Mot-clé :
open-access.network: Three more years for the open access transformation
« The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is funding the Germany-wide collaborative project open-access.network for another three years…03.01.2023
New report provides insights into global OA landscape — and with a focus on China
« Open Access Publishing in China 2022 provides insights into the complex and evolving global Open Access landscape — and with…03.01.2023
#CRAFTOA | European Commission grants substantial funding to improve institutional publishing for science
« The project “Creating a Robust Accessible Federated Technology for Open Access” (CRAFT-OA), carried out by 23 experienced partners from 14…02.01.2023
Les licences Creative Commons ont 20 ans !
« Les licences Creative Commons ont soufflé leur 20e bougie en décembre 2022. Créées en 2002 par la société à but…16.12.2022
Irlande : National Action Plan for Open Research
« Ireland’s National Action Plan for Open Research outlines objectives and actions for the next chapter in Ireland’s transition towards open…13.12.2022
Opening doors to global equity in open access
Recommendations to foster global equity in open access publishing from the first in a series of online workshops. Universal Open…05.12.2022
UKRI Open access policy update: December 2022
« UKRI has published updated information to support funded research organisations and researchers to meet its new open access policy. Peer…28.11.2022
Identifying the needs of African Open Access publishing communities
« This article documents a series of meetings designed to identify the needs of African Open Access…22.11.2022
Directory of open access journals (DOAJ) and its application in academic libraries
« The Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) is a community-curated online directory that indexes and makes open access, peer-reviewed journals…21.11.2022
The APC-Effect: Stratification in Open Access Publishing
« Current implementations of Open Access (OA) publishing frequently involve Article Publishing Charges (APCs). Increasing…16.11.2022
Investments in Open: Association of Research Libraries US University Member Expenditures on Services, Collections, Staff, and Infrastructure in Support of Open Scholarship
« Open access (OA) and the broad sharing of research outputs has been empirically shown to accelerate scientific progress and benefit…10.11.2022
Open access books through open data sources: Assessing prevalence, providers, and preservation
« Science policy and practice for open access (OA) books is a rapidly evolving area in the scholarly domain. However, there…03.11.2022
Determining the Cost of Open Access: Estimating Annual Article Processing Charges for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Medicine Articles at a Large Midwestern University
« Article Processing Charges (APCs) for articles published in for-fee, gold open access journals are paid in a number of ways…02.11.2022
Royal Society of Chemistry commits to 100% Open Access
« The Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) announced today that it aims to make all fully RSC-owned journals Open Access within…28.10.2022
Open Access in the Humanities Disciplines
« (…) This chapter addresses the histories, politics, and developments around open scholarship in the humanities disciplines. It covers basic terminological…28.10.2022
How Open Is the U15? A Preliminary Analysis of Open Access Publishing in Canadian Academic Libraries
« This study offers insight into open access (OA) culture at Canadian university libraries by detailing the degree to which librarians…20.10.2022
EPRIST – Libre accès aux publications scientifiques (mise à jour) (.pdf)
« Dans le contexte des politiques nationale et européenne en faveur de la science ouverte, les agences de financements et établissements…19.10.2022
The APC-Effect: Stratification in Open Access Publishing
« Current implementations of Open Access (OA) publishing frequently involve Article Publishing Charges (APCs). Increasing evidence emerges that APCs impede researchers…14.10.2022
EPFL : monOApoly: a new board game about Open Access
« As a researcher, do you know how not to get lost in the quest to publish an Open Access article?…13.10.2022
B!SON : le recommandeur futé de revues en libre accès
« Sorti au printemps dernier, l’outil B!SON (Bibliometric and Semantic Open Access Recommender Network) pourrait aider bon nombre…13.10.2022
The Helmholtz Open Science Office has signed the “Action Plan for Diamond Open Access” to strengthen publication infrastructures under academic ownership
« The term “Diamond Open Access” covers financing and business models for publication infrastructures in which institutions, professional societies, and funding…23.09.2022
Journals preserved or how to turn Diamond into JASPER
« The increase in the number of digital journals has redefined the respective roles of libraries and publishers in the selection,…22.09.2022
NHMRC’s revised Open Access Policy released
« (…) Under NHMRC’s revised Open Access Policy, all peer-reviewed publications arising from NHMRC-funded research must be made available immediately upon…21.09.2022
Ninety percent of NWO and ZonMw’s research publications are open access
« At least 9 out of 10 publications in 2021 resulting from research funded by NWO and ZonMw are available as…20.09.2022
B!SON: A Tool for Open Access Journal Recommendation
« Finding a suitable open access journal to publish scientific work is a complex task: Researchers have to navigate a constantly…20.09.2022
DIAMAS Receives Grant to Develop Diamond Open Access Publishing in Europe
« Aix-Marseille Université, cOAlition S, and Science Europe are pleased to announce that they are participating in a Horizon Europe project…16.09.2022
Removing author fees can help open access journals make research available to everyone
« Open access (OA) journals are academic, peer-reviewed journals that are free and available for anyone to read without paying subscription…15.09.2022
Open Access and the enduring myths of the long 1990s
« From the dawn of the popular internet in the 1990s to the present day, Open Access (OA) to scholarly research…13.09.2022
Les licences Creative Commons ; une nouvelle liberté pour l’information scientifique et professionnelle
« L’intransigeance des éditeurs a conduit la communauté scientifique à chercher des solutions alternatives pour faire circuler l’information plus librement. (…)…13.09.2022
The Oligopoly’s Shift to Open Access. How For-Profit Publishers Benefit from Article Processing Charges
« This study aims to estimate the total amount of article processing charges (APCs) paid to publish open access (OA) in…05.09.2022
10 years of the IFLA open access statement: a call to action
« Full and immediate free access to research outputs and publications ensures that everyone – including researchers, policy makers, citizens, scientists,…30.08.2022
Charting Variety, Scope, and Impact of Open Access Diamond Journals in Various Disciplines and Regions: A Survey-Based Observational Study
« The variety, scope, and impact of open access (OA) diamond journals across disciplines and regions from July 22 to September…29.08.2022
Les États-Unis imposent de nouvelles directives en faveur de l’open access
« Le Bureau de la politique scientifique et technologique (OSTP) de la Maison Blanche a annoncé de nouvelles directives en faveur…18.08.2022
TIB endorses Action Plan for Diamond Open Access
« TIB endorses the Action Plan for Diamond Open Access initiated by several European organizations. In doing so,…17.08.2022
Transformative agreements are not the key to open access
« This editorial was originally published on the Times Higher Education website on August 9, 2022 The…16.08.2022
cOAlition S: Monkeypox and open access: time to change the narrative
For the fourth time in less than seven years, the community of science and technology leaders have issued a statement…10.08.2022
National differences in dissemination and use of open access literature
« Open Access (OA) dissemination has been gaining a lot of momentum over the last decade, thanks to the implementation of…09.08.2022
Open access research repositories provide diversity and innovation publishers can’t match – they have a critical role in archiving, preserving and sharing the diverse content produced by universities
« (…) Repositories have a critical role in archiving, preserving and sharing the diverse content produced by universities so it can…09.08.2022
Arcadia supports Redalyc and AmeliCA in its endeavor to advance diamond Open Access
« (…) The Autonomous University of the State of Mexico (UAEM) awarded $3.6 Million grant from Arcadia – a charitable of…02.08.2022
Developing a monitoring and evaluation framework for the UKRI Open Access policy
We are pleased to announce a new study commissioned by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) to develop…02.08.2022
Study on EU copyright and related rights and access to and reuse of scientific publications, including open access
« This study analyses the role that EU copyright rules play in enabling or hindering access to and re-use of…29.07.2022
UKRI: Open access policy update: July 2022
« UKRI has published updated information to support funded research organisations and researchers to meet its new open access policy. Peer-reviewed…28.07.2022
À propos du libre accès à l’information scientifique
« L’information scientifique constitue un apport essentiel des chercheurs et la principale ressource pour l’innovation technologique. L’UNESCO soutient et encourage le…21.07.2022
The Cost to Publish TOME Monographs: A Preliminary Report
« A study of the costs incurred by university presses in publishing scholarly monographs through the TOME (Toward an Open Monograph…01.07.2022
Faure, Alice. « Les plateformes de dépôt et d’archivage des travaux étudiants » [Mémoire d’étude DCB]
« Le développement des archives ouvertes, qu’elles soient institutionnelles ou à vocation nationale comme HAL, a conduit à une évolution en…09.06.2022
Glossa: how a journal took matters into their own hands to make research available
« Johan Rooryck, Editor-in-Chief of the academic journal Glossa and director of cOAlition S joined the seconded…01.06.2022
Responding to Open Access Needs: The OBC Position
« We created the Open Book Collective (OBC) (described in more detailed here) as part of the…31.05.2022
Should open access lead to closed research? The trends towards paying to perform research
« Open Access (OA) emerged as an important transition in scholarly publishing worldwide during the past two decades. So far, this…18.05.2022
The Guild: Diversity, sustainability and quality must be the hallmarks of academic publishing in Europe
« Ahead of the June Competitiveness Council, where the ministers will be invited to adopt conclusions on research assessment and implementation…17.05.2022
From library budget to information budget: fostering transparency in the transformation towards open access
« The discussion on the transformation of scholarly journals to open access (OA) increasingly concerns financial aspects. Considering the variety of…17.05.2022
Handbook of Research on the Global View of Open Access and Scholarly Communications
« In an information and knowledge society, access to information and knowledge is a basic human right, making equitable and fair…05.05.2022
Political Commitment toward Open Science: Open4DE Spotlight on the Open Access Landscape in France
« (…) The open access movement in France plays a vital role since the beginning in the European region. Already around…28.04.2022
What are the benefits of open access? TIB study confirms advantages and dispels reservations
« Open access – free access to scholarly publications – offers many advantages. As surveys show, however, some researchers still have…27.04.2022
Extending the open monitoring of open science: A new framework for the French Open Science Monitor (BSO)
« We present a new Open Science Monitor framework at the country level for the case of France. We propose a…22.04.2022
Parlons science ouverte : Publier en Open Access Diamant sur Episciences [vidéo]
« Le 5 avril dernier, le CCSD a proposé le webinaire “Publier en Open Access Diamant sur Episciences : un modèle…11.04.2022
Overlay journals: a study of the current landscape
« Overlay journals are characterised by their articles being archived on public open access repositories, often already starting in their initial…08.04.2022
LIBER : Four Urgent Recommendations for Open Access Negotiations with Publishers
« A lot has happened in the scholarly publishing landscape since LIBER published its Five Principles for Open…05.04.2022
cOAlition S and ALPSP publish toolkit to foster Open Access agreements
« Smaller independent publishers, libraries, and consortia can now more easily enter into Open Access agreements thanks to a set of…05.04.2022
ADBS : Les Jeudis de l’Open Access : Troisième webinaire – Jeudi 14 avril 2022
« Le secteur Recherche de l’ADBS (Association des professionnels de l’information et de la documentation), vous propose un cycle de conférences…04.04.2022
The effect of data sources on the measurement of open access: A comparison of Dimensions and the Web of Science
« With the growing number of open access (OA) mandates, the accurate measurement of OA publishing is an important policy issue.01.04.2022
EUA: A closer look at research data practices in European universities
« This report presents the detailed results from the EUA 2020-2021 Open Science Survey with a focus on research data practices…30.03.2022