Mot-clé : allemagne
DFG Statement on the Establishment of “cOAlition S” to Support Open Access
« A number of European research funding organisations (cOAlition S) – with the support of the European Commission including the European…dfg.de, Information for Researchers No. 56 | 4 September 2018
Doctorate in transition [English translation of Promotion im Umbruch (2017)]
« The institutional responsibility for doctoral studies at universities must be strengthened, the National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, acatech – National…20.07.2018
More than 5,000 German scientists have published papers in pseudo-scientific journals
« More than 5,000 German scientists have published papers in pseudo-scientific journals, according to reporting undertaken by German public broadcasters NDR…19.07.2018
TIB facilitates literature supply despite Elsevier blocking access to electronic journals
« Almost 800 journals available via TIB Document Delivery Talks between the scientific publisher Elsevier and the German Rectors’ Conference…09.07.2018
DEAL and Elsevier negotiations: Elsevier demands unacceptable for the academic community
“The excessive demands put forward by Elsevier have left us with no choice but to suspend negotiations between the publisher…21.06.2018
6e forum de la coopération franco-allemande en Recherche : pour une collaboration approfondie
« Frédérique Vidal, ministre de l’Enseignement supérieur, de la Recherche et de l’Innovation, a rencontré Anja Karliczek, ministre fédérale allemande de…enseignementsup-recherche.gouv.fr, Frédérique Vidal, 20 juin 2018
Allemagne : Funding Information Infrastructures for Research [.pdf]
« This strategy paper discusses the funding activities of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) in the area of scientific…12.04.2018
Open Science Conference 2018, March 13-14, 2018, Berlin, Germany [diaporamas]
« The Open Science Conference 2018 is the 5th international conference organized by the Leibniz Research Alliance Science 2.0. It is…23.03.2018
American Chemical Society partners with leading Societies to support ChemRxiv™
« The American Chemical Society (ACS) today announced its partnership with the Royal Society of Chemistry and the German Chemical Society…12.03.2018
University Library Technical University of Munich: Copyright Information
« The German Copyright in the Information Society Amending Law (Urheberrechts-Wissensgesellschafts-Gesetz – UrhWissG) comes into force on…09.03.2018
Max-Planck-Gesellschaft to grow open access publishing with IOP
« Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (MPG) and IOP Publishing (IOP) have announced a new pilot agreement to help grow the society’s participation in open…07.03.2018
Preliminary analysis: Introduction of FAIR data in Denmark
« The Danish Agency for Science and Higher Education has commissioned Oxford Research and Højbjerre Brauer Schultz to carry out a…01.03.2018
Blockchainify your research data!
« The Max Planck Digital Library (MPDL) is pleased to announce a new pilot project with Bernstein Technologies GmbH (Bernstein), which…28.02.2018
TIB publishes Strategy 2018-2022
« In its Strategy 2018-2022, the TIB – Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology sets out its objectives for the…13.02.2018
Project BOOST 4.0 launched – Big Data for Factories
« Joint Lab « Data Science & Open Knowledge » as partner The project BOOST 4.0 (http://boost40.eu/), funded by…08.02.2018
Shaping digital transformation in science. “Digital Information” Initiative by the Alliance of Science Organizations in Germany. Mission statement 2018 – 2022
« In view of the persistently dynamic changes which digitization entails for all areas of science, the need for a structure…29.01.2018
Communiqué de presse : Les trois Académies des sciences du Royaume-Uni, de l’Allemagne et de la France recommandent dans une déclaration commune de consolider les collaborations scientifiques et de recherche entre le Royaume-Uni et l’Europe
« À un moment où la nature exacte et l’organisation des relations futures entre le Royaume-Uni et l’Union européenne sont encore…16.01.2018
FOSTER Book Sprint at TIB
« Authoring collaboratively a Handbook for Open Science Training in just five days From 12 to 16 February 2018,…15.01.2018
Videos and Slides: SWIB (Semantic Web in Libraries) conference – 4 to 6 December 2017 in Hamburg
« SWIB conference (Semantic Web in Libraries) is an annual conference focusing on Linked Open Data (LOD) in libraries and related…07.12.2017
Ouverture d’un bureau international pour l’initiative GO FAIR
« Dans la cadre de la mise en œuvre du European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), qui vise à créer une plate-forme…07.12.2017
Hundreds of German universities set to lose access to Elsevier journals
« Negotiations to reduce journal prices and promote open access are progressing slowly Around 200 German universities will lose their subscriptions…www.nature.com, Quirin Schiermeier, 5 decembre 2017, doi: 10.1038/d41586-017-07817-1
Blog droit européen : Open Access in German legal academia: Challenges and Perspectives
« Nous remercions Hanjo Hamann d’avoir eu la gentillesse de nous proposer une actualisation du post qu’il avait écrit l’année dernière…24.10.2017
EDP Sciences and TIB sign agreement to publish Open Access conference proceedings
« On 12 October 2017, EDP Sciences signed a partnership agreement with the Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB) –…18.10.2017
The Spoken Wikipedia Corpora
« The Spoken Wikipedia project unites volunteer readers of Wikipedia articles. Hundreds of spoken articles in multiple languages are available to…17.10.2017
DEAL and Springer Nature: First results of the negotiation
« Project DEAL of the Alliance of Science Organisations in Germany and the publisher Springer Nature are negotiating a forward-looking model…02.10.2017
Putting open science into practice: ZBW (Leibniz Information Centre for Economics research) data projects
« Research data is a crucial issue in open science. The ZBW is involved in its implementation in a range of…zbw-mediatalk.eu, Doreen Siegfried, Birgit Fingerle, 26 septembre 2017
Modernisation of the EU Copyright Rules Position Statement of the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition
« On 14 September 2016 the European Commission published a package of proposals aimed at the modernisation of copyright within the…26.09.2017
TIB publishes results of survey: information procurement and publishing behaviour in science and technology
« Researchers would like more advisory services on Open Access, research data and the handling of non-textual material How do researchers…25.09.2017
Allemagne : Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB) and Research Centre L3S join forces
« The Joint Lab Data Science & Open Knowledge explores new ways to access information in large databases What is…19.09.2017
100,000 ORCID iDs in Germany
« Good acceptance among researchers working in Germany The unambiguous assignment of authors to their publications is one of the major…24.08.2017
A bold open-access push in Germany could change the future of academic publishing
« BERLIN—In a third-floor conference room here overlooking the famous Potsdamer Platz, once bisected by the Berlin Wall, the future of…sciencemag.org, Gretchen Vogel, Kai Kupferschmidt, 23 août 2017
43rd International Conference on Very Large Data Bases – Technical University of Munich, Germany, from August 28th to September 1, 2017 – Proceedings PhD Workshop (.pdf)
« This volume contains the proceedings of the VLDB 2017 PhD Workshop, co-located with the 43nd International Conference…dbs.uni-leipzig.de, Peter Christen, Bettina Kemme, Erhard Rahm (eds.) août 2017
Wikimedia Deutschland: Open Science Fellows Program (Video with English subtitles)
« The Open Science Fellows Program is an initiative from Wikimedia Deutschland, Stifterverband, and VolkswagenStiftung aimed at junior scientists who want…02.08.2017
Exception au TDM en Allemagne
« Les deux chambres du Parlement allemand ont approuvé la réforme du droit d’auteur (le 30 juin 2017 pour le Bundestag…24.07.2017
German Council of Science and Humanities | Next generation of research infrastructures evaluated
« Twelve conceptual designs for large-scale research infrastructures have been evaluated in detail and comparatively assessed by a mandated committee of…19.07.2017
14 Years of PID Services at the German National Library of Science and Technology (TIB)
« Connected Frameworks, Research Data and Lessons Learned from a National Research Library Perspective « In an ideal research world, any…18.07.2017
Major German Universities Cancel Elsevier Contracts
« (…) In Germany, the fight for open access and favorable pricing for journals is getting heated. At the end of…05.07.2017
Max Planck Society: New deal to boost excellent research in Eastern Europe
« Max Planck Society launches programme to reinforce cutting-edge research in Central and Eastern Europe / Until 2021, an initial funding…03.07.2017
Berlin Universities Demand Fair Prices and Free Access to Information
« Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Technische Universität Berlin, and Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin are canceling their contract with the…02.06.2017
New Open Data Act in Germany
« The German Bundestag adopted the Federal Open Data Act on 18 May 2017. The new Act initiates cultural change in the…01.06.2017
Germany and the Netherlands call for rapid action on the European Open Science Cloud
« (…) Research data should not be stored away on personal computers or USB-sticks, nor in research infrastructures only researchers themselves…24.05.2017
Recordings of the Second Conference on Non-Textual Information “Software and Services for Science (S3)” 10 -11 mai, 2017 in Hannover
« The conference focused on sustainability, referencing scientific software, trends in programming practice, software sharing and legal aspects »18.05.2017
Allemagne : Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB) is a member of DuraSpace
« By becoming a member, TIB supports further development of current research information system VIVO. (…) “Without a lively community with…09.05.2017
Une nouvelle fondation pour le soutien à la recherche à Berlin
« Berlin est une ville attractive pour la recherche scientifique, de par ses nombreux instituts de recherche et laboratoires universitaires. Le…25.04.2017
Ouverture d’un centre Einstein consacré au futur du numérique à Berlin
« Le 3 avril 2017 a ouvert un centre Einstein consacré au futur du numérique (ECDF) sur le site du forum…03.04.2017
Allemagne : Max-Planck-Gesellschaft – President Martin Stratmann: New momentum for Open Access
« In his guest contribution for the Tagespiegel newspaper, Martin Stratmann pleads for open access to become the rule in scientific…02.03.2017
ResearchGate raises $52.6M for its social research network for scientists
« As LinkedIn continues to reign as the world’s largest social network for the wider working world, we are seeing the rise of alternatives…22.02.2017
German Psychological Society fully embraces open data, gives detailed recommendations
« The German Psychological Society developed and adopted new recommendations for data sharing that fully embrace openness, transparency and scientific integrity.14.02.2017
German scientists regain access to Elsevier journals
« A stand-off in which dozens of German universities declined to pay for access to journals from publishing giant Elsevier has…20.01.2017
Max Planck and Taylor & Francis Group sign open access agreement
« The Max Planck Digital Library and Taylor & Francis Group have signed an agreement which enables researchers based in Max…13.01.2017
Germany brings Open Data into law
« Just before the end of 2016 the German Federal Ministry of Interior presented the first Open Data act. This act,…15.12.2016
Déclaration sur les publications scientifiques par trois académies nationales – Académie des sciences, Leopoldina et Royal Society
« Les présidents des académies des sciences de France, d’Allemagne et de Grande-Bretagne ont remis officiellement à monsieur Carlos…15.12.2016
ESCloud – Un label franco-allemand pour les services d’informatique en nuage de confiance
« L’ANSSI et son homologue allemand, le Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnikle (BSI) coopèrent depuis de nombreuses années…08.12.2016
Négociations allemandes avec Elsevier
« Dans le cadre du projet DEAL, initié par l’Alliance des organisations de recherche allemandes…28.09.2016
Videos in digital libraries: What’s in it for libraries, publishers and scientists?
« Half day workshop during the TPDL 2016 Conference in Hannover, Germany, September 8th, 2016. The aim of…26.09.2016
German National Library of Science and Technology (TIB) supports transformation initiative OA2020
« TIB signs Expression of Interest, stating its commitment to contribute to transformation to Open Access The…22.09.2016
German research ministry demands open access
« Federally funded research will now come with an open access clause – but uncertainties remain. All…16.09.2016
First International Workshop on Reproducible Open Science: Hannover, Germany, 9th of September 2016
« The Research Data Alliance (RDA) builds the social and technical bridges that enable open sharing of…06.09.2016
Allemagne : Council for Scientific Information Infrastructures’ publishes recommendations on RDM structures and processes
« In June, the German Council for Scientific Information Infrastructures (RfII) has published some recommendations on determinats of…06.09.2016
Allemagne : GeRDI to be model of a linked research data infrastructure
« Nationwide project GeRDI to set up a linked research data infrastructure as a German contribution to the European…31.08.2016
Establishment of consortium for enhancing author identification in Germany
« The “ORCID DE” project of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation, DFG) signs a Memorandum of Understanding with…26.08.2016
Continuing Professional Education in Open Access – a French-German Survey
« While open access (OA) has become a significant part of scientific communication and academic publishing, qualification issues have…liberquarterly.eu, Achim Oßwald , Joachim Schöpfel, Bernard Jacquemin, 15 août 2016