Mot-clé :
Jisc response to the Elsevier open access agreement
« UK universities have reached a three-year agreement with Elsevier providing both unlimited open access publishing and access to paywalled journal…21.03.2022
Open access through Subscribe to Open: a society publisher’s implementation
« As pressures mount from global funding mandates and initiatives like Plan S, publishers are seeking sustainable solutions to transition their…16.03.2022
The Budapest Open Access Initiative: 20th Anniversary Recommendations
« The Budapest Open Access Initiative celebrated its 20th anniversary on February 14, 2022. To mark the anniversary, the…10.03.2022
UKRI Open Access Policy Information and Good Practice Sharing Event [vidéo]
« On 24 February 2022, #UKRI held…10.03.2022
L’UNIGE adopte de nouvelles mesures en faveur de l’open access
« Le libre accès aux publications scientifiques est l’un des éléments clés de la stratégie de l’Université pour promouvoir une science…04.03.2022
Hausse du pourcentage de publications CNRS en accès libre
« (…) Hausse du pourcentage de publications CNRS en accès libre Chaque année, le service Appui au pilotage de l’Inist…01.03.2022
Enabling Open Access through clarity and transparency: a request to publishers
« cOAlition S is delighted to see many publishers making moves to increase Open Access (OA) for research publications. However, some…21.02.2022
Article Processing Charges, Altmetrics and Citation Impact: Is there an economic rationale?
« The present study aims to analyze 1) the relationship between Citation Normalized Score of scientific publications and Article Processing Charges…03.02.2022
The EUA Open Science Agenda 2025
« The EUA Open Science Agenda 2025 defines the Association’s priorities in this field and describes the current context, challenges and…03.02.2022
Identify scientific publications country-wide and measure their open access: The case of the French Open Science Barometer (BSO)
« We use several sources to collect and evaluate academic scientific publication on a country scale, and we apply it to…01.02.2022
European scholarly journals from small- and mid-size publishers in times of Open Access: Mapping journals and public funding mechanisms
« Open Access (OA) publishing omits reader-side fees, which requires that resources to sustain journals can not originate from the reader-side.27.01.2022
SO PUR, un projet expérimental pour l’ouverture de l’édition scientifique en libre accès
(…) Lancé en 2021 par le ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur, de la Recherche et de l’Innovation, l’appel à projets du…25.01.2022
Open Access Monitoring – OAM
« The Open Access Monitor .records the publication output of German academic institutions…20.01.2022
A closer look at Open Access to research publications in European universities: Follow-up to the 2020-21 EUA Open Science survey
« This report specifically presents the findings on Open Access from EUA’s 2020-2021 Open Science Survey. How do universities monitor Open…19.01.2022
Two-dimensional books for the new Open Access academic publishing
« (…) In this paper, I will illustrate how – in the field of today’s scholarly publishing – best practices, simple…14.01.2022
Open Science – For Whom?
« Who can participate in Open Science and whose interests are served? Open Science in principle holds the potential to reduce…11.01.2022
Privilégiez les revues en libre accès total pour publier ou y contribuer
« (…) Dans sa nouvelle note Le Cirad recommande les revues en libre accès…04.01.2022
Open Access in Academic Publishing on Law and Jurisprudence
« Open Access aims to ensure that scientific findings are disseminated as widely as possible and thus reach (and can be…23.12.2021
Open access in the humanities, arts and social sciences: Complex perceptions of researchers and implications for research support
« (…) This study found a wide variance in the adoption of open access practices among HASS researchers. Some participants are…22.12.2021
Open access at the national level: A comprehensive analysis of publications by Finnish researchers
« Open access (OA) has mostly been studied by relying on publication data from selective international databases, notably Web of Science…20.12.2021
Open access scientific journals: an analysis of the DOAJ catalogue
« (…) By requiring open access immediately available upon publication, the DOAJ emerges as an essential voice in discussions of modalities…20.12.2021
Knowledge Exchange Newsletter December 2021
The December 2021 Knowledge Exchange newsletter is out now! This newsletter summarises our latest work and updates on new…16.12.2021
COPIM statement on the corporate acquisition of OA infrastructure
« (…) From its beginning, COPIM has been driven by the belief, held by all its partners (a…14.12.2021
Equity and diversity in Open Access. National and regional OA publishing platforms [webinar]
« This SPARC Europe’s webinar brought together voices from Croatia, France, Finland, the Netherlands, and Spain. Experts from these countries talked…13.12.2021
Promoting a culture of openness: Institutional open access policy development and evaluation at a Canadian university
« Institutional open access (OA) policies can act as a solid foundation on which to build university-wide support for open access.06.12.2021
More readers in more places: the benefits of open access for scholarly books
« Open access to scholarly contents has grown substantially in recent years. This includes the number of books published open access…02.12.2021
Equity in Open Access [ALLEA Statement]
« The statement “Equity in Open Access” addresses how “gold” open access publishing routes and large read-and-write deals…24.11.2021
L’open access en chanson ! [vidéo]
« Jeff Edmunds, Digital Access Coordinator à Penn State University Libraries ([at]psulibs), USA. Catalogueur depuis plus de 30 ans et…19.11.2021
Du renfort pour accompagner les « pousses » éditoriales en Open Access : REPERES (Réseau de pépinières de revues scientifiques en accès ouvert)
« “Un réseau de pépinières de revues scientifiques (REPERES) a été créé en 2018 : il regroupe à ce jour six…17.11.2021
Finding the right open-access journal with B!SON
« More and more researchers require their results to be openly available (Kramer and Bosman, 2016). However, it can…15.11.2021
16th Munin Conference on Scholarly Publishing 2021. November 16–18, 2021[vidéos]
« Munin Conference is an annual conference on scholarly publishing and communication, primarily revolving around open access, open data, and open…09.11.2021
EUA: The new university Open Access checklist
« (…) This checklist aims to support universities in their efforts to build capacity and further develop their Open Access activities.04.11.2021
Austrian Transition to Open Access: a collaborative approach
« This article presents a collaborative project, the ‘Austrian Transition to Open Access’ (AT2OA), initially running from 2017 to 2020, which…03.11.2021
Five Things You Need to Know about UKRI’s New Open Access Policy
« The long-awaited Open Access (OA) policy from UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), the UK’s leading research…03.11.2021
Open Access for the non-English-speaking World
Open access is not only about barrier-free access to research by readers, it’s also about barrier-free access by researchers to…02.11.2021
Frank Miedema. Open Science: the Very Idea
« Describes recent developments in science from a historical, sociological, philosophical perspective and a personal view Provides a realistic narrative…02.11.2021
The 2021 Korean National Open Access Policy Forum [meeting report]
« The 2021 Korean National Open Access Policy Forum was held on June 17, 2021, in Seoul, Korea. This paper aimed…29.10.2021
Webinaires Click & Read : venez échanger sur la future version
« Après le lancement de Click & Read en mars dernier, l’Inist s’engage dans la prochaine étape : la possibilité pour…28.10.2021
The Challenge of Building Structural Equity in Open Access Publishing – from a Small Publisher Perspective
« The theme for the International Open Access Week in 2021 is ‘Building Structural Equity’. Equity for everyone is a challenge…21.10.2021
Promoting and Nurturing Interactions with Open Access Books: Strategies for Publishers and Authors
« This report explores how publishers and authors can promote, nurture, and facilitate interaction with openly available books. (…) The…19.10.2021
2021 STM Report highlights rapid transformation to Open Access (.pdf)
« STM (the Association of Scientific, Technical and Medical Publishers) has today published the latest edition of ‘The STM Report’, the…19.10.2021
Next steps for the Open Book Collective
« Over the course of the COPIM project, Work Package 2 has been in the process of developing a new online…04.10.2021
Sharing published short academic works in institutional repositories after six months
« The ambition of the Netherlands, laid down in the National Plan Open Science, is to achieve 100% open access for…04.10.2021
The role of book reviews in the academic book ecosystem
« This report is the result of a 6- week internship project to research the role of academic book reviews, with…30.09.2021
JASPER – preserving open access journals forever
« Long-term preservation of research resources is of paramount importance for scholarship. Authors want to ensure their contributions to the scholarly…27.09.2021
#boai20 – Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI) 20th Anniversary: Questions for the OA community
« The Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI) – the first international open access declaration – will celebrate its…20.09.2021
SorbonNum, bibliothèque numérique en accès libre de Sorbonne Université
« La Bibliothèque de Sorbonne Université (BSU) assure la gestion des collections documentaires de l’établissement. La bibliothèque a suspendu au début…15.09.2021
Investigating the Blind Spot of a Monitoring System for Article Processing Charges
« The Open Access (OA) publishing model that is based on article processing charges (APC) is often associated with the potential…14.09.2021
Publishing bibliographical data on open-access literature in Ancient Greek and Latin: challenges, constraints, progression
« We present here both some of our thoughts on methodology in relation to the specific constraints that complexify the ways…10.09.2021
Monitoring the open access policy of Horizon 2020
« The report examines, monitors and quantifies compliance with the open access requirements of Horizon 2020, for both publications and…03.09.2021
cOAlition S statement on Open Access for academic books
« Academic books – defined here to include monographs, book chapters, edited collections, critical editions, and other long-form works – are…02.09.2021
Living Books: Experiments in the Posthumanities
« In this book, Janneke Adema proposes that we reimagine the scholarly book as a living and collaborative project—not as linear,…31.08.2021
Open Access and the Humanities: a dialogue on future directions for Ireland, 25 August 2021 [vidéo]
« The Irish Humanities Alliance was delighted to collaborate with the National Open Research Forum on hosting this web event on…27.08.2021
Publications du centre Mersenne
« Le Centre Mersenne offre aux lecteurs et lectrices accès à 21 journaux dont 14 en mathématiques, que vous pouvez lire…23.08.2021
Science ouverte et Covid-19 : Une opportunité pour démocratiser le savoir ?
« Nos chercheuses et chercheurs sont confrontés au quotidien au dilemme suivant, que la pandémie a révélé au grand public :…18.08.2021
Why Open Access: Economics and Business Researchers’ Perspectives
« Public research policies have been promoting open-access publication in recent years as an adequate model for the dissemination of scientific…16.08.2021
2021 Open Access Week Theme to be “It Matters How We Open Knowledge: Building Structural Equity”
« The 2021 Open Access Week Advisory Committee is pleased to announce that the theme for this year’s International Open Access…11.08.2021
UKRI Open Access Review: consultation analysis
« In August 2021, UKRI announced a new open access policy for publications that acknowledge funding from UKRI or any of…11.08.2021
Bring your OA game « Libraries, publishers, and innovation for OA books: a European perspective »
« The end of June 2021 marked the finishing line for the OPERAS-P project, a European Union funded giant,…06.08.2021
UKRI announces new Open Access Policy
« UK Research and Innovation’s (UKRI) new policy will increase opportunity for the findings of publicly funded research to be accessed,…06.08.2021
cOAlition S welcomes the Plan S-aligned Open Access policy from UKRI
« cOAlition S – an international consortium of research funding and performing organisations committed to implementing Plan S – warmly welcomes…30.07.2021