Mot-clé : stm
WDS Joint Statement on Research Data Endorsement Announcement
« World Data System (WDS) is pleased to announce the signing of the Joint Statement on Research Data (joint statement) from…01.03.2024
L’ouverture des données de la recherche en sciences, techniques et médecine
« Présentation de deux heures à destination des doctorants en STM (…) »29.11.2023
STM, DataCite, and Crossref | Joint Statement on Research Data
« In 2012, DataCite and STM drafted an initial joint statement on the linkability and citability of research…07.12.2021
STM Working Group on Image Alteration and Duplication Detection: Recommendations for handling image integrity issues (.pdf)
« These best-practice recommendations outline a structured approach to support editors and others applying image integrity screening as part of pre-publication…19.10.2021
2021 STM Report highlights rapid transformation to Open Access (.pdf)
« STM (the Association of Scientific, Technical and Medical Publishers) has today published the latest edition of ‘The STM Report’, the…11.03.2021
Digital Commons (Elsevier) Diamond Open Access Journals Conference, 13-15 April 2021
« (…) In recent years, the Diamond OA model has opened space for emerging research, innovative formats, and diverse voices. Spurred…05.02.2021
Signatories publish statement on Rights Retention Strategy
« (…) As of January 2021, a group of private funding agencies and European governmental funding agencies called “cOAlition S” has…16.07.2020
STM and RDA sign up formally to deeper collaboration
« As part of STM’s continued commitment to boost the effective sharing of research data, it was announced today that it…26.05.2020
Books for the 2020s: The Role of Book Content in the STM Researcher Ecosystem
« Today’s post is by Simon Holt. Simon is Publisher, Micro/Nanotechnologies and Reference Content Volume Strategy at Elsevier. (…) »11.05.2020
Chinese Publishers React to New Policies on Research Evaluation
« In February, the Chinese government released two documents that set forth important changes in policies governing…20.01.2020
Share – Link – Cite: Introducing the STM 2020 Research Data Year (.pdf)
« To accelerate the implementation of research data solutions, The International Association of Scientific, Technical and Medical Publishers (STM) has launched…13.01.2020
Les données scientifiques face aux enjeux de la recherche en Sciences, Technologie et Médecine : enquête exploratoire à l’Université de Strasbourg
« Nous étudions la place des données scientifiques dans les pratiques de recherche à travers l’analyse de six projets du domaine…hal-cnam.archives-ouvertes.fr, Violaine Rebouillat, novembre 2019, hal-02321077, version 1
Elsevier to acquire Parity Computing Inc., a company applying artificial intelligence to some of the most difficult disambiguation challenges in science, technology and medicine
« Elsevier, a global information analytics business specializing in science and health, today announced it has signed…11.02.2019
International Association of Scientific, Technical and Medical Publishers (STM) comments on Plan S implementation guidance (.pdf)
« The International Association of Scientific, Technical and Medical Publishers (STM) welcomes the opportunity to comment on the recently published guidance…08.11.2018
Resource Access for the 21st Century (RA21) Corporate Pilot Report Published
« The International Association of Scientific, Technical, and Medical Publishers (STM) and the National Information…26.10.2018
Towards a Plan(HS)S: DARIAH’s position on PlanS
« On 4 September 2018, national science funders from 11 EU countries announced the launch of cOAlition S…09.10.2018
The STM Report An overview of scientific and scholarly publishing – 50th anniversary edition (.pdf) [revised]
« The International Association for Scientific, Technical and Medical Publishers (STM) has launched the 50th anniversary edition of ‘T…stm-assoc.org, Rob Johnson, Anthony Watkinson and Michael Mabe, 9 octobre 2018
Knowledge Unlatched, failed transparency, and the commercialisation of open access book publishing
« Over recent years, Knowledge Unlatched has harnessed the effectiveness of its consortial funding model to become the largest gatekeeper to…17.09.2018
Knowledge Unlatched and IntechOpen collaborate to support Open Access books in engineering
« Knowledge Unlatched (KU), the Open Access Marketplace, and IntechOpen, one of the leading providers of Open Access academic books, form…13.09.2018
STM statement on European Parliament Vote: Digital Single Market (DSM) – Text and Data Mining – Platform Liability – Upcoming Trialogue (.pdf)
« STM Statement on DSM Vote in European Parliament STM has issued a…05.09.2018
STM statement on Plan S (.pdf)
« On 4th September 2018 ‘Plan S: Accelerating the transition to full and immediate Open Access to scientific publications ‘ was…13.08.2018
STM statement on the increase of unethical and deceptive journal practices [.pdf]
« The last decade has seen a worrying increase in the number of unethical research publications, as well as an exponential…23.04.2018
STM urges funders to retain hybrid open access as an option in the future (.pdf)
« Hybrid open access options were introduced almost from the very start of the open access movement and play an important…15.03.2018
5 Tips for Understanding STM Open Access in China
« Open Access (OA) is gaining momentum in China, an STM powerhouse with scholarly research output which now rivals that of…06.12.2017
STM Association recommendations on the next EU Framework programme (FP9) on Open Access and Open Science (.pdf)
« (…) Given publishers special position at the interface between researchers, their research and the global public, we are well placed…27.09.2017
Robin des bois ou rogue open access ? Les réseaux sociaux académiques en 2017
« L’offensive des éditeurs contre les réseaux sociaux académiques est lancée ! Elle aura mis du temps, mais la voilà. Alors…19.09.2017
Elsevier supports STM’s constructive solution offered to ResearchGate on hosting research articles
« Proposal would enable this scholarly collaboration network to operate its service consistent with the access and usage rights agreed upon…06.12.2016
Copyright Clearance Center Announces Enhancements to RightFind® XML for Mining
« Copyright Clearance Center, Inc. (CCC), creating global licensing and content solutions that make copyright work, announces…20.09.2016
What kind of world is STM living in?
« (…) 14 September saw the International Association of STM publishers (STM) issue a response…25.08.2016
Atmire acquires Open Repository
« Atmire NV has entered into an agreement to acquire Open Repository, BioMed Central’s repository service for academic institutions,…22.07.2016
Une archive des bases bibliographiques Pascal et Francis en accès libre sur le web !
» Une première version met en ligne plus de 14 millions de notices bibliographiques Dans…10.06.2016
Be Open to Open Science: Stakeholders Should Prepare for the Future, not Cling to the Past
« On May 27 2016, EU Member States affirmed their commitment to accelerating the advancement of knowledge and boosting innovation and competitiveness in…03.06.2016
“2,5 pages of nonsense” – The STM statement on the Open Science Council conclusions
« On 28 May 2016, the International Association for Scientific, Technical and Medical Publishers (STM) issued a response…08.03.2016
Mutations dans la sous-filière de la revue scientifique dans les domaines STM : une analyse par les industries culturelles
» La revue scientifique, sous-filière du livre, a connu ces vingt dernières années des évolutions à la fois…11.06.2015
OCLC signs agreements with leading publishers worldwide
» OCLC partners with global STM and Open Access publishers to make content discoverable through WorldCat Discovery Services (…)…04.05.2015
The STM Report An overview of scientific and scholarly journal publishing. Mark Ware, Michael Mabe (.pdf)
« Contents (…) Scholarly communication (…) The journal (…) Open access (…)…29.01.2015
Recommandations en matière de publication scientifique. Manuel Durand-Barthez – URFIST de Paris, 2015
« Condensé et adaptation de principes applicables à tout domaine relevant du secteur STM (Sciences, Technologie, Médecine) : Auteurs,…26.08.2014
STM response to ‘Global Coalition of Access to Research, Science and Education Organisations calls on STM to Withdraw New Model Licenses’ (.pdf)
« … STM acknowledges that some organisations feel that the benefits of one single “standardised” license outweigh any concerns that some…26.08.2014