Mot-clé : institutional-repository-ir
The Transformation of the Green Road to Open Access
« Background: The 2002 Budapest Open Access Initiative recommended on self-archiving of scientific articles in open repositories as the “green road”…14.11.2022
Webinar – Sharing academic research: The role of institutional repositories
« This project explores the role of Australian institutional repositories in sharing academic research. 22 library leaders and repository managers from…08.08.2022
Impact factions: assessing the citation impact of different types of open access repositories
« (…) In this study, the authors present a bibliometric analysis examining correlations between search engine performance of items…20.04.2021
An analysis of the factors affecting open access to research output in institutional repositories in selected universities in East Africa
« Institutional repositories (IRs) present universities with an opportunity to provide global open access (OA) to their scholarship, however, this avenue…21.01.2019
Scholarly Communication Practices in Humanities and Social Sciences: A Study of Researchers’ Attitudes and Awareness of Open Access
« This paper examines issues relating to the perceptions and adoption of open access (OA) and institutional repositories. Using a survey…20.09.2018
Altmetrics of the Open Access Institutional Repositories: A Webometrics Approach
« Self-archiving in Institutional Repositories (IRs) is playing a central role in the success of the Open Access initiatives. Deposited documents…openaccess.leidenuniv.nl, Isidro F.Aguillo, STI 2018 Conference proceedings
British Library to develop shared open access repository services
« The British Library, working with a group of cultural and memory organisations, is piloting a shared repository service for research…19.04.2018
Invitation to Tender: Open Access Shared Repository for the British Library
« The British Library intends to establish a research repository infrastructure to support a number of services, including a new institutional…06.03.2018
Recommendations for Next Generation Repositories – now available on GitHub
« In November 2017, the COAR Next Generation Repositories Working Group published a report outlining new behaviours and…30.11.2017
COAR Next Generation Repositories
« The report, Behaviours and Technical Recommendations of the COAR Next Generation Repositories Working Group is now available.20.10.2017
Operation beprexit
« This fall, the Penn Libraries will begin exploring open source options for hosting Penn’s institutional repository, ScholarlyCommons,…31.08.2017
Institutional Repositories and Academic Social Networks: Competition or Complement? A Study of Open Access Policy Compliance vs. ResearchGate Participation
« The popularity of academic social networks like ResearchGate and Academia.edu indicates that scholars want to share their work, yet for…11.05.2017
COAR: Aligning Repository Networks: International Accord
International Accord « Collectively we aspire to strengthen and enhance the distributed, community-based open access infrastructure around the world. Moreover, we…14.02.2017
Couperin : L’enquête 2017 sur les archives ouvertes est lancée
« (…) Cette enquête permettra de compléter et de mettre à jour les enquêtes de 2012 et 2014 en se focalisant…09.02.2017
Croatian national repository system DABAR & OpenAIRE
« For a small academic and research community like Croatia it is important to build national collaborative infrastructure at different levels…08.02.2017
COAR: Next Generation Repositories: February 7, 2017 – draft for public comment
« In April 2016, the Confederation of Open Access Repositories (COAR) launched a working group to help identify new…07.02.2017
Espagne : Ranking Web of Repositories (2017)
« This is first 2017 edition of the Ranking Web of Repositories, that it is published since 2008. The…08.11.2016
2016 Chinese Institutional Repository Conference and launch of the new repository group in China, CHAIR
« The 4th annual Chinese Institutional Repository Conference took place in Chongqing, China on September 21-22, 2016, with the…22.06.2016
LA Referencia: Implementing the OpenAIRE guidelines in Latin America
« (…) LA Referencia, in cooperation with COAR is working with OpenAIRE to achieve this. LA Referencia is…21.06.2016
Feuille de route du CCSD 2016-2020
« Le comité scientifique et technique ainsi que le comité de pilotage du CCSD ont validé la feuille de…01.06.2016
Green OA and the Interoperability of Institutional Repositories
« The increase of Open Access (OA), as a percentage of all peer-reviewed research articles, is not in dispute.09.03.2016
Final Report EUNIS – EUROCRIS Joint Survey on CRIS and IR
« Current Research Information Systems (CRISs) and Institutional Repositories (IRs) are two main components of the Research Information Management…http://www.eurocris.org, Ligia Ribeiro, Pablo de Castro, Michele Mennielli, mars 2016