Mot-clé : gotriple
TRIPLE Delieverable: D2.4 Report on identification and creation of new vocabularies
« (…) This deliverable describes the work and presents the outcome of task T2.4 “Cartography and creation of new vocabularies”. The…01.02.2023
TRIPLE Delieverable 8.5: Guidelines on the Research Data in the Humanities
« This report focuses on the metadata as a specific type of research data in the humanities by analysing key metadata…14.11.2022
Multilingualism (TRIPLE Video Tutorial Series)
« In this tutorial series, researcher Agnieszka Szulińska and Research Infrastructure Coordinator Edward Gray discuss gotriple.eu. This episode explores the opportunities…02.11.2022
AAC – Final TRIPLE conference, 1–3 February 2023 in Bonn, Germany
Improving Discovery and Collaboration in Open Science « Since 2019 the TRIPLE project has been developing the multilingual discovery platform…05.05.2022
Triple, un service multilingue de partage de connaissances en SHS
« L’infrastructure européenne de recherche Operas contribue à une recherche sans frontière en favorisant la diffusion des données et des publications…25.10.2021
Projet TRIPLE : « Le citoyen a un rôle à jouer dans la recherche européenne »
« Dans le cadre du projet TRIPLE qui développe une plateforme de découverte des ressources en sciences humaines et sociales (SHS)…30.08.2021
TRIPLE Conference: Empowering Discovery in Open Social Sciences and Humanities
« The TRIPLE project is organising its first international conference “Empowering Discovery in Open Social Sciences…21.04.2021
GOTRIPLE: Call for Tender: Crowdfunding Platform
« The crowdfunding platform is one of the innovative services we plan to integrate with the discovery platform GOTRIPLE. The crowdfunding…16.04.2021