Mot-clé : open-research
La science ouverte à l’Université de Toronto : une exploration des perspectives des chercheurs, du personnel et des bibliothécaires
« Ce projet a pour but de commencer à comprendre les pratiques de la science ouverte et les obstacles qui peuvent…29.10.2024
Interoperability, Openness, and Impact: Recommendations and Roadmap for an Irish National PID Strategy
« This report sets out recommendations and a roadmap for a national persistent identifier (PID) strategy for Ireland. This report is…10.10.2024
Barcelona Declaration on Open Research Information | Paris Conference on Open Research Information
« (…) Over two days in Paris and with a highly engaged group of online participants from a range of geographies…19.08.2024
Draft model legislation for Secondary rights, Copyright, Open access, Institutional policies, and Rights retention (SCOIR)
« We are delighted that the NORF-funded SCOIR project has a Draft model legislation to…05.06.2024
Barcelona Declaration | Paris Conference on Open Research Information, September 23-24, 2024, Sorbonne University – Paris
« A large number of organizations that carry out, fund, and evaluate research have signed the Barcelona Declaration. These organizations have…21.05.2024
Wikimedia and open research: a primer from UKRN
« The Wikimedia projects, like Wikipedia and Wikidata, are some of the most visited informational websites on the internet, with around…16.04.2024
Déclaration de Barcelone sur l’Information de Recherche Ouverte
« D’énormes quantités d’informations sont utilisées pour gérer la recherche, qu’il s’agisse d’informations sur les acteurs de la recherche et leurs…09.04.2024
Barcelona Declaration on Open Research Information: Webinar recording now available
« The Federation of Finnish Learned Societies (TSV) organized a webinar on the Barcelona Declaration on Open Research Information and OpenAlex…05.03.2024
Science Clusters: Position statement on operational commitment to EOSC and Open Research
« After five years of collaborative efforts, including interactions with the European Commission, EOSC Association, ESFRI-EOSC task force, and e-Infrastructure Reflection…18.12.2023
Reflections on UKRN open research indicators work so far…
« UKRN, through our Open Research Programme, is enabling a set of pilot projects that will run in…26.10.2023
New report questions impact of publishing on research culture
« Open research publishing platforms could be an important mechanism for reform. New research from the University of Bristol has…20.03.2023
Indicators of Open Research: UKRN call for priorities
« Today UKRN is launching a call for members of the research community to help us prioritise which aspects of open…01.02.2023
The Future Of Open Research In India – A Publishers Perspective
« Nitasha is two-term President of Association of Publishers in India, the trade body for international publishers. A publishing professional of…22.11.2022
Ireland’s National Action Plan for Open Research: Advancing Open Science and Public Access to Research
Today (21 November 2022), Ireland’s National Action Plan for Open Research 2022-2030 was launched at…18.11.2022
Ireland’s National Open Research Forum Awards €1.16 Million to Six Collaborative Projects to Advance Open Research
Ireland’s National Open Research Forum (NORF) has awarded funding to six new collaborative projects to implement priority…20.10.2022
Deep Impact: A Study on the Impact of Data Papers and Datasets in the Humanities and Social Sciences
« The humanities and social sciences (HSS) have recently witnessed an exponential growth in data-driven research. In response, attention has been…08.06.2022
Microbiology Society launches an innovative open research platform
« The Microbiology Society is delighted to announce that our sound science journal, Access Microbiology, has been re-launched…12.10.2021
zbMATH Open: API Solutions and Research Challenges
« We present zbMATH Open, the most comprehensive collection of reviews and bibliographic metadata of scholarly literature in mathematics.Besides…31.08.2021
Open Access and the Humanities: a dialogue on future directions for Ireland, 25 August 2021 [vidéo]
« The Irish Humanities Alliance was delighted to collaborate with the National Open Research Forum on hosting this web event on…27.05.2021
Goodbye, Microsoft Academic – Hello open research infrastructure
« The announcement of the closure of Microsoft Academic later this year, may have left the research community largely unmoved, although…06.05.2021
NORF Open Research in Ireland webinar: Open Access, 4 May 2021 [slides & recordings]
« As part of a webinar series on Open Research in Ireland, the National Open Research Forum (NORF)…23.02.2021
How can we increase adoption of open research practices?
« Researchers are satisfied with their ability to share their own research data but may struggle with accessing other researchers’ data…30.04.2020
PLOS and Iowa State University Library announce APC-free Open Access publishing agreement
« Iowa State University Library and the Public Library of Science (PLOS) today announced a three-year Open Access agreement that allows…21.04.2020
Open Scholarship Initiative: OSI’s Plan A launched
« (…) Plan A recommends that the international scholarly communication community begin immediate and significant action to: DISCOVER critical missing pieces…23.08.2019
Fitting the mould – What the European Commission’s second tender for an Open Research Publishing Platform tells us about the future of scholarly communication
« The European Commission recently announced a second tender for its Open Research Publishing Platform, a venture designed to meet the…12.08.2019
What’s Next for OpenCon: Putting Equity at the Core
« Today, we’re announcing a shift in how SPARC supports OpenCon to reflect the OpenCon community’s evolution. Instead of hosting a…18.07.2019
Open Research Europe — The European Commission Open Research Publishing Platform [Call for tender]
« The present call for tender concerns the setting up of a publishing platform for scientific articles as a service for…03.06.2019
The Open Research Library: Centralisation without Openness
« Resolving the question of how to provide an infrastructure for open access books and monographs has remained a persistent problem…29.03.2018
New case study examines two leading Open Data policy drivers
« In recent years, there has been a substantial increase in the development of Open Data policies in Europe. But the…19.02.2018