Mot-clé : metrics
Research Information – June/July 2015
« … Long live the MOOC As digital technologies re-shape traditional teaching methods in higher education,…18.05.2015
Où en est-on des réseaux sociaux académiques ?
« Alors que l’utilisation des réseaux sociaux de chercheurs est toujours croissante, que les éditeurs s’y intéressent de plus…27.04.2015
Le manifeste de Leiden pour la mesure de la recherche
« The Leiden manifesto for research Metrics, Nature, 520, 429-431 by Diana Hicks, Paul Wouters, Ludo Waltman,…20.04.2015
CABI and PlumX Partner in Pilot Program
« Scientists at CABI will be able to gauge the impact of their agricultural and environmental research in several…05.12.2014
Scopus increases interoperability with SciVal and introduces new journal metric
« On December 4, Scopus released two important new features. The Scopus header has been redesigned to increase the…28.11.2014
Le futur des logiciels bibliographiques
« Voici la présentation faite par Frédéric Clavert, membre du Blog Zotero francophone, à la journée « Regard(s)…21.11.2014
Research Trends: Special Issue on the 10 years of Scopus
« Since its launch in the fall of 2004, Scopus has established itself as the largest abstract and citation…17.11.2014
LIBER signs the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment
« At the October Executive Board meeting in Lausanne the LIBER Executive Board agreed to sign the San…31.10.2014
From Attention to Citation: What are altmetrics and how do they work?
« Scholarly and social impacts of scientific publications could be measured by various metrics, including article usage, Mendeley readership…30.10.2014
Digital Content Next Research Reveals 80 Percent of Digital Publishers Are Interested in Using Time-Based Metrics to Price and Sell Ads
« More than half of leading publishers see attention metrics as next new standard; Publishers identify lack of standardized…28.10.2014
Scopus h-index being updated to include content from 1970 to the present
« The Scopus Cited Reference Expansion, announced in March, is well on its way. Our October 23 release saw…14.10.2014
Publier à l’ère des Big Data
« Via un anodin tweet à l’occasion de la Foire de Francfort, le cyberlibraire et fournisseur de…10.10.2014
Making Data Count: PLOS, CDL, and DataONE join forces to build incentives for data sharing
« In partnership with the University of California Curation Center at the California Digital Library,and DataONE, we…26.08.2014
Usage Metrics & the Taylor & Francis Open Access Survey
« Taylor & Francis recently published their annual Open Access Survey.26.08.2014
PlumX Adds Further Book Support with Goodreads Metrics
« Plum AnalyticsTM considers books an important research output or artifact, as demonstrated by our use of OCLC WorldCat metrics…28.07.2014
Working Paper: “Google Scholar Metrics 2014: a Low Cost Bibliometric Tool” – Alberto Martín-Martín, Juan Manuel Ayllón, Enrique Orduña-Malea, Emilio Delgado López-Cózar
« Abstract We analyse the main features of the third edition of Google Scholar Metrics (GSM), released…24.07.2014
A broader view of research impact through Altmetric – Euan Adie, Founder of Altmetric
« The rapidly evolving academic research and publishing community is seeing many digital developments, one of which is being…24.07.2014
2013 SNIP and SJR journal metrics now available in Scopus
« …via the Journal Analyzer functionality in Scopus. The Journal Analyzer allows you to select up to…11.07.2014