Mot-clé : european-open-science-cloud-eosc
RDA Open Call for RDA cross-disciplinary adoption in support of EOSC
« This call specifically targets smaller community projects to show cross-disciplinary implementation and take up of RDA Recommendation and Outputs within…19.04.2022
Shaping the implementation of EOSC – ESCAPE members in the EOSC Task Forces
« ESCAPE members are supporting the next phase of shaping the EOSC, revolutionising how science is done in Europe as members…06.04.2022
Journées EOSC-France, 4-5 avril 2022 [slides]
« L’European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) vise à fournir aux chercheurs européens un accès transparent aux données, services et e-infrastructures FAIR.29.03.2022
Journées EOSC-France, 4-5 avril 2022
« L’European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) vise à fournir aux chercheurs européens un accès transparent aux données, services et e-infrastructures FAIR.14.03.2022
3rd ESFRI RIs -EOSC Workshop: What does EOSC bring to RI users? 25 & 26 January 2022 [vidéos]
« The main focus of the 3rd workshop is on how the RI communities and researchers can use and benefit from…youtube.com ESFRI - Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures
Journées EOSC-France, 4-5 avril 2022
« L’European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) vise à fournir aux chercheurs européens un accès transparent aux données, services et e-infrastructures FAIR.09.02.2022
RDA Open Call for RDA Communities of Practice #1
« RDA is running a series of Open Calls, in the context of the EOSC Future project, to further enable integration…18.01.2022
Assessing the maturity of EOSC-Pillar services
« The EOSC-Pillar Work Package 7 on Horizontal data storage and computing services recently published a key deliverable,…04.01.2022
3rd ESFRI RIs -EOSC Workshop: What does EOSC bring to RI users? 25 & 26 January 2022
« The main objective of the workshop is to bring together ESFRI, ESFRI RIs and EOSC stakeholders, in order to showcase…13.12.2021
EOSC-Pillar Ambassadors Programme Poster – French version
« L’EOSC (European Open Science Cloud, Cloud Fédéré Européen pour la Science Ouverte) a un rôle important à jouer dans la…22.11.2021
ReadMetrics retenu pour le projet EOSC-Pillar
(…) ReadMetrics pour mesurer les usages Dans le cadre de l’appel du consortium EOSC Pillar et sous l’impulsion de…09.11.2021
Guidelines and Recommendations for the Technical Integration of Resources and Services in the EOSC
« EOSC-Pillar Work Package 7 on Horizontal data storage and computing resources recently completed D7.1, a key deliverable describing the activities…28.10.2021
EOSC National Structures: an overview of the national EOSC coordination and engagement mechanisms in Europe
« The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) Partnership will bring together institutional, national and European initiatives and engage all relevant stakeholders…13.10.2021
OpenAIRE: Webinar: OpenAPC – Making costs of open access publishing transparent in the EOSC
« This webinar presents the OpenAPC, an OpenAIRE-Nexus service that collects information from organizations like universities and provides them detailed information…08.10.2021
EOSC en 7 questions
« Entretien réalisé entre le PCN Infrastructures de recherche et Volker Beckmann, chargé mission EOSC au Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur de…24.08.2021
Deuxième atelier Horizon Europe EOSC en France : lundi 6 septembre, de 14h à 16h30
« Horizon Europe apportera un soutien financier substantiel aux activités liées à l’European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). Les premiers appels concernant…18.08.2021
First RDA Open Call: Optimising (RDA) Open Science Frameworks and Guidelines in the context of EOSC
« This call is seeking applications from individuals or organisations around the concept of improving existing technical data frameworks while at…16.08.2021
Implementing EOSC together: read the report of the EOSC Symposium 2021
« The EOSC Symposium 2021 provided a key engagement opportunity for the EOSC community after the European Open…13.08.2021
ESCAPE and ESFRI: overcoming common data-driven challenges through innovative FAIR data services
« European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) is a self-regulated body that supports a strategy-led approach to policy-making on…29.07.2021
Webinaire EOSC-Pillar, santé et biodiversité – 16 Septembre 2021
« Le projet EOSC-Pillar a mené, en 2019, une enquête « Initiatives Nationales » dans les 5 pays participants…06.07.2021
Horizon Europe Work Programme 2021-2022. 3. Research Infrastructures (.pdf)
« The overall objective of the Research Infrastructures Programme under Horizon Europe is to empower Europe through world-class and accessible research …01.07.2021
ESCAPE at the EOSC Governance Symposium 2021
« In 2021, the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) has entered its highly-anticipated implementation phase. The EOSC Symposium…23.06.2021
European Commission enters into a partnership with the EOSC Association
« The European Commission’s annual flagship Research and Innovation event, European Research and Innovation Days, is a key…18.06.2021
Discover the EOSC Portal (vidéo)
« The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) is an ecosystem federating research data infrastructures, interlinking FAIR data and interoperable services to…03.06.2021
Open Science policies and resource provisioning in the Nordic and Baltic countries (second report) is published
« A new deliverable from the EOSC-Nordic Work Package on Legal Issues, Policies, and Sustainability is out! For the deliverable on…26.05.2021
Incorporating National and Thematic Service and Resource Catalogues into the EOSC, 21 June 2021 [Online Workshop]
« In the ongoing work to build the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), several thematic EOSC projects have already begun operating…19.05.2021
Règlement (UE) 2021/695 du Parlement européen et du Conseil du 28 avril 2021 portant établissement du programme-cadre pour la recherche et l’innovation «Horizon Europe» [Journal officiel de l’Union européenne]
« (…) (8) La science ouverte, et notamment l’accès ouvert aux publications scientifiques et aux données de la recherche ainsi…07.05.2021
Le CNRS ouvre les résultats de la science
« Le CNRS œuvre pour une recherche plus ouverte, notamment sur l’accès aux publications scientifiques. Cette stratégie s’accélère et s’est élargie…30.04.2021
Making FAIReR assessments possible. Final report of EOSC Co-Creation projects: “European overview of career merit systems’’ and “Vision for research data in research careers”
« This report is a deliverable of EOSC Co-Creation projects (i) “European overview of career merit systems » and (ii) “Vision for…15.04.2021
Research Information Systems as Leverage for Open Science [diaporama]
« « This guest presentation at the EARMA Digital Conference 2021 addresses the role Current Research Information Systems…09.04.2021
EOSC Symposium 2021, 16-18 June
« Implementing an inclusive European Open Science Cloud The European Open Science Cloud has finally entered its highly-anticipated implementation phase.01.04.2021
Bringing research communities together: the EOSC-Pillar Day in France
« What did France learn specifically from EOSC-Pillar activities and what are the opportunities for French researchers through this project? These…25.03.2021
Materials from the Second EOSC-Nordic Policy Workshop are now available
« The second EOSC-Nordic Policy Workshop was hosted by the Baltics and was successfully held online on March 9. This year,…25.03.2021
Journée EOSC-Pillar France, 22 mars 2021 [vidéos, diaporamas]
« Le MESRI a organisé une journée EOSC-Pillar le 22 mars. Tout le matériel est maintenant en ligne : Les PDF…17.03.2021
EOSC EB wraps up activities by releasing key documents for the European Open Science Cloud
« The EOSC Executive Board has recently finalised all of the key outputs produced over the past two years by its…17.03.2021
Journée EOSC-Pillar France, 22 mars 2021
« EOSC-Pillar vise à coordonner les efforts nationaux en matière de science ouverte en Autriche, en Belgique, en France, en Allemagne…02.03.2021
From Policy to Practice: France CNRS launches Open Data Research Directorate and participation in EOSC Association thrives
« The latest policy efforts related to the European Open Science Cloud have brought many key actors in Europe to the…24.02.2021
FAIR RDM (Research data Management): Italian initiatives towards EOSC implementation (.pdf)
« EOSC’s vision of opening the research cycle and facilitating the collaboration of researchers will certainly lead to better quality science…22.02.2021
EOSC-Nordic: FAIRification STEP 2 on DATA / METADATA webinar
« On February 3, 2021, data repository representatives from across the Nordics and Baltics participated in a FAIRification webinar organised by…22.02.2021
Journées EOSC France – 4/5 février 2021 [vidéos, diaporamas]
« L’European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) est une initiative de la Commission Européenne qui vise à relier les…16.02.2021
Découvrir European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) – Mercredi 10 mars 2021 [Formation à distance]
« Il n’est pas toujours évident de se repérer dans le paysage européen des infrastructures et services de la recherche, et…12.02.2021
Appel à candidature pour l’intégration de services aux données au catalogue EOSC
« Le projet EOSC-pillar, dont le CINES assure la coordination technique, propose un appel à candidature pour l’intégration de prestataires de…09.02.2021
Data Intelligence. Winter 2021, Vol. 3, No. 1. Open Science special issue
« In 2019 the German Leibniz research organization sponsored a conference on Open Science (OS) with the idea to publish some…mitpressjournals.org, Data Intelligence, Winter 2021, Vol. 3, No. 1
Intégrer Episciences au catalogue de services de l’European open science cloud (EOSC)
« Episciences est partenaire d’ OpenAIRE pour…02.02.2021
Realising EOSC: Virtual Conference with a Difference
« Some 700 visitors from 45 countries flocked to Realising the European Open Science Cloud, the virtual conference…29.01.2021
X-officio Delivers EOSC-study on FAIR Data and Legal Interoperability
« (…) This study on legal and regulatory issues related to the application of the FAIR Principles was commissioned by the…22.01.2021
Launch of the Initial ESCAPE ESFRI Science Analysis Platform with discovery & data staging
« ESCAPE has launched the initial prototype of the ESCAPE ESAP (ESFRI Science Analysis Platform ),…22.01.2021
Novel EOSC Services for Space Challenges: The NEANIAS First Outcomes
« The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) initiative faces the challenge of developing an agile, fit-for-purpose, and sustainable service-oriented platform that…18.01.2021
Recommendations on certifying services required to enable FAIR within EOSC
« The Recommendations on certifying services required to enable FAIR within EOSC document contains an analysis of activities relevant to certification…18.01.2021
Recommendations on FAIR metrics for EOSC
« The Recommendations on FAIR Metrics for EOSC document contains an analysis of activities relevant to the definition of FAIR Metrics…op.europa.eu, EOSC Executive BoardFAIR WG, janvier 2021, https://doi.org/10.2777/70791
European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) Executive Board [Final progress report]
« The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) Executive Board Final progress report document contains a summary of the work delivered…12.01.2021
Journées EOSC France – 4/5 février 2021
« L’European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) est une initiative de la Commission Européenne qui vise à relier les…23.12.2020
FAIR Assessment and Certification in the EOSC region. Report available
« On Thursday 26 November the InfraEOSC-5 FAIR data and infrastructure Task Force organised a special edition of…09.12.2020
Scholarly infrastructures for research software
« The Task Force on Scholarly Infrastructures of Research Software, as part of the Architecture WG of the European Open Science…01.12.2020
Presenting FREYA Results: Realising the EOSC
« The FREYA project is coming to an end in november 2020 and this is the time to present an overview…project-freya.eu, Ricarda Braukmann (DANS), 30 novembre 2020
Supporting the Interoperability of EOSC Through a Flexible Semantic Mapping Framework
« The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) initiative is based on the FAIR data principles, which are…19.11.2020
Launching the second phase of EOSC: Symposium 2020 Report now online
« The EOSC Governance Symposium 2020 Highlights report has just been published on…17.11.2020
Introducing EOSC-Nordic Knowledge Hub
« We are delighted to present the first version of our new Virtual Competence Center, called the…12.11.2020
Realising the European Open Science Cloud
Monday, November 16, 2020 – 09:00 to Thursday, November 19, 2020 – 13:30 « Help create a FAIR research data…12.11.2020
EOSC-Pillar: Training and support catalogue
« The Training and support catalogue is a collection of online searchable resources for Data Stewardship and Research Data Management support.04.11.2020
Restrictive Policies a Barrier to Cross-Border Open Science – Open Science in the Nordics: Legal Insights published
« The most recent deliverable from EOSC-Nordic Work Package on Legal Issues, Policies, and Sustainability is out! By engaging with four…23.10.2020