Mot-clé : openaire
Canada – L’ABRC annonce sa collaboration avec une importante initiative européenne de science ouverte : OpenAIRE
« L’Association des bibliothèques de recherche du Canada (ABRC) est heureuse d’annoncer l’amorce d’une importante collaboration avec OpenAIRE,…12.12.2017
Repositories of the future: OpenAIRE blog
« Repositories forming a distributed global knowledge network have the potential to promote the transformation of the scholarly communication ecosystem and…23.10.2017
Apply now! Second call for proposals for alternative funding mechanism for non-author fee based open access publishing
« The OpenAIRE EC FP7 Post-Grant Open Access Pilot is pleased to announce a new call for bids, this time to…17.10.2017
OpenAIRE webinars during OA Week 2017 in collaboration with FOSTER
« REGISTRATION NOW OPEN FOR THE OPENAIRE OPEN ACCESS WEEK 2017 WEBINARS To celebrate Open Access Week (23-27th October 2017), OpenAIRE…19.09.2017
OpenAIRE Position Paper on Open Research Europe
« The European Commission recently announced plans to create “Open Research Europe” (ORE), an online platform allowing rapid,…06.07.2017
EOSCpilot/OpenAIRE-DE joint workshop « Future Open Science services for scientific communities »
« The EOSCpilot project (http://eoscpilot.eu/) and OpenAIRE Germany (https://www.openaire.eu) are proud to announce their joint…31.05.2017
Zenodo now supports DOI versioning!
« We are pleased to announce the launch of DOI versioning support in Zenodo – the open research repository from OpenAIRE…05.05.2017
OpenAIRE as the basis for a European Open Access Platform
« An exciting recent article on the LSE Impact Blog proposes a European Open Access Platform for…03.05.2017
OpenAIRE survey: open peer review is moving mainstream
« OpenAIRE today releases the results of its survey conducted in Autumn 2016, which gauged the views towards open peer review…23.03.2017
Towards a competitive and sustainable OA market in Europe – A study of the Open Access market and policy environment
« In October 2016, Research Consulting, within the scope of the OpenAIRE Work Package dealing with the FP7…16.03.2017
OpenAIRE: Impact and Measurement of Open Access
« On the 14th of February, OpenAIRE held a workshop in Oslo, Norway entitled “Impact and Measurement of Open Access” at…scholarlycommunications.jiscinvolve.org, Frank Manista, 14 mars 2017
Croatian national repository system DABAR & OpenAIRE
« For a small academic and research community like Croatia it is important to build national collaborative infrastructure at different levels…07.12.2016
OpenAIRE affiche toutes vos publications déposées dans HAL
« (…) OpenAIRE agrège les données en moissonnant des réservoirs de données comme HAL : ces sources sont listées sous…28.10.2016
Open Access: It’s All About People!
« Everyone is talking about Open Access and Open Science. Scientists and organizations see it as a way to…lj.libraryjournal.com, Natalia Manola, Eloy Rodrigues, 26 octobre 2016
OpenAIRE’s Experiments in Open Peer Review / Report
« As part of its mission to further Open Science and investigate how openness and transparency can improve…13.09.2016
Zenodo – New and Improved!
« CERN and OpenAIRE are delighted to announce the launch of the new and improved Zenodo, the open…09.09.2016
OpenAIRE survey on attitudes to Open Peer Review
« OpenAIRE invites you to participate in a brief survey on attitudes to Open Peer Review: https://www.soscisurvey.de/OPR/ Your…20.07.2016
The FP7 Post-Grant Open Access Pilot one year into the initiative: 6th progress report
« The FP7 Post-Grant Open Access Pilot has recently completed its first year of operation since its launch on…23.06.2016
Joint EUDAT- OpenAIRE webinar “How to write a Data Management Plan”
When: Thursday, 7 July 2016 at 11.00 CEST Target audience: Researchers, data librarians, project coordinators and…22.06.2016
LA Referencia: Implementing the OpenAIRE guidelines in Latin America
« (…) LA Referencia, in cooperation with COAR is working with OpenAIRE to achieve this. LA Referencia is…13.05.2016
Funding Available for APC-Free Open Access Journals and Platforms (May 2016)
« OpenAIRE webinar led by Pablo de Castro, from LIBER, about FP7 post-grant Open Access publishing funds pilot with…18.01.2016
OpenEdition and OpenAIRE – experiments in open peer review
» As part of OpenAIRE2020, OpenEdition, in association with the Couperin consortium and the environmental…17.12.2015
Évaluation ouverte par les pairs : polysémie et problématiques. 2/2
« Seconde partie de l’article présentant la recherche exploratoire menée au préalable de la mise en place d’…17.12.2015
Évaluation ouverte par les pairs : polysémie et problématiques. 1/2
« Julien Bordier est docteur en sociologie. Il est chargé du projet « Évaluations et commentaires ouverts » dans le cadre…23.11.2015
OpenEdition expérimente un dispositif d’évaluation ouverte des articles
« Dans le cadre du projet européen OpenAIRE2020 (Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe toward 2020),…24.07.2015
HAL : un état des lieux des récentes évolutions
« … P comme Projets : – mise à jour du référentiel des projets ANR avec l’intégralité des projets…14.06.2013
Lancement de ZENODO
» Crée par OpenAIRE et le CERN et financé par la Commission européenne, ZENODO est un réservoir de nouvelle…08.01.2013
OpenAIRE interoperability workshop – 7 et 8 février 2013 – Minho, Portugal
« The goals of the OpenAIRE workshop are two-fold: Dissemination and awareness of OpenAIRE repository manager guidelines…donneesdelarecherche.fr, Thérèse Hameau (INIST-CNRS), 4 janvier 2013