Mot-clé : metrics
A Data-Driven Approach to Monitor and Improve Open and FAIR Research Data in a Federated Research Ecosystem
« In this contribution we present a data-driven approach to monitoring and assessing the state of open and FAIR data in…22.07.2022
Metrics employed in the evaluation of research productivity: A systematic literature review
« The present paper makes a systematic review of 131 articles on research productivity basing upon a model developed by Denyer…22.11.2021
CHORUS Forum: Are We Ready for Data Citation Metrics? October 28, 2021 [slides & recordings]
« Scholarly data has become one of the most important components of Open Science. Governments and funders are mandating that researchers…06.07.2021
Bibliometric Reports for Institutions: Best Practices in a Responsible Metrics Scenario
« Carrying out bibliometric reports is one of the common tasks performed by librarians and practitioners within the framework of their…29.04.2021
Open access book usage data – how close is COUNTER to the other kind?
« In April 2020, the OAPEN Library moved to a new platform, based on DSpace 6. During the same period, IRUS-UK…16.04.2021
Journal metrics: what they can and can’t tell us. UKSG Breakout Session. April 2021 [vidéo]
« With the advent of responsible metrics approaches such as DORA, and their endorsement by funders such as cOAlitions S and…14.04.2021
Requiem for impact factors and high publication charges
« Journal impact factors, publication charges and assessment of quality and accuracy of scientific research are critical for researchers, managers, funders,…18.03.2021
From Conceptualization to Implementation: FAIR Assessment of Research Data Objects
« Funders and policy makers have strongly recommended the uptake of the FAIR principles in scientific data management. Several initiatives are…18.01.2021
Recommendations on FAIR metrics for EOSC
« The Recommendations on FAIR Metrics for EOSC document contains an analysis of activities relevant to the definition of FAIR Metrics…op.europa.eu, EOSC Executive BoardFAIR WG, janvier 2021, https://doi.org/10.2777/70791
A science impact framework to measure impact beyond journal metrics
« Measuring the impact of public health science or research is important especially when it comes to health outcomes. Achieving the…23.10.2020
OCLC-LIBER Open Science Discussion on Metrics and Rewards
« What is the role of metrics and rewards in an ideal open science ecosystem? What are the challenges in getting…10.07.2020
Zenodo.org: Why we are removing the Altmetric.com badges
« (…) We have recently been contacted by Altmetric.com, who has informed us that their free tier which we have been…27.05.2020
Measuring and Mapping Data Reuse: Findings From an Interactive Workshop on Data Citation and Metrics for Data Reuse
« Widely adopted standards for data citation are foundational to efforts to track and quantify data reuse. Without the means to…09.03.2020
LIBER: Metrics & Machines [Webinar Video]
« This webinar, presented on 6 March 2020, was organised by LIBER’s Innovative Metrics Group. The webinar…26.02.2020
Gaming the Metrics: Misconduct and Manipulation in Academic Research
« How the increasing reliance on metrics to evaluate scholarly publications has produced new forms of academic fraud and misconduct. (…) »mitpress.mit.edu, Edited by Mario Biagioli and Alexandra Lippman, janvier 2020, ISBN 9780262537933
Who Is Competing to Own Researcher Identity?
« The largest scholarly publishers today are driven by one major near-term strategic concern — to reduce…scholarlykitchen.sspnet.org, Roger C. Schonfeld, 6 janvier 2020
Tracking self-citations in academic publishing
« Citation metrics have value because they aim to make scientific assessment a level playing field, but urgent transparency-based adjustments are…02.10.2019
Institutional repositories and the item and research data metrics landscape
« The success of COUNTER in supporting adoption of a standard to measure e-resource usage over the past 15 years is…26.09.2019
Institutional repositories and the item and research data metrics landscape
« The success of COUNTER in supporting adoption of a standard to measure e-resource usage over the past 15 years is…13.09.2019
Webinar Video: Innovating The Ways Metrics Are Applied, Responsible Metrics & Measuring Openness
« How can we measure the state of openness of research? Why are responsible research indicators important? What role do institutional…04.09.2019
Digital Science and the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics join forces to provide ISSI members with free access to Dimensions and Altmetric data
« Digital Science, a leader in scholarly technology, is pleased to announce a collaboration with the International Society for Scientometrics and…21.08.2019
LIBER Webinar – Innovating The Ways Metrics Are Applied, Responsible Metrics & Measuring Openness – Tuesday, September 10, 2019
« How can we measure the state of openness of research? Why are responsible research indicators important? What role do institutional…22.07.2019
2019 Scholar Metrics Released
« Scholar Metrics provide an easy way for authors to quickly gauge the visibility and influence of recent articles in scholarly…19.07.2019
Next-generation journal metrics: leaving the impact factor behind
« The journal impact factor has long dominated the assessment of scholarly publishing. Based on citation indexing,…06.06.2019
How will the emerging generation of scholars transform scholarly communication?
« Presenting evidence from the Harbingers Study, a three-year longitudinal study of Early Career Researchers (ECRs), David Nicholas assesses the extent…04.06.2019
Workshop #1 – Appropriation des savoirs ouverts
« Ce workshop a rassemblé les partenaires impliqués dans le projet ASO ainsi que des spécialistes des…29.05.2019
Can Twitter, Facebook, and Other Social Media Drive Downloads, Citations?
« Even before the development of the Internet and social media tools, the association between media promotion and article performance was…24.05.2019
New SAGE Publishing report lays groundwork for improving social and behavioral science impact metrics
« Report kicks off initiative to help researchers demonstrate and achieve impact While measurement of science impact has traditionally been synonymous…18.04.2019
Challenges and Opportunities in Pre-published Research
« It can take months or even years for research to go from ideation to publication, with the vast majority of…04.04.2019
Bringing Citations and Usage Metrics Together to Make Data Count
« Over the last years, many organizations have been working on infrastructure to facilitate sharing and reuse of research data. This…25.09.2018
Predatory Publishing: « Publication Lists Are Overrated »
« Quantitative metrics are playing an increasingly important role in the assessment of academic careers. Wilhelm Krull, Secretary General of the…08.08.2018
Open science, research indicators and reproducibility
« There’s been a flurry of reports and announcements on open science over the last few weeks. (…) At July’s Coalition…06.08.2018
2018 Scholar Metrics Released
« Scholar Metrics provide an easy way for authors to quickly gauge the visibility and influence of recent articles in scholarly…17.07.2018
UK Progress towards the use of metrics responsibly – Three years on from The Metric Tide report [.pdf]
« Over the last five years the use, and abuse, of metrics in research assessment has been in sharp focus, with…04.07.2018
Social media metrics for new research evaluation
« This chapter approaches, both from a theoretical and practical perspective, the most important principles and conceptual frameworks that can be…arxiv.org, Paul Wouters, Zohreh Zahedi, Rodrigo Costas, 27 juin 2018, arXiv:1806.10541
Clarivate Analytics Releases Enhanced 2018 Journal Citation Reports Highlighting the World’s Most Influential Journals
« Clarivate Analytics, the global leader in providing trusted insights and analytics to accelerate innovation, announced the 2018…14.06.2018
Scholarly Twitter metrics
« Twitter has arguably been the most popular among the data sources that form the basis of so-called altmetrics. Tweets to…arxiv.org, Stefanie Haustein, 6 juin 2018, arXiv:1806.02201v1 [cs.SI]
Dario Rodighiero. « Mapping affinities: visualizing academic practice through collaboration » [thèse]
« Academic affinities are one of the most fundamental hidden dynamics that drive scientific development. Some affinities are actual, and consequently…09.02.2018
Research Councils UK sign up to Responsible Research Metrics Declaration
« The UK Research Councils have today (Wednesday 7th February) published a statement on the responsible use of metrics and signed…19.12.2017
A design framework and exemplar metrics for FAIRness
« FAIRness » – the degree to which a digital resource is Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable – is aspirational, yet the…07.12.2017
San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment is now five years old. Where next for DORA?
« (…) Five years ago at the American Society of Cell Biology Annual Meeting in San Francisco, leading cell biologists, editors…09.11.2017
The catalogue that made metrics, and changed science
« In 1830, Charles Babbage had an unusual idea. Exasperated by how little recognition science was getting in England, the computer…nature.com, Alex Csiszar, Nature, 551,163–165, 8 November 2017, doi:10.1038/551163a
Journée « Innométriques 2017 » – Métriques de la publication scientifique : Nouvelles pratiques, nouveaux usages
« 30 novembre 2017 – CNRS – Campus Gérard-Mégie OBJECTIFS : La Journée « Innométriques 2017 » propose de réunir la…31.08.2017
Research Impact Metrics: A Faculty Perspective
« Les bibliothèques universitaires mettent de plus en plus l’accent sur la communication savante. Ce faisant, les bibliothécaires se demandent comment…01.08.2017
Higher education & research in France, facts and figures 10th edition – June 2017
« This tenth edition is more than ever a reference tool for all those involved in higher education and research as…31.07.2017
More researchers to now benefit from Plum Analytics Metrics
« PlumX Metrics now integrated into leading Elsevier products and services Elsevier, the information analytics company specializing in…29.06.2017
The measure of metrics
« Change is constant in scholarly publishing; nowhere more than in the world of metrics. Here, four industry leaders offer Tim…07.06.2017
CiteScore™ releases 2016 annual values and updates
« Elsevier, a global information analytics company specializing in science and health, today releases…19.05.2017
Make Data Count: Building a system to support recognition of data as a first class research output
« The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation has made a 2-year, $747K award to the…19.04.2017
A systematic identification and analysis of scientists on Twitter
« Metrics derived from Twitter and other social media—often referred to as altmetrics—are increasingly used to estimate the broader social impacts…12.04.2017
Metrics for openness
« The characterization of scholarly communication is dominated by citation-based measures. In this paper we propose several metrics to describe different…22.03.2017
LIBER: The Leiden Manifesto under review: What libraries can learn from it
« This paper is a critical discussion of the Leiden Manifesto for libraries already engaged in bibliometric practices. It offers practical…14.03.2017
Publier et évaluer autrement
« Une évaluation fondée sur les principes de la science Ouvrir les données et publier autrement Comment rendre son rapport de…01.12.2016
Altmetrics: The Emerging Alternative Metrics for Web Research Analysis
« The use of web 2.0 is becoming the essential part of present day life. People are spending time…30.11.2016
Journée INNOMETRIQUES – CNRS, 17 octobre 2016 – La publication scientifique à l’heure du TDM
Rapport de synthèse et Propositions d’action pour 2017 « Le colloque Innométriques qui s’est tenu au Campus Gérard Mégie du CNRS…19.09.2016
Royaume-Uni : New Forum for Responsible Research Metrics launched
« A group of research funders, sector bodies and infrastructure experts are working in partnership to promote the responsible…09.09.2016
Mastering Open Access Metrics
« Like their subscription-based counterparts, Open Access articles’ metadata is essential to measuring its impact in the academic world.31.08.2016
« Le colloque Innométriques aura lieu le 17 octobre 2016 au CNRS, campus Gérard Mégie. Il vise à vise…31.08.2016
Anne E. Rauh: Altmetrics in the Library
« Research libraries assist scholars in demonstrating the value of their scholarly output through citation metrics and other measures.14.04.2016
A success story – Bookmetrix’s first year of empowering book authors
« Bookmetrix, a new platform launched at last year’s London Book Fair, celebrates its first year of operation. Bookmetrix…21.07.2015
Repères RSTI – The Metric Tide: Report of the Independent Review of the Role of Metrics in Research Assessment and Management
« Après quinze mois de consultation et de collecte de données, les auteurs de cet avis du…03.07.2015