Mot-clé : appel-doffres
GOTRIPLE: Call for Tender: Crowdfunding Platform
« The crowdfunding platform is one of the innovative services we plan to integrate with the discovery platform GOTRIPLE. The crowdfunding…18.03.2021
AUF : Plateforme collaborative mondiale de services intégrés [Appel d’offres]
« Dans le cadre de l’élaboration de sa nouvelle stratégie quadriennale (2021-2025), l’AUF a lancé au printemps 2020 une consultation mondiale…10.02.2020
cOAlition S invites qualified providers to develop a Plan S Journal Checker tool
« cOAlition S publishes today, 7 February 2020, an Invitation to Tender (ITT) for the development and maintenance of a Journal…10.02.2020
ARCHIVER launches its Pre-Commercial Procurement Tender
« Providing the European Open Science Cloud research communities with trustworthy repository services for scientific data: ARCHIVER launches its Pre-Commercial Procurement…23.08.2019
Fitting the mould – What the European Commission’s second tender for an Open Research Publishing Platform tells us about the future of scholarly communication
« The European Commission recently announced a second tender for its Open Research Publishing Platform, a venture designed to meet the…23.07.2019
Refonte du système d’information relatif aux données de publications scientifiques du Hcéres
« La présente consultation a pour objet de définir, construire et mettre en place une organisation des données et des processus…18.07.2019
Open Research Europe — The European Commission Open Research Publishing Platform [Call for tender]
« The present call for tender concerns the setting up of a publishing platform for scientific articles as a service for…24.04.2019
The EC to launch a new a tender for an open access publishing platform
« The European Commission is committed to supporting beneficiaries in complying with open access requirements in Horizon 2020, as well as…21.02.2019
Call for Tenders: Study on Scholarly Read & Publish Agreements
« As part of the Association’s efforts to foster a more transparent and cost-effective scholarly publishing system, EUA would like to…19.04.2018
Invitation to Tender: Open Access Shared Repository for the British Library
« The British Library intends to establish a research repository infrastructure to support a number of services, including a new institutional…09.04.2018
Call for tenders: Open Research Europe — The European Commission Open Research Publishing Platform
« The present call for tender concerns the setting up of a publishing platform for scientific articles as a service for…08.02.2018
Test the SlideWiki platform and receive funding!
« The SlideWiki.eu H2020 project has launched a call for tenders to evaluate the SlideWiki platform and to…11.10.2017
Text and data mining – Join the OpenMinTeD call for content
« We are happy to announce that the OpenMinTeD platform for text and data mining is now ready to accept content.04.07.2017
MAPA-2017-08 | Analyse comparative d’une sélection de fichiers de production mutualisée de données d’autorité
« Le présent marché a pour objet la réalisation dune étude comparative sur 4 à 6 fichiers nationaux ou référentiels permettant…02.09.2016
The HNSciCloud Pre-Commercial Procurement tender is out: bid now!
« The Helix Nebula – the Science Cloud is a €5.3 million Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP) tender for the establishment…06.03.2015
Mettre en place une veille sur les marchés publics
« … Au sommaire : – Pourquoi une veille sur les appels d’offres ? – Comment organiser une veille sur les…28.06.2013