Mot-clé : etd-electronic-theses-and-dissertations
What about ODTs? Are they grey?
« The term of grey literature is sometimes applied for older material and special collections, especially in the field of digitization…13.10.2015
ProQuest Adds ORCID to Its Dissertations and Theses Database
» The ProQuest Electronic Thesis and Dissertation (ETD) Administrator, a popular submission and review platform, now enables dissertations…18.09.2015
ProQuest reaches out to improve dissertation access
« ProQuest is teaming with other information providers to improve ease of access to dissertations and theses by making…15.09.2015
Programme to Digitise Dissertations & Theses Expands in India
» Dissertations are an important and valuable tool for literature reviews, as they provide deep coverage and extensive…29.06.2015
EBSCO Information Services and the H. W. Wilson Foundation Expand Efforts to Build an Open Dissertations Database
« … In 2014, the two organizations created American Doctoral Dissertations™ which contains indexing from the H.W.23.01.2015
Why the Digitization of Dissertations and Theses is Important to Researchers, Universities AND Libraries
« … Digitization programs have only attracted significant interest in academia over the past three to five years, a…03.10.2014
ProQuest Collections Are Now Indexed and Discoverable through the Central Index of Ex Libris Primo
« … Among the important ProQuest databases that are now available via Primo are ProQuest Central; ProQuest Dissertations &…18.07.2014
ProQuest delivers access to Global Dissertations and Theses in Russia
« Founded in 1862, the Russian State Library (RSL) holds a formidable amount of historical information, including unique collections…17.07.2014
Degrees of Openness. Access Restrictions in Institutional Repositories – Hélène Prost – Institute of Scientific and Technical Information (CNRS), Joachim Schöpfel – Charles de Gaulle University Lille 3
« Abstract Institutional repositories, green road and backbone of the open access movement, contain a growing number…29.11.2013
Manolis Peponakis « Libraries’ Metadata as Data in the Era of the Semantic Web: Modeling a Repository of Master Theses and PhD Dissertations for the Web of Data »
« Abstract This study argues that metadata of library catalogs can stand autonomously, providing valuable information detached from the…28.11.2013
Clement, GP, Rascoe, F. (2013). ETD Management and Publishing in the ProQuest System and the University Repository: A Comparative Analysis. Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication
« Abstract INTRODUCTION This study compares the two most popular ETD management and publishing systems used in…19.03.2013