communication, it can still be…11.05.2020
Availability of research articles for the public during pandemic – a case study
« The coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) disease has affected millions of lives, forcing most of us to stay at home and work.30.04.2020
Fonds national Suisse de la recherche scientifique (FNS) : La science ouverte est une nécessité, et pas seulement en temps de crise
« Cela fait des années que le FNS et d’autres organisations demandent que la science ouverte constitue la règle et non…30.04.2020
PLOS and Iowa State University Library announce APC-free Open Access publishing agreement
« Iowa State University Library and the Public Library of Science (PLOS) today announced a three-year Open Access agreement that allows…30.04.2020
Chinese state censorship of COVID-19 research represents a looming crisis for academic publishers
« Issues of censorship surrounding the publication of scholarly research in China have been prominent since a series of press reports…29.04.2020
China and open access: Sciencepaper Online
« (…) According to the Sciencepaper online website, Sciencepaper Online is an academic institutional repository established in 2003 initiated by the…sustainingknowledgecommons.org, Shi, A. (2020), 23 avril 2020
Open access and research dissemination in Africa
« (…) This paper explores the role of open access and institutional repositories in knowledge sharing and the dissemination of research…22.04.2020
Améliorer les chances de succès de son projet ANR grâce à la Science Ouverte
« (…) Ce guide a une visée pratique pour accompagner les chercheurs dans la prise en compte des enjeux de la…08.04.2020
Revised ‘Transformative Journal’ criteria from cOAlition S are “challenging” but Springer Nature commits to transition majority of journals, including Nature
« Springer Nature welcomes the decision from cOAlition S to support Transformative Journals. Subject to acceptability of the yet to be…08.04.2020
With Shareyourpaper.org it’s easy to make your paper Open Access, for free!
« The Coronavirus pandemic has shown how critical it is that research is shared quickly and freely. We can’t go back…03.04.2020
Beyond transformative agreements
« The Swedish Bibsam Consortium is taking a leading role in the transition to Open Access and aims to switch from…eua.eu, Anna Lundén, Astrid Söderbergh Widding, Britt-Marie Wideberg, Wilhelm Widmark, 2 avril 2020
State of Open Access penetration in universities worldwide
« (…) This study presents indicators of Open Access (OA) penetration at the institutional level for universities worldwide. By combining data…25.03.2020
LIBER Wins Role in Open Access Publishing Platform
« LIBER has won a role in Open Research Europe (ORE): a project which will build a new peer-reviewed Open Access…25.03.2020
Open Access publishing practice in geochemistry: overview of current state and look to the future
« Open Access (OA) describes the free, unrestricted access to and re-use of research articles. Recently, a new wave of interest,…23.03.2020
European Commission awards contract for setting up an open access publishing platform
« The European Commission has awarded a contract for the setting up of an open access publishing…13.03.2020
Current Transformative Agreements Are Not Transformative Position Paper – For Full, Immediate and Transparent Open Access
« In 2019, approximately 69% of journal articles published in the world appeared in journals that charge readers for access [Piwowar…09.03.2020
Open Access eXchange (OAeX): an economic model and platform for fundraising open scholarship services
« This article describes the Open Access eXchange (OAeX) project, a pragmatic and comprehensive economic model and fundraising platform for open…06.03.2020
Partageons la science ouverte – 1 | « Ludification / Play the game ! »
« Tout a commencé en Guyane… Profitant de l’inauguration du nouveau portail institutionnel HAL, le service…06.03.2020
Extrhal…quoi de neuf ?
« ExtrHAL, application web conçue pour extraire des listes de publications, ne cesse d’évoluer. Depuis la dernière…06.03.2020
Funding Sources for Open Access Article Processing Charges in the Social Sciences, Arts, and Humanities in the United States
« Article processing charges (APCs) are one method of many to ensure open access to research literature, but studies that explore…mdpi.com, Melissa H. Cantrell, Juleah A. Swanson, 28 février 2020
Smithsonian Releases 2.8 Million Free Images for Broader Public Use
« The Smithsonian announced today the launch of Smithsonian Open Access, an initiative that removes Smithsonian copyright restrictions from about…25.02.2020
First US–based university press signs Jisc transitional open access agreement for UK higher education
« The Jisc agreement provides participating UK institutions with unlimited Immediate Open Access publishing in Rockefeller University Press journals. The agreement…20.02.2020
Comment les chercheurs choisissent les journaux auxquels ils soumettent leurs articles
« Des chercheurs qui cherchent, on en trouve. Des chercheurs qui trouvent… on en trouve aussi. Il suffit de jeter un…19.02.2020
Et si l’Open Access était une question de Digital Labor
« Le Consortium Couperin a publié récemment les résultats d’une enquête sur les « Pratiques de publication et…18.02.2020
Plan S, creatives commons, nouvelles plateformes… : la science ouverte sous le regard des éditeurs scientifiques publics
« A moins d’un an de la mise en œuvre du Plan S, la question de la…17.02.2020
Report from the first national best practice workshop of the German open access monograph funds
« On 3 December 2019, the project team of the open access fund for monographs launched by the Leibniz Association invited…oa2020-de.org, Thomas Jung, Monika Pohlschmidt, Christoph Schindler, Olaf Siegert, 7 février 2020
Canadian OA scholarly journals: An exhaustive survey
« This report presents the results of an exhaustive study of more than 500 active, legitimate, Canadian, Open Access scholarly journals.13.02.2020