Mot-clé : openminted
OpenMinTeD: A Platform Facilitating Text Mining of Scholarly Content [.pdf]
« The OpenMinTeD platform aims to bring full text Open Access scholarly content from a wide range of providers together with…31.07.2018
Projet VisaTM : l’interconnexion OpenMinTeD – AgroPortal – ISTEX, un exemple de service de Text et Data Mining pour les scientifiques français
« Présentation du projet VisaTM La création d’une offre de service en fouille de texte et de données – TDM…12.07.2018
OpenMinTed Paving the Way for Text and Data Mining in Science
« (…) What OpenMinTeD is about: Researchers, Open Access publishers, librarians, repository managers and SMEs can now easily harness the power…29.06.2018
New Online Course: Introduction to Text and Data Mining
« Does your work involve supporting researchers who are interested in Text and Data Mining (TDM)? Do you have an interest…27.06.2018
OpenMinTed Use Case – Tutorial: DataCite Linking
« This tutorial will walk you through the simple process of creating a workflow in the OpenMinTeD platform that will allow…27.06.2018
OpenMinTeD Use Case – Tutorial: Funding Mining Extractor
« This tutorial will walk you through the simple process of creating a workflow in the OpenMinTeD platform that will allow…09.04.2018
OpenMinTeD invites you to an all around TDM experience
« This event marks the official launch of the OpenMinTeD platform (www.openminted.eu, services.openminted.eu) and we would like to invite you to join…12.03.2018
The articles of SciELO journals on the European Commission Open Science platforms
« From March 2018 the articles published by SciELO journals will integrate and enjoy the features offered by two important development…blog.scielo.org, Abel L. Packer, Gustavo Fonseca, 9 mars 2018
OpenMinTed : une plateforme d’outils informatiques pour extraire et exploiter les informations de la littérature scientifique
« L’équipe Bibliome-MaIAGE et la Délégation Information Scientifique et Technique (DIST) de l’Inra contribuent au projet européen d’infrastructure OpenMinTeD dont l’objectif…19.12.2017
OpenMinTeD at DI4R
« Early December 2017 (1st December), OpenMinTeD organized a session on “Text and Data Mining in Open Science“ at the DI4R…13.12.2017
Key concepts and areas in TDM explained – Part 4: Semantic Search
« In the old days, if you would do a search in a search engine, you would get a lot of…06.12.2017
Join the call for TDM software and Knowledge Resources
« Are you ready to develop and share an application or software component for text and data mining (TDM)? Or do…24.11.2017
Key concepts and areas in TDM explained – Part 3: Recommenders and filtering
« One of the things you can do with textmining, is discovering conceptually related items within a collection of text and…02.11.2017
Key concepts and areas in TDM explained – part 2: Knowledge Representation
« It’s time for the second part of ‘Key concepts and areas in TDM explained’. This time, Jevin West tells us…11.10.2017
Text and data mining – Join the OpenMinTeD call for content
« We are happy to announce that the OpenMinTeD platform for text and data mining is now ready to accept content.21.07.2017