Mot-clé :
YERUN Event contributed to raising awareness on Diamond Open Access
« On 20 June, YERUN held an online event on “Diamond Open Access: How can we make it shine?” The…15.06.2022
YERUN | Diamond Open Access: How can we make it shine? – 20 June 2022
« In March 2022, the Action Plan for Diamond Open Access was launched, upon initiative of Science Europe, cOAlition…02.06.2022
Diamond Open Access Journals Germany (DOAG)
« Diamond Open Access Journals, Germany’ (DOAG) is a quality controlled list that contains information about diamond open access (OA) journals…30.05.2022
Diamond open access fund for University of Groningen and University Medical Center Groningen authors
« The University of Groningen is launching a stimulus fund to support diamond open access initiatives by UG/UMCG researchers. The fund…30.03.2022
Diamond Open Access: the Action Plan and the overlay journal platform EPISCIENCES | 29 March, 2022 [OpenAIRE webinar]
« This OpenAIRE public webinar aimed to present the Episciences platform and associated services as well the use case of JTCAM…28.03.2022
DFG Supports “Action Plan for Diamond Open Access”
« On 17 March 2022 the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) signed an action plan to promote science-driven open access…22.03.2022
Diamond Open Access in Norway 2017–2020
« We see from information published elsewhere that Gold OA is on the increase globally. The OA Diamond study indicates that…18.03.2022
EUA signs Action Plan for Diamond Open Access
« EUA has signed up to the “Action Plan for Diamond Open Access” which aims to promote a…15.03.2022
Diamond Open Access: the Action Plan and the overlay journal platform EPISCIENCES | 29 March, 2022 [OpenAIRE webinar]
« This OpenAIRE public webinar aims to present the Episciences platform and associated services as well the…09.03.2022
[#osc2022] Open Science Conference 2022 | 8-10 March 2022 « Scholarly Communication in the Open Science framework: The Diamond Open Access model »
« The talk presents the Action Plan for Diamond Open Access, developed by Science Europe, cOAlition S, OPERAS,…02.03.2022
Action Plan for Diamond Open Access
« Science Europe, cOAlition S, OPERAS, and the French National Research Agency (ANR) present an Action Plan for Diamond Open Access…28.02.2022
A new approach to supporting scholarly communications: announcing the open access community framework (OACF)
« Supporting the transition to open access (OA) requires a multi-pronged approach. A key consideration for Jisc and UK…16.02.2022
The Lens: Release 8.3
« Non-APC Journals ‘Diamond OA’ filter With this release we have added a filter for Non-APC Journals, which are open…08.02.2022
Funder groups announce push to strengthen ‘diamond’ open access
« Two associations of major, mainly European research funders have announced an initiative to provide worldwide support for the ‘diamond’ open-access…03.11.2021
Open Access for the non-English-speaking World
Open access is not only about barrier-free access to research by readers, it’s also about barrier-free access by researchers to…27.08.2021
Publications du centre Mersenne
« Le Centre Mersenne offre aux lecteurs et lectrices accès à 21 journaux dont 14 en mathématiques, que vous pouvez lire…21.04.2021
The Diamond OA Journals Study. Q&A webinar
« On 9 April 2021, SPARC Europe hosted a Q&A webinar with authors of the recently published Diamond OA Journals Study…31.03.2021
Reflections on the OA Diamond Journals Study
« Earlier this month, cOAlition S and Science Europe published an in-depth study of diamond open access journals,…11.03.2021
Digital Commons (Elsevier) Diamond Open Access Journals Conference, 13-15 April 2021
« (…) In recent years, the Diamond OA model has opened space for emerging research, innovative formats, and diverse voices. Spurred…09.03.2021
Diamond unearthed: shining light on community-driven Open Access publishing – cOAlition S and Science Europe
« cOAlition S and Science Europe are pleased to announce the publication of an in-depth report and…14.01.2021
UCT Libraries’ new platform supports publishing of African-centric research
« The University of Cape Town (UCT) Libraries has developed a new continental platform for open access publishing…22.07.2020