Mot-clé : fair
EUA-FAIRsFAIR Focus Group: Teaching (FAIR) Data Management and Stewardship (Amsterdam, 19 November 2019)
« As part of the FAIRsFAIR (Fostering FAIR Data Practices in Europe) project, EUA and the University…13.08.2019
« LIBSENSE is building communities of practice and strengthening local and national services to support open science and research in Africa.spaces.wacren.net, Omo Oaiya, dernière modification le août 07, 2019
Implementing a data policy: a how-to guide for publishers
« OASPA is pleased to publish this guest post on the subject of open data and data sharing, co-authored by Fiona…29.07.2019
Making Neural Networks FAIR
« Research on neural networks has gained significant momentum over the past few years. A plethora of neural networks is currently…arxiv.org, Anna Nguyen, Tobias Weller, York Sure-Vetter, 26 juillet 2019, arXiv:1907.11569v1
Libérez la science : un jeu FAIR-play
« Libérez la science est un jeu pédagogique visant à favoriser les discussions et apprentissages autour du libre accès aux publications…03.07.2019
“We’re all in the same boat” – Professionals from research data competence centres join forces at international GO CHANGE workshop
« The latest workshop offered by the GO FAIR International Support and Coordination Office brought together 28 representatives of research data…02.07.2019
FAIRsFAIR Open Call for Data Repositories
« Would you like to get dedicated support for your data repository to contribute to a culture change necessary to achieve…25.06.2019
DONIPAT : École thématique « Données Interopérables pour le Patrimoine » du 14 au 18 octobre 2019 à Aussois
« (…) Le Consortium Mémoires des Archéologues et des Sites Archéologiques (MASA) de la TGIR Huma-Num a fait de la question…18.06.2019
Results of the 3rd GO FAIR Workshop for the German Research Community
“GO BUILD – GO CHANGE – GO TRAIN – Ways for the German Community to Contribute to GO FAIR”…17.06.2019
Supports de la journée thématique sur les autorités des données – Ado2019 – 8 avril 2019 – Toulouse
« Cette journée d’échanges était axée sur les autorités des données afin d’appréhender : leurs rôles pour organiser l’éco-système des ressources…05.06.2019
Results of the 3rd Germany GOes FAIR Workshop for the German Research Community
« GO BUILD – GO CHANGE – GO TRAIN – Ways for the German Community to Contribute to GO FAIR…03.06.2019
Three camps, one destination: the intersections of research data management, FAIR and Open
« Open data, FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable) and research data management (RDM) are three overlapping but distinct concepts, each…28.05.2019
Europeana and the FAIR principles for research data
« (…) The post below summarizes how Europeana’s principles (Usable, Mutual, Reliable) align with the FAIR Data…05.04.2019
Towards an Integrated Research Data Management @Harvard [diaporama]
« Short presentation for the Drexel-CODATA FAIR and Responsible Research Data Management workshop. »04.04.2019
The FAIR Guiding Principles: Implementation in Dataverse [diaporama]
« This lecture first describes the FAIR Guiding Principles for scientific data management and stewardship, and then shows how the Dataverse…28.03.2019
Paper on FAIR Funder pilot programme: Now available as pre-print!
« In October 2018 the Metadata for Machines (M4M) Workshop took place, which assesses the state of…18.03.2019
« (…) The FAIRsFAIR project addresses, in a 36 months timeplan, the development and concrete realisation of an overall knowledge infrastructure…20.02.2019
« For the past couple of months, a team of PARTHENOS project members has been working in close collaboration on the…18.02.2019
EU publications – Cost-benefit analysis for FAIR research data Policy recommendations – Study
« FAIR research data encompasses the way to create, store and publish research data in a way that they are…publications.europa.eu, Direction générale de la recherche et de l'innovation, 16 janvier 2019
« A love letter to your future self »: What scientists need to know about FAIR data
« The idea that scientific data should be FAIR — Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable — is one…14.02.2019
FAIRe vivre les données de recherche : retours d’expérience sur l’organisation, la préservation et le partage
« Le 13 décembre 2018 le groupe Dialogu’IST, réseau Renatis, a animé le 7e atelier de formation sur…13.02.2019
FAIR data et Open data
« SPARC Europe a publié fin décembre 2018 une note d’information sur les données à destination des…04.02.2019
Top 10 FAIR Data & Software Things
« The Top 10 FAIR Data & Software Global Sprint was held online over the course of two-days (29-30 November 2018),…30.01.2019
Supporting the International Alignment of Research Data Management
« Research funding organisations, research organisations, and individual researchers have different needs and requirements when it comes to research data management…22.01.2019
Expanding the Research Data Management Service Portfolio at Bielefeld University According to the Three-pillar Principle Towards Data FAIRness
« Research Data Management at Bielefeld University is considered as a cross-cutting task among central facilities and research groups at the…18.01.2019
Hors norme ? Une approche normative des données de la recherche
« Nous proposons une réflexion sur le rôle des normes et standards dans la gestion des données de la recherche, dans…revue-cossi.info, Joachim Schöpfel, 2018, Revue COSSI, n°5-2018 [en ligne]
Research data management in the French National Research Center (CNRS)
« The purpose of this paper is to present empirical evidence on the opinion and behaviour of French scientists (senior management…28.11.2018
« Interopérabilité et pérennisation des données de la recherche: comment FAIR en pratique ? Retours d’expériences » Paris, 27 novembre 2018 [videos]
« (…) Organisée par le groupe de travail inter-réseaux « Atelier données » et financée par Mission pour les Initiatives transverses…26.11.2018
From Open Access to Open Data: collaborative work in the university libraries of Catalonia
« The traditional mechanisms for communicating research results have recently undergone profound changes as a result of the open access movement…22.11.2018
Turning FAIR into reality [Final Report and Action Plan]
« (…) In addressing the remit assigned, the FAIR Data Expert Group chose to take a holistic and systemic approach to…15.11.2018
« Interopérabilité et pérennisation des données de la recherche: comment FAIR en pratique ? Retours d’expériences » Paris, 27 novembre 2018 [lien vers le direct]
« Les inscriptions sont closes mais la journée sera retransmise en direct par Webcast Avec le mouvement de l’ouverture des données…15.11.2018
Supporting FAIR Data Principles with Fedora
« Making data findable, accessible, interoperable, and re-usable is an important but challenging goal. From an infrastructure perspective, repository technologies play…09.11.2018
GO FAIR Country Meeting: Summary and Outcome
« Delegates from 18 European countries came together to discuss involvement in GO FAIR at a national or regional level A…07.11.2018
Turning FAIR into Reality: Final outcomes from the European Commission FAIR Data Expert Group [diaporama]
« A multi-speaker presentation given by the European Commission FAIR Data Expert Group at ScieDataCon as part of International Data Week…07.11.2018
Supporting FAIR data in the Earth, Space, and Environmental Sciences
« At PLOS we are thrilled to be a signatory of Commitment Statement towards Enabling FAIR data in…blogs.plos.org, Joerg Heber, Veronique Kiermer, 5 novembre 2018
New perspectives on data management and open research data in the Nordic countries
« On October 3rd, the Swedish Research Council in collaboration with NordForsk and Nordic e-Infrastructure Collaboration arranged a workshop on the…04.09.2018
« Interopérabilité et pérennisation des données de la recherche: comment FAIR en pratique ? Retours d’expériences » Paris, 27 novembre 2018
« L’Open Science est une nouvelle approche de la démarche scientifique, basée sur la production collaborative des produits de science, de…27.07.2018
Open science is all very well but how do you make it FAIR in practice?
« (…) For research to be truly “open” both the findings and the data behind these results need to findable, accessible,…blogs.lse.ac.uk, Rachel Bruce, Bas Cordewener, 26 juillet 2018
Open science is all very well but how do you make it FAIR in practice?
» Open science is about increasing the re-use of research, and making sure that publicly funded research is accessible to…25.04.2018
LIBER Webinar: Turning FAIR Data Into Reality
« This is a recording of a LIBER webinar, made on 23 April 2018. It focuses on the work of the…11.04.2018
LIBER Webinar: Turning FAIR Data Into Reality
« Join us on 23 April at 1400 CET for a LIBER Webinar: Turning FAIR Data Into Reality —…07.03.2018
Preliminary analysis: Introduction of FAIR data in Denmark
« The Danish Agency for Science and Higher Education has commissioned Oxford Research and Højbjerre Brauer Schultz to carry out a…28.02.2018
ERC Scientific Council: « Open Research Data and Data Management Plans – Information for ERC grantees »
« The ERC has supported the cause of open science from its start in 2007, and continues to do so today.02.02.2018
OPIDoR : le portail de l’offre de services dédiés aux données de la recherche
« Le portail OPIDoR (Optimisation du Partage et de l’Interopérabilité des Données de la Recherche) est un portail développé par l’Inist.25.01.2018
Réaliser un plan de gestion de données « FAIR » : guide de rédaction
« Ce document a pour vocation d’accompagner les chercheurs et chargés de projets dans la rédaction de plans de gestion de…19.12.2017
A design framework and exemplar metrics for FAIRness
« FAIRness » – the degree to which a digital resource is Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable – is aspirational, yet the…07.12.2017
Ouverture d’un bureau international pour l’initiative GO FAIR
« Dans la cadre de la mise en œuvre du European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), qui vise à créer une plate-forme…10.11.2017
Un nouveau format d’article pour mettre à disposition vos données peu ou non utilisées : Data Note
« Que deviendra cette nouvelle rubrique lancée par BMC Research Notes ? Il s’agit d’une forme courte appelée « Data Notes » et…05.07.2017
Dutch Techcenter For Life Sciences (DTL): The FAIR Data Principles explained
« These webpages provide an actionable list of the 15 FAIR Data Principles as a simple guide when…27.06.2017
Call for Suggestions and Contributions on Implementing the FAIR Data Principles: EC Expert Group on Turning FAIR Data into Reality
« The European Commission has established an Expert Group on Turning FAIR Data into Reality (E03464) which will…14.06.2017
European Commission: FAIR data Expert Group Call for Contributions
« The European Commission has established an Expert Group on FAIR data to support the Research and Innovation policy development on…01.06.2017
Germany and the Netherlands call for rapid action on the European Open Science Cloud
« (…) Research data should not be stored away on personal computers or USB-sticks, nor in research infrastructures only researchers themselves…04.04.2017
LIBER: Webinar video: Are the FAIR data guidelines really fair?
« The FAIR Data Principles are a hot topic in research data management. Their adoption within the H2020 funding programme means…24.02.2017
LIBER Webinar: Are the FAIR Data Principles Fair?
« The FAIR Data Principles are a hot topic in research data managment. Their adoption within the H2020 funding programme means…16.02.2017
The FAIR Guiding Principles for scientific data management and stewardship
« There is an urgent need to improve the infrastructure supporting the reuse of scholarly data. A diverse set of stakeholders—representing…21.03.2016