Mot-clé : altmetrics
Actualité de Zotero et récents développements pour son usage. Marie-Laure Malingre
« … 1/ L’offre actuelle de Zotero – …06.03.2015
International Benchmarks for Academic Library Use of Bibliometrics
« The study presents data from 30 college and university libraries in the USA, the UK, Canada, Germany, Ireland…03.03.2015
Les statistiques dans HAL
« … Lorsque vous visualisez une notice, vous avez déjà certainement constaté l’affichage d’un pavé « Métriques » qui indique le nombre…03.03.2015
Repères RSTI – Altmetric ‘mentions’ and the identification of research impact
« Le site Web Altmetric.com rassemble les mentions dans les médias ciblant approximativement 2,5 millions d’articles scientifiques. Les données…20.02.2015
Altmetrics for large, multidisciplinary research groups: Comparison of current tools (.pdf)
Auteurs : Alexandra Jobmann, Christian P. Hoffmann, Sylvia Künne, Isabella Peters, Jasmin Schmitz, Gabriele Wollnik-Korn « Abstract…13.01.2015
Newsflo joins Elsevier to track media coverage for researchers
« Innovative tool will integrate with Mendeley to enhance altmetrics and measure societal impact of research … Newsflo…15.12.2014
Altmetrics, pour comprendre les mesures alternatives d’impact
« Voici quelques liens vers des présentations, des articles et des guides afin de mieux comprendre ce que sont…28.11.2014
Le futur des logiciels bibliographiques
« Voici la présentation faite par Frédéric Clavert, membre du Blog Zotero francophone, à la journée « Regard(s)…04.11.2014
The Feedback Loop Between Open Access & Altmetrics
« … In the webinar, Mike Showalter, Plum Analytics Product Manager, talks about the role altmetrics can play in promoting the use…31.10.2014
From Attention to Citation: What are altmetrics and how do they work?
« Scholarly and social impacts of scientific publications could be measured by various metrics, including article usage, Mendeley readership…17.10.2014
PlumX Gets New View of Tweets
« We just launched a new way for users to see the tweets for their research output, also known…03.10.2014
Altmetrics as a means of assessing scholarly output – Khodiyar, Varsha K.; Rowlett, Karen A.; Lawrence, Rebecca N. – Learned Publishing
« Abstract: Career progression for scientists involves an assessment of their contribution to their field and a…19.09.2014
Researcher and Group Level Widgets Are Here
« With PlumXTM you can track metrics at multiple levels or group. For example, an academic…11.09.2014
ORCID and Plum™ Analytics Work Together to Maximize Information Available About Scholarly Activities – Researchers Can Connect Their ORCID Identifiers with PlumX Profile
« Researchers can now easily connect with their scholarly activities and contribution while also tracking the metrics from their…04.09.2014
Webinar Replay: Plum Analytics and Our Approach to Altmetrics
« On July 31, Andrea Michalek, Plum Analytics President and co-founder, presented an hour-long webinar about altmetrics in general and PlumX,…26.08.2014
Usage Metrics & the Taylor & Francis Open Access Survey
« Taylor & Francis recently published their annual Open Access Survey.26.08.2014
PlumX Adds Further Book Support with Goodreads Metrics
« Plum AnalyticsTM considers books an important research output or artifact, as demonstrated by our use of OCLC WorldCat metrics…25.07.2014
New edition with updated July 2014 info. 15th edition promoting Green road to Open Access
« …The criteria for inclusion are very simple: The repositories should have their own web domain or subdomain and…24.07.2014
A broader view of research impact through Altmetric – Euan Adie, Founder of Altmetric
« The rapidly evolving academic research and publishing community is seeing many digital developments, one of which is being…09.07.2014
NISO Altmetrics Standards Project White Paper
« … Summary In the first phase of the NISO Alternative Assessment Metrics Project (July 2013 through June 2014),…08.07.2014
Wiley Adds Altmetric Data to Journal Program
« John Wiley & Sons today announced the addition of Altmetric data to its journal program. Following the success…08.07.2014
Altmetrics in practice: How are institutional repositories using altmetrics today? Adie, Euan; Francois, Sebastien; Nixon, William – Workshop at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014
« … Although alternative metrics (altmetrics) are still in their infancy, the concept of using non-traditional measures to assess research…26.06.2014
What are the Public Library of Science Collections ? – Part II
« PLOS Collections (1) is a specific section of the Public Library of Science (PLOS) initiative which hosts collections…24.06.2014
PlumX Includes Usage Statistics from EBSCO Databases – The Additional Information will Provide Useful Information on Research Impact
« Metrics from Plum™ Analytics will now include usage statistics for articles and books that are available…20.06.2014
Altmetric Launches New Tool to Help Academic Institutions Track and Report on Broader Impact of Research
« Alternative metrics provider Altmetric today announced the release of Altmetric for Institutions, a web-based software application that enables…12.06.2014
Un standard ISO pour les indicateurs Altmetrics en discussion
« … Le Niso a donc entamé une démarche de normalisation des indicateurs de type altmetrics sur les productions…05.06.2014
College & Research Libraries News – Top trends in academic libraries. A review of the trends and issues affecting academic libraries in higher education
« … Every other year, the ACRL Research Planning and Review Committee produces a document on top trends in academic…02.06.2014
Plum Analytics Extends PlumX with Enterprise-Level Security. Users Measuring Research Impact Can Use Single Sign On to Authenticate Through Shibboleth
« … By allowing single sign-on, Plum Analytics, an EBSCO company, enables users easier access to the alternative metrics it…02.06.2014
Research Trends – Issue 37: Special Issue on alternative metrics – Mike Taylor, Gali Halevi and Henk F. Moed
« This special issue of Research Trends is dedicated to altmetrics, or, as some may prefer, alternative metrics. The…24.04.2014
Novel Research Impact Indicators – Martin Fenner, Jennifer Lin (.pdf)
« Abstract Citation counts and more recently usage statistics provide valuable information about the attention and research…14.04.2014
Measuring the Value of Journals | Periodicals Price Survey 2014
« Journal price data is important for budget management processes, but price alone is not the sole factor determining value.lj.libraryjournal.com, Stephen Bosch and Kittie Henderson, 11 avril 2014
Springer now sharing data from Altmetric on SpringerLink
« … Springer announced that it has added altmetrics information to every article available on SpringerLink (link.springer.com), the publishing company’s…27.01.2014
Do ‘altmetrics’ correlate with citations? Extensive comparison of altmetric indicators with citations from a multidisciplinary perspective Rodrigo Costas, Zohreh Zahedi and Paul Wouters – CWTS-WP-2014-001 (.pdf)
« Abstract An extensive analysis of the presence of different altmetric indicators provided by Altmetric.com across scientific…15.10.2013
Altmetrics Bibliography – Charles W. Bailey, Jr.
« Introduction The Altmetrics Bibliography includes selected English-language articles and technical reports that are useful in understanding altmetrics.digital-scholarship.org, Charles W. Bailey, Jr., 14 octobre 2013
Zenodo, un entrepôt de données
» Zenodo permet, comme d’autres outils (figshare, Dryad,…), de déposer des ensembles de donnés et…03.09.2013
Open science, open access : compte-rendu d’un voyage à San Francisco
» Du 22 au 30 juillet 2013 se tenait la Semaine Open Science à San Francisco : un cocktail…05.07.2013
NISO to Develop Standards and Recommended Practices for Altmetrics
» … The National Information Standards Organization (NISO) announces a new two-phase project to study, propose, and develop community-based…13.06.2013
Mike Taylor : « The Challenges of Measuring Social Impact Using Altmetrics »
» Abstract Altmetrics gives us novel ways of detecting the use and consumption of scholarly publishing beyond…22.03.2013
The fourth annual Research Data Access and Preservation Summit Du 4 au 5 avril 2013 – Baltimore, États-Unis
» RDAP13, the fourth annual Research Data Access and Preservation Summit, takes place April 4-5, 2013 in Baltimore,…donneesdelarecherche.fr, Thérèse Hameau (INIST-CNRS), 21 mars 2013