Mot-clé : facteur-dimpact


Journal- or article-based citation measure? A study of academic promotion at a Swiss university

« In academia, decisions on promotions are influenced by the citation impact of the works published by the candidates. The Medical…, Steck N, Stalder L and Egger M. Journal- or article-based citation measure? A study of academic promotion at a Swiss university [version 1; peer review: awaiting peer review]. F1000Research 2020, 9:1188 (

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Ten Hot Topics around Scholarly Publishing

« The changing world of scholarly communication and the emerging new wave of ‘Open Science’ or ‘Open Research’ has brought to…, Tennant, J.P.; Crane, H.; Crick, T.; Davila, J.; Enkhbayar, A.; Havemann, J.; Kramer, B.; Martin, R.; Masuzzo, P.; Nobes, A.; Rice, C.; Rivera-López, B.; Ross-Hellauer, T.; Sattler, S.; Thacker, P.D.; Vanholsbeeck, M. Ten Hot Topics around Scholarly Publishing. Publications 2019, 7, 34,

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