Mot-clé : copyright
U.S. Copyright Office Releases Part 2 of Artificial Intelligence Report
« Today, the U.S. Copyright Office is releasing Part 2 of its Report on the legal and policy issues related…16.01.2025
L’accès aux connaissances logiciels : enjeux et perspectives pour l’intelligence artificielle et la Science ouverte
« Dans un paysage technologique en perpétuelle évolution, où le logiciel libre, la Science ouverte et l’intelligence artificielle (IA) se croisent…24.10.2024
EARE’s Reflections on Copyright and Artificial Intelligence
« In light of the recent questionnaire circulated by the Council Presidency on Copyright and Artificial Intelligence (AI) which aims to…16.10.2024
LAION wins copyright infringement lawsuit in German court
« Copyright AI nerds have been eagerly awaiting a decision in the German case of Kneschke v LAION (previous blog post…04.09.2024
Hong Kong’s government opens a consultation for a new copyright exception for text and data mining to encourage the development of AI
« On 8 July, Hong Kong’s government opened a public consultation on a white paper entitled “Copyright and…19.08.2024
Draft model legislation for Secondary rights, Copyright, Open access, Institutional policies, and Rights retention (SCOIR)
« We are delighted that the NORF-funded SCOIR project has a Draft model legislation to…07.08.2024
CCC Pioneers Collective Licensing Solution for Content Usage in Internal AI Systems
« CCC, a leader in advancing copyright, accelerating knowledge, and powering innovation, today announced the availability of artificial…05.08.2024
Should scientists be paid when AI chatbots use their work?
« Scientists should be compensated and credited when artificial intelligence chatbots pull information from their papers, a collecting society has said.25.03.2024
Developing text and data mining (TDM) support within a university research library
« The introduction of the text and data mining (TDM) exception in 2014 led to researchers asking for support from staff…17.11.2023
Les « non-consumptive research uses » des ressources numériques
« La non-consumptive research est la recherche où le seul usage que le chercheur fait d’une ressource numérique est d’y appliquer…12.10.2023
Secondary Publishing Rights in Europe: status, challenges & opportunities
« Secondary publishing rights articles have been introduced in seven European countries, while others are exploring their introduction. These are considered…03.05.2023
What Can I Do with This? Indicators of Usage Rights in the User Interface
« (…) Creative Commons (CC) licenses are the predominant mechanism for communicating usage rights; however, finding the CC license information —…16.03.2023
cOAlition S supports efforts to improve copyright framework for research
« Copyright retention has been at the core of Plan S since its inception. Its first principle is that authors or…23.01.2023
Getty Images Statement
« This week Getty Images commenced legal proceedings in the High Court of Justice in London against Stability AI claiming Stability…08.12.2022
OpenAIRE: Copyright for Open Science (C4OS) Series
« Can we think of a Copyright system that provides equitable compensation to all involved parties, while maximising access to scientific…18.08.2022
Navigating Copyright for Libraries
« Information is a critical resource for personal, economic and social development. Libraries and archives are the primary access point to…09.08.2022
Authors’ Control Over Their Works and its Impact on Public Domain
« Copyright is mainly about how to provide adequate control for authors over their works. The process of creation and distribution…02.08.2022
Study on EU copyright and related rights and access to and reuse of scientific publications, including open access
« This study analyses the role that EU copyright rules play in enabling or hindering access to and re-use of…02.08.2022
Study on EU copyright and related rights and access to and reuse of data
« EU legislation in the field of copyright, related rights and sui generis database rights can have a deep impact on…28.07.2022
Exclusive licence to publish – now here’s a thing
« Imagine this scenario. You’ve written an article and want to make it Open Access (OA). To do this, you submit…09.06.2022
Rights retention policies for authors [webinar & slides]
Learn more the rights retention policies that enable authors to exercise the rights they automatically own « (…) organized by EIFL…20.05.2022
Institutional repositories and copyright in Greek academic libraries
« Institutional repositories were created to collect, preserve, and make available the academic institution’s scientific output. The purpose of this study…12.05.2022
Research Exceptions in Comparative Copyright
« This Article categorizes the world’s copyright laws according to the degree to which they provide exceptions to copyright exclusivity for…10.05.2022
Whose right is it anyway? Copyright and scholarly publishing
« The question of who owns the copyright to scientific publications, such as journal articles, is complex and contested. Jenice Jean…13.04.2022
Recommendations for Legal and Policy Harmonisation of Open and FAIR Science in the EU
« The realisation of cross-border, multinational management of FAIR research data and the related participation of EU Member States in EOSC…12.04.2022
Open science and intellectual property rights. How can they better interact? State of the art and reflections
« This report presents the result of a study that explores the interactions and the balance between Open Science and Intellectual…01.03.2022
Enabling Open Access through clarity and transparency: a request to publishers
« cOAlition S is delighted to see many publishers making moves to increase Open Access (OA) for research publications. However, some…21.01.2022
Copyright Office Announces 2022–2026 Strategic Plan: Fostering Creativity and Enriching Culture
« Today, January 20, 2022, the U.S. Copyright Office released its 2022–2026 Strategic Plan, Fostering Creativity and Enriching…15.11.2021
CLARIN Café on Text and Data Mining Exceptions in the Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market
« The CLARIN Café on Text and Data Mining (TDM) Exceptions in the Directive on Copyright in the…03.11.2021
Librarian of Congress Adopts Research-Friendly Exemptions to Section 1201
« On October 27, 2021, the Librarian of Congress issued new exemptions to the prohibition on the circumvention…13.10.2021
« DESCRIPTION Qu’ai-je le droit de faire avec une œuvre selon son droit d’auteur ? Quelle licence choisir pour partager…20.07.2021
Building Legal Literacies for Text Data Mining
« Until now, humanities researchers conducting text data mining in the U.S. have had to maneuver through a thicket of legal…01.06.2021
Τhe Exception of Text and Data Mining from the Academic Libraries Standpoint
« (…) This paper analyses in detail the legal infrastructure of TDM exception as provided in Article 3 of the DSM…10.05.2021
JISC webinar on “ Plan S Rights Retention Strategy – myth busting online event” – 5th May 2021
« The Rights Retention Strategy (RRS) is a key component of cOAlition S’s Plan S – it is based on a…20.04.2021
The Missing Goal-Scorers in the Artificial Intelligence Team: Of Big Data, the Fundamental Right to Research and the failed Text and Data Mining limitations in the CSDM Directive
« This article argues that recent strategies of the European Union in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) resemble a football…19.03.2021
LIBER wants #ZeroEmbargo on Publicly-Funded Scientific Publications
Pan-European Model Law for the Use of Publicly Funded Scientific Publications « LIBER’s Executive Board has in June 2020…05.03.2021
The costs of non-access (part 2): why it matters when uses of works are prevented or complicated
« In a post last week, we looked at the importance of being able to explain why non-investment…26.02.2021
Webinar: International and national copyright policy action for OA – Monday, 8 March 2021, 14-16 CET
(…) Target audience Open Science policymakers, Research Funding Organizations and Research Performing Organizations managers, librarians, repository managers and academic…23.02.2021
Celebrating flexibilities provided by fair-use and fair-dealing
« This week is Fair use and Fair dealing week, organised by the Association of Research Libraries! It…22.02.2021
Plan S Rights Retention Strategy, Copyright and the Academic Community – Part One
« As a society publisher, I have been struggling to understand how best to serve our mathematical community on issues of…scholarlykitchen.sspnet.org, Robert Harington, 18 février 2021
Plan S Rights Retention Strategy, Copyright and the Academic Community – Part Two
« In Part two of this interview post, I continue to grill an eloquent group of stakeholders with a wide range…scholarlykitchen.sspnet.org, Robert Harington, 19 février 2021
Guide to Creative Commons for Scholarly Publications and Educational Resources available!
« The Association of Universities in the Netherlands (VSNU), together with the Dutch consortium of university libraries and the National library…27.04.2020
Droit d’auteur – La licence d’Access Copyright est une option parmi d’autres
« Dans une décision fort attendue et rendue le 22 avril 2020 relativement à l’affaire York University contre Access Copyright, la…leveilleur.espaceweb.usherbrooke.ca, Sonia Morin, 24 avril 2020
Europe Must Take Urgent Copyright Law Action To Support Distance Learning & Research During the Coronavirus Pandemic
« During this unprecedented global emergency, LIBER calls on European Commissioners, Member State governments, publishers and authors to urgently help libraries,…12.03.2020
Europe’s TDM Exception for Research: Will It Be Undermined By Technical Blocking From Publishers?
« A mandatory exception for Text and Data Mining (TDM) for research, included in Europe’s new Directive on Copyright in the…18.02.2020
If My AI Wrote this Post, Could I Own the Copyright?
« Every new technology poses challenges for the concept of intellectual property rights ownership. When copyright was first introduced into legislation…scholarlykitchen.sspnet.org, Todd A Carpenter, 12 février 2020
Copyright Clearance Center Announces RightsLink® for Scientific Communications
« Copyright Clearance Center, Inc. (CCC), a leader in advancing copyright, accelerating knowledge, and powering innovation, announces the release of RightsLink®…01.10.2019
Copyright as an Obstacle or an Enabler? A European Perspective on Text and Data Mining and Its Role in the Development of AI Creativity
« (…) This contribution discusses the interplay between TDM and AI creativity by focusing, first, on the potential and technicalities of…16.09.2019
De Gruyter Expands Use of Copyright Clearance Center’s RightsLink® Author Workflow Platform to Manage its Read and Publish Deals
« Copyright Clearance Center, Inc. (CCC), a leader in advancing copyright, accelerating knowledge, and powering innovation, announces…23.07.2019
Fiche d’information à propos de la directive sur le droit d’auteur et les droits voisins dans le marché unique numérique
« L’European IP Helpdesk propose une fiche d’information à propos de la directive sur le droit d’auteur et les droits voisins…15.07.2019
The impact of digital copyright law and policy on access to knowledge and learning
« Background: The evolution in digital technologies has had an enormous impact on traditional copyright notions. Works in digital form have uniform…rw.org.za, Tana Pistorius, Odirachukwu S. Mwim, 2019, https://doi.org/10.4102/rw.v10i1.196
Kopernio and Meta Combine Expertise to Support Accelerated Scientific Discovery
« Millions of full-text scientific articles will soon be available through an easy copyright-compliant one-click process, thanks to a new partnership…08.07.2019
Gerrish, Charlotte. « European Copyright Law and the Text and Data Mining Exceptions and Limitations » [thesis]
« We are in a digital age with Big Data at the heart of our global online environment. Exploiting Big Data…19.06.2019
EU Copyright Directive: EUA issues guidelines for universities
« EUA has prepared a set of guidelines for the university sector to influence the national implementation…04.06.2019
La directive Copyright mettra-t-elle fin au Copyfraud ?
« Le débat sur la directive Copyright adoptée en mars dernier par le Parlement européen s’est focalisé…29.05.2019
Help shape the new copyright law in your country; the ship has already set sail: don’t be left behind
« As reported in March 2019, a new copyright directive for the digital single market has been…21.05.2019
Ten Hot Topics around Scholarly Publishing
« The changing world of scholarly communication and the emerging new wave of ‘Open Science’ or ‘Open Research’ has brought to…16.04.2019
La réforme du droit d’auteur franchit le dernier obstacle: la Commission se félicite de l’approbation d’une réglementation modernisée adaptée à l’ère numérique
« Le Conseil de l’Union européenne a donné aujourd’hui son feu vert à la nouvelle directive sur le droit d’auteur, qui…16.04.2019
The EU Copyright Reform: Battles Won, Bullets Dodged, and the Questions that Remain
« (…) This blog, rather than looking to give a comprehensive overview of the legislation, looks at the battles that libraries…08.04.2019
Copyright Office Launches Strategic Plan 2019-2023
« The U.S. Copyright Office released today its strategic plan that sets priorities of the Office for the next five years.01.04.2019
Europe’s ability to lead in AI will be helped by the new TDM exception
« EARE welcomes the decision from EU institutions to enable all Europeans – public researchers and commercial entities – to benefit…28.03.2019