Mot-clé : open-research-europe-ore
A collective commitment to strengthen Open Research Europe and amplify its impact in scholarly publishing
« In December 2024, ten prominent research funding and performing organizations in Europe signed a…22.10.2024
Open Research Europe pourrait devenir un service de publication à grande échelle, financé et géré par des financeurs et institutions de recherche
« (…) Aujourd’hui, la Commission européenne voit plus grand et propose une perspective plus ambitieuse pour l’avenir d’ORE : la plateforme…30.09.2024
Open research Europe | Towards a collective open access publishing service : scoping report
« This report puts forward a vision for Open Research Europe as a collective non-profit open access publishing service for the…22.06.2023
Propositions françaises pour Open Research Europe | French propositions for Open Research Europe
« Le Ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche a adressé une lettre à la Commission européenne…15.11.2022
Operationalising Open Research Europe as a collective publishing enterprise
« This is an independent expert study commissioned in the context of the ERA to support the future development of…20.10.2021
Open Research Europe: the framework, the goals, and the developments
« This is the recording for the « Open Research Europe: the framework, the goals, and the developments » webinar organised by LIBER…06.10.2021
Open Research Europe: the framework, the goals, and the developments
« Open Research Europe is a new publishing platform launched by the European Commission. (…) Event…20.04.2021
Guide to Open Data
« There are many misconceptions around the sharing of research data. We’ve put together a helpful guide that covers data types…24.03.2021
La Commission lance une plateforme de publication en libre accès pour les articles scientifiques
« La Commission européenne a lancé aujourd’hui Open Research Europe, une plateforme de publication des articles scientifiques qui…19.03.2021
Open Research Europe (ORE)
« Open Research Europe (ORE) est la nouvelle plateforme de la Commission Européenne pour la promotion de la…27.11.2020
Open Access Publishing Platform to Be Launched by the EC
« In early 2021 the European Commission will launch their Open Research Europe platform: An Open Access…12.11.2020
Open Research Europe Article Guidelines
« Open Research Europe is an open access publishing platform for the publication of research stemming from Horizon 2020 funding across…24.07.2020
Open Research Europe: New Publishing Platform for H2020 Research
« Introducing Open Research Europe: A new publishing platform launched by the European Commission. The platform will…29.05.2020
Eurodoc Survey on Publishing in Open Science for Early Career Researchers
« Later this year, the European Commission will launch ‘Open Research Europe’ (ORE), an Open Access Publishing…19.09.2017