Mot-clé : big-deal
What’s the Big Deal? How Researchers Are Navigating Changes to Journal Access
« The dominant mode by which research libraries have provided maximum journal access as cheaply as possible—subscription bundles or “Big Deals”—is…07.01.2021
Can Publishers Maintain Control of the Scholarly Record?
« The journal brand has proven to be the great intangible asset of the scholarly publisher. It signals…scholarlykitchen.sspnet.org, Danielle Cooper, Oya Y. Rieger, Roger C. Schonfeld, 6 janvier 2021
Swedish researchers’ responses to the cancellation of the big deal with Elsevier
« In 2018, the Swedish library consortium, Bibsam, decided to cancel big deal subscriptions with Elsevier. Many researchers (n = 4,221)…15.09.2020
Bizos, Isabelle. « Big deals et open access: quelle stratégie numérique pour les bibliothèques universitaires ? » [Mémoire d’étude DCB]
» Le marché mondial de l’édition scientifique tend à se concentrer et à se développer sous la forme de monopoles…enssib.fr, Isabelle Bizos, Directeur de mémoire : Fabrice Boyer, 7 septembre 2020
Read & Publish contracts in the context of a dynamic scholarly publishing system
« This report is the result of the study on Read & Publish agreements commissioned by EUA…16.07.2020
What Do Libraries Keep When They Cancel the Big Deal?
« There are so many questions one can ask. Do more generous green open access policies carve out the value of…scholarlykitchen.sspnet.org, Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe, 14 juillet 2020
EPRIST – Big deal, bad deal ? (.pdf)
« En mars 2019, l’Université d’État de Floride perd son accès à Elsevier. Faute de renouveler un accord de licence annuel…06.03.2020
Project Announcement: Cancelling the Big Deal
« (…) In May 2020 Ithaka S+R will launch a study in collaboration with a cohort of libraries to explore the…05.02.2020
Dutch University libraries intensify cooperation with the launch of UKBsis
« The Dutch university libraries (UKB) give the mutual cooperation an extra impulse with the establishment of a program for joint…25.10.2019
Decrypting the Big Deal Landscape
« Based on the data collected for the 2019 Big Deals Survey Report, this publication aims to deliver additional transparency of…eua.eu, Lennart Stoy, Rita Morais and Lidia Borrell-Damián, 24 octobre 2019
2019 EUA Big Deals Survey Report
« The Second EUA Big Deals Survey Report is an updated mapping of major scholarly publishing contracts in Europe. (…) »eua.eu, Rita Morais, Lennart Stoy and Lidia Borrell-Damián, 13 mai 2019
Un point sur l’accès aux publications scientifiques à l’Université de Lorraine
« Contexte Depuis deux années, les relations entre les bibliothèques universitaires et les éditeurs de revues scientifiques (éditeurs commerciaux et…21.02.2019
Call for Tenders: Study on Scholarly Read & Publish Agreements
« As part of the Association’s efforts to foster a more transparent and cost-effective scholarly publishing system, EUA would like to…07.02.2019
EUA releases preview of 2nd Big Deals survey report
« EUA has published a preview of the results of the latest edition of its Big Deals survey.23.01.2019
Celebrating 30,000 Open Access Articles … PARs, RAPs, and Exploring Implications
« Last week Wiley and Projekt DEAL announced a transformative Publish-and-Read agreement…scholarlykitchen.sspnet.org, Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe, 22 janvier 2019
Is It Such a Big Deal? On the Cost of Journal Use in the Digital Era
« Commercial scholarly publishers promote and sell bundles of journals—known as big deals—that provide access to entire collections rather than individual…26.09.2018
Guest Post: Why a Society Publisher is Moving Toward Read and Publish Models
« Read & Publish models have been in the spotlight for some time in Europe, and in July they arrived in…19.09.2018
De l’importance des workflows pour les accords OA
« Les bibliothécaires de l’Université de Vienne, en Autriche, ont publié une analyse fort intéressante des différents contrats…26.06.2018
Challenging the Current Business Models in Academic Publishing: Accelerators and Obstacles to the Open Access Transition (June 2018) [.pdf]
« (…) The topic of ‘Big Deals’ was discussed at the workshop ‘Challenging the current business models in academic publishing –…11.04.2018
EUA publishes Big Deals Survey report, the first European-level mapping of major scientific contracts in Europe
« EUA has published the outcomes of its first Big Deals Survey, an original initiative pursued by the association to gather…28.03.2018
EUA webinar, Wednesday 11 April 2018 : The landscape of ‘Big Deal’ contracts across Europe: views from the university sector
« This webinar will present the main outcomes of the EUA ‘Big Deals’ Survey, a case study from a European country…18.07.2017
Major German Universities Cancel Elsevier Contracts
« (…) In Germany, the fight for open access and favorable pricing for journals is getting heated. At the end of…16.05.2017
When the wolf finally arrives: Big Deal cancelations in North American libraries
« Fifteen years ago, when the Big Deal was really coming into its own as a journal purchasing model, I was…27.01.2017
E-Journals and the Big Deal: A Review of the Literature
« Faced with shrinking budgets and increased subscription prices, many academic libraries are seeking ways to reduce the cost…12.12.2016
Adieu, big deal
« Le 1er janvier 2017, pour son entrée en scène, l’Université Clermont Auvergne…18.11.2016
Une étude britannique met en lumière les effets secondaires négatifs des « big deals » associant négociation des budgets d’abonnements et des budgets d’APC
« Parue le 24 octobre, une étude financée par le JISC britannique, dresse un premier bilan des accords de couplage…03.11.2016
Pays-Bas : Wolters Kluwer contract 2016-2017 renewed without open access component
« The Dutch universities have been in negotiation with publishing house Wolters Kluwer for some time now to secure…13.03.2015
Résultats 2014 des grands éditeurs scientifiques : une croissance satisfaisante, des profits record. Un terrain favorable à de nouvelles concentrations ? (.pdf)
« … La structuration du marché de l’IST répond parfaitement au modèle de la « longue traîne ». Un nombre…24.06.2014
STM response to Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS) « Evaluating big deal journal bundles » (.pdf)
« A recent article in PNAS [consulter l’article LaLIST] suggests that commercial publishers deliver less value than…23.06.2014
Evaluating big deal journal bundles. Theodore C. Bergstroma, Paul N. Courant, R. Preston McAfeec, and Michael A. Williams – PNAS – Edited by Jose A. Scheinkman (.pdf)
« Large commercial publishers sell bundled online subscriptions to their entire list of academic journals at prices significantly lower than the…22.05.2014
LIBER Welcomes the Publication of UK University Expenditure on Journal Packages
« LIBER welcomes the recent publication of figures showing UK university expenditure on Elsevier’s journal packages. The…14.04.2014
Steps Down the Evolutionary Road | Periodicals Price Survey 2014
« The birth of the World Wide Web 25 years ago was the big bang event that spurred more change…lj.libraryjournal.com, Stephen Bosch and Kittie Henderson, 11 avril 2014