Mot-clé : modele-economique
Analyse comparative de huit plateformes étrangères de diffusion de revues scientifiques
« Effectuée pour le compte du Comité de suivi de l’édition scientifique (CSES), cette étude présente une analyse comparative de huit…14.11.2019
2019 Open Access Days: Business models and their financial impacts for open access transformation
« At the 2019 Open Access Days, business models for open access transformation were one area of focus. Connected with this…zbw-mediatalk.eu, Laura Bickel, Nicole Clasen, Ralf Flohr, 13 novembre 2019
OPEN SCIENCE : 3 questions à Sylvain Massip PDG et fondateur d’Opscidia
« (…) « Opscidia est une toute jeune société qui promeut l’open access pour les publications scientifiques.06.11.2019
Göttingen State, University Library and De Gruyter Launch an Open Access Book Transformation Project for the Humanities
« De Gruyter and a consortium led by the Göttingen State and University…25.10.2019
The publishing costs at EMBO
« EMBO and EMBO Press are making their journals’ finances public to provide transparency and clarity about what it costs to…22.10.2019
Open Access Books: The First 100 Books from Johns Hopkins University Project
« This is Open Access Week, an opportunity for concentrated information sharing and reflecting on issues and…11.10.2019
La Lettre de CoopIST, octobre 2019
« Au sommaire de ce numéro : le site CoopIST évolue pour prendre en compte de nouveaux thèmes et de nouveaux…19.09.2019
Society Publishers Accelerating Open Access and Plan S (SPA OPS): final project report
« Wellcome, UKRI, and the Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers (ALPSP) commissioned Information Power Ltd to undertake a project…apo.org.au, Alicia Wise, Lorraine Estelle, 12 septembre 2019
Cost per Use Overvalues Journal Subscriptions
« (…) The subscription monopoly has been broken. Content is a commodity; it is ubiquitous. What we are paying for by…20.08.2019
Are APCs the dominant business model for open-access journals?
« …Or is it just one important among many others? That is an open question. To approach it, we looked into…09.08.2019
AmeliCA before Plan S – The Latin American Initiative to develop a cooperative, non-commercial, academic led, system of scholarly communication
« Open access is often discussed as a process of flipping the existing closed subscription based model of scholarly communication to…blogs.lse.ac.uk, Eduardo Aguado-López, Arianna Becerril-Garcia, 8 aout 2019
Bibliodiversity in Practice: Developing Community-Owned, Open Infrastructures to Unleash Open Access Publishing
« (…) In this article we look at the main features of the existing monograph publication and distribution ecosystem, and question…17.07.2019
Education publisher Pearson to phase out print textbooks
« All of Pearson‘s 1,500 higher education textbooks in the U.S. will now be « digital first. » The…07.05.2019
Fiche CoopIST – Comprendre les modèles économiques des revues scientifiques
« Les modèles économiques des revues scientifiques évoluent de l’abonnement à une revue vers l’abonnement groupé à plusieurs revues, qui peut…27.03.2019
Japan Alliance of University Library Consortia for E-Resources (JUSTICE): Transformation from subscription model toward OA publishing model (.pdf)
~JUSTICE OA2020 Roadmap~ « Japan Alliance of University Library Consortia for E-Resources JUSTICE)is a consortium created to promote many activities…19.03.2019
Knowledge Exchange ‘Insights into the Economy of Open Scholarship’: A collection of Interviews
« A look into the Open Library of Humanities with Martin Paul Eve, Co-founder (…) A look into ASAPbio with Jessica…12.03.2019
La valorisation des données de l’IGN, de Météo-France et du Cerema [Cour des comptes]
« La Cour a examiné l’enjeu de l’ouverture des données publiques de trois opérateurs du ministère de la transition écologique et…07.03.2019
Spanish consortium launches groundbreaking Read & Publish agreement
« The Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) Library Network has signed an innovative Read & Publish licensing agreement with the Royal…04.03.2019
What is Content Syndication?
« Over the past year, there have been some important developments among the major publishers as they move towards a new…18.02.2019
Open and honest: The future of research publishing has landed
« Emerald Publishing is the first publisher to adopt F1000’s Open Research Publishing model. With the launch of the new platform,…18.02.2019
Report: What will the world of research look like 10 years from now?
« 3 plausible scenarios are envisioned by the latest Elsevier/Ipsos MORI study, which draws on published literature and the views of…elsevier.com, Adrian Mulligan, Rachel Herbert, 14 février 2019
EU publications – Cost-benefit analysis for FAIR research data Policy recommendations – Study
« FAIR research data encompasses the way to create, store and publish research data in a way that they are…publications.europa.eu, Direction générale de la recherche et de l'innovation, 16 janvier 2019
Is open access affordable? Why current models do not work and why we need internet‐era transformation of scholarly communications
« Progress to open access (OA) has stalled, with perhaps 20% of new papers ‘born‐free’, and half of all versions of…04.02.2019
Helping learned societies transition to Open Access and explore Plan S-compliant business models
« Wellcome, in partnership with UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) and the Association of Learned & Professional Society Publishers (ALPSP), have…05.11.2018
Wellcome Trust is updating its open access policy
« Following a six-month review, we’re updating our open access (OA) policy. The changes will apply from 1 January 2020. Robert…31.10.2018
DMPonline new directions [diaporama]
« Presentation about new features in DMPonline and the subscription model »26.10.2018
Quel avenir pour l’édition scientifique ? [video]
« L’arrivée du numérique a bouleversé la manière dont les chercheurs communiquent et mènent leurs activités de recherche. Pour les différents…25.10.2018
Do authors comply when funders enforce open access to research?
« Last month, European research funders collectively called for research publications to be made free, fully and immediately; so far, 14…05.10.2018
Knowledge Unlatched, failed transparency, and the commercialisation of open access book publishing
« Over recent years, Knowledge Unlatched has harnessed the effectiveness of its consortial funding model to become the largest gatekeeper to…26.09.2018
Finnish University rectors demand scholarly publishers to transition to open access
« The license negotiations with scholarly publishers must advance the transition to open access publishing, the Finnish university rectors demand in…25.09.2018
APCs – Mirroring the impact factor or legacy of the subscription-based model? (.pdf)
« With the ongoing open-access transformation, article processing charges (APCs) are gaining importance as the dominant business model for scientific open-access…pub.uni-bielefeld.de, Dr. Nina Schonfelder, 18 septembre 2018
Plan T: Scrap APCs and Fund Open Access with Submission Fees
« The announcement of Plan S by 11 European funding agencies has rocked the scholarly publishing community.04.09.2018
SciELO, Open Infrastructure and Independence
« The Open Access movement was founded on the aspiration that the decentralized and open nature of the Internet architecture, coupled…10.08.2018
BioOne announces nonprofit platform partnership with SPIE
« BioOne (about.BioOne.org), the nonprofit publisher of more than 200 journals from 150 scientific societies and independent presses, today…09.08.2018
Les Sciences Humaines et Sociales, moteurs de l’accès ouvert : la preuve par Cybergeo
« En mai 2016 Cybergeo : Revue européenne de géographie fêtait à l’Auditorium Marie Curie (CNRS, Paris) ses 20 années…02.08.2018
« On the Effectiveness of APCs » 3rd ESAC Workshop in Munich | 28-29 June 2018
« (…) Institutions and consortia who manage publication charges on behalf of their authors need to gain a clearer understanding of…31.07.2018
How the Science Cloud could pay its way
« New paper explores potential business models for the European Open Science Cloud (…) »23.07.2018
Le Réseau canadien de documentation pour la recherche (RCDR) s’oppose à une tarification basée sur la langue lors de récentes négociations
« Le conseil d’administration du RCDR rejette la proposition de facturer aux établissements francophones et bilingues membres du RCDR un montant…05.07.2018
Funder open access platforms – a welcome innovation?
« Funding organisations commissioning their own open access publishing platforms is a relatively recent development in the OA environment, with the…blogs.lse.ac.uk, Tony Ross-Hellauer, Birgit Schmidt, Bianca Kramer, 4 juillet 2018
Challenging the Current Business Models in Academic Publishing: Accelerators and Obstacles to the Open Access Transition (June 2018) [.pdf]
« (…) The topic of ‘Big Deals’ was discussed at the workshop ‘Challenging the current business models in academic publishing –…13.06.2018
OpenEdition et Knowledge Unlatched signent un partenariat pour développer l’accès ouvert dans l’édition scientifique en langue française
« Dans le cadre de sa politique de développement de la science ouverte, OpenEdition annonce la signature d’un…15.05.2018
Partnership for Open Access – A presentation to JISC’s Members – Érudit webinar
« The Partnership for Open Access establishes an innovative model for collaboration between university libraries and scholarly journals, and helps provide continuous…03.05.2018
Free Journal Network
« What is the Free Journal Network? The purpose of this site is to promote scholarly journals run according to the…27.04.2018
Journée X-Orsay d’information/débat « La publication scientifique demain : comment et à quels prix ? », 14 mars 2018 [diaporamas]
« Open access gold, green, diamond, revues hybrides, modèle auteur-payeur et Author processing charges (APC), négociations avec les éditeurs… tout cela…23.04.2018
STM urges funders to retain hybrid open access as an option in the future (.pdf)
« Hybrid open access options were introduced almost from the very start of the open access movement and play an important…29.03.2018
Open access in Switzerland – A current overview
« Developments in early 2018: Negotiations on the « read and publish » model to take place with academic publishers. Action plan for…23.03.2018
University of California Libraries: Scholarly Communication: Pathways to Open Access
« Scholarly communication has become expensive, restrictive, and increasingly falls short of realizing its full potential to make scholarly information broadly…libraries.universityofcalifornia.edu, Last updated: March 21, 2018
Comment financer l’Open Access ? Un exemple local
« Pour donner une suite concrète à la signature de l’appel de Jussieu, il est nécessaire que les…13.02.2018
Evolution of the scholarly mega-journal, 2006–2017
« Mega-journals are a new kind of scholarly journal made possible by electronic publishing. They are open access (OA) and funded…peerj.com, Bo-Christer Björk, 9 février 2018, https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.4357
PeerJ celebrates 5 years of publishing with an editorial reboot and full fee waivers in February
« The month of February marks five years since we published our first peer-reviewed article in PeerJ – February 12th to…23.01.2018
Adoption of open access is rising – but so too are its costs
« Options available to authors to make their work open access are on the rise. Adoption of open access itself is…blogs.lse.ac.uk, Stephen Pinfield, Rob Johnson, 22 janvier 2018
UCL launches open access megajournal to help solve the world’s biggest challenges
« UCL Press is launching a new open access megajournal that will provide academics and students with ground-breaking research free of…15.01.2018
A Matter of Trust: Cooperative Print Storage and Shared Archiving Initiatives: The 6th Kuopio Conference / 14 -16 March 2018, Basel, Switzerland
« The 6th Kuopio Conference on aspects of print storage will be held in Basel, Switzerland, from Wed, March, 14, to…12.12.2017
A Journal and Network in Transition to Open Access
« The Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research is now completing its transition to an Open Access journal published…blog.stockholmuniversitypress.se, Patrick Kermit, 7 décembre 2017
OECD Report: Business models for sustainable research data repositories
« (…) This report explores the income streams, costs, value propositions, and business models for 48 research data repositories. It includes…oecd-ilibrary.org/science-and-technology, Policy papers, No 47, décembre 2017
Stockholm University Press – one of the first Open Access University Presses in Sweden
« (…) Stockholm University Press aims to make journals and books affordable, and to enable the widest possible global dissemination so…23.11.2017
Economie de la bibliothèque
« (…) Malgré l’image poussiéreuse qu’elles renvoient parfois, le modèle économique qui sous-tend l’activité des bibliothèques bénéficie avec le développement du…10.11.2017
Usage of Knowledge Unlatched titles doubled within one quarter
« The Open Access (OA) books funded through Knowledge Unlatched (KU) have doubled their usage between the second and third quarters…10.11.2017
Cost estimates of an open access mandate for monographs in the UK’s third Research Excellence Framework
« The recent ‘Consultation on the second Research Excellence Framework’ (REF) in the UK contains an annex that signals the extension…insights.uksg.org, Eve, M.P. et al., 2017, DOI: http://doi.org/10.1629/uksg.392
Consortium Érudit : « Enjeux de la diffusion savante »
« Bienvenue dans le nº 00 de Salons! Consacré aux enjeux contemporains de la diffusion des connaissances, ce Salon restera ouvert…31.10.2017
Irlande : Access all areas: HRB introduces new approach to publishing research results
« The Health Research Board (HRB) is to launch a new publishing platform that will enable HRB–funded researchers to publish all…27.10.2017