Mot-clé :
OPERAS’ CoARA Action Plan published
« We are pleased to announce that OPERAS has published its own CoARA Action Plan to build a…14.11.2024
Webinar: Creating Community-Driven Pathways to Equitable Open Scholarly Publishing – Leading the way | November 6th 2024 (video)
« The three EU-funded projects CRAFT-OA, DIAMAS & PALOMERA work towards an equitable future for scholarly communication, with the scholarly community…30.08.2024
OPERAS – Combating disinformation through equitable, open and accessible science
« Some reflections on the OPERAS Trust On 2024 Workshop and the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the EU.09.08.2024
OPERAS leads a session on Trust in the Digital Sphere at the Science Summit during the 79th United Nations General Assembly
« OPERAS will host an online session on “Fostering Trust in the Digital Sphere: A Multi-Stakeholder Approach Introduction” at the…01.08.2024
Advocating for Responsible Research Assessment: highlights from the workshop by the OPERAS Advocacy SIG
« The OPERAS Advocacy Special Interest Group currently focuses on a different topic each year. From September 2023…19.07.2024
CNRS Sciences humaines & sociales – La Lettre n° 89 | juillet 2024 (.pdf)
« Édito de Marie Gaille, directrice de CNRS Sciences humaines et sociales Au moment où se clôt l’année académique 2023-2024,…05.07.2024
OPERAS Annual Report 2023
« OPERAS is the Research Infrastructure supporting open scholarly communication in the social sciences and humanities (SSH) in the European Research…28.06.2024
« Fresh from signing the Barcelona Declaration on Open Research Information, OPERAS is proud to announce that we…27.05.2024
Barcelona Declaration – OPERAS Announcement
« We are very pleased to announce that OPERAS has become a supporting member of the Barcelona Declaration.14.05.2024
Exploratory studies for the creation of a technology-aided collaborative translation service in open scholarly communication
« Since the Helsinki Initiative in 2019, language diversity and multilingualism have become key concerns in scholarly communication. (…) This…18.04.2024
Responsible Research Assessment: OPERAS activities and initiatives
« (…) OPERAS is taking part in the transformative change of the research culture landscape through its dedicated participation in various…02.04.2024
Conférence OPERAS : Faire avancer la Science Ouverte pour les Sciences Humaines et Sociales – 24-26 Avril, Zadar, Croatie
« (…) La Conférence OPERAS organisée par le projet OPERAS-PLUS, vise à être un lieu de discussion où différents acteurs tels…13.03.2024
OPERAS France : un espace de dialogue et de réflexion pour la communication scientifique ouverte en SHS
« OPERAS France est lancé ! Coordonnée par OpenEdition, cette initiative a pour objectif de fédérer au niveau national les communautés…09.02.2024
Take 5 with PALOMERA partners – Open Book Publishers
« (…) The PALOMERA project is dedicated to understanding why so few open access funder policies include books, and to…07.11.2023
Global Summit on Diamond Open Access concludes with pledges to advance Diamond OA initiatives globally
« The Global Summit on Diamond Open Access, held in Toluca, México, and online, from 23 to 27 October 2023, concluded…27.09.2023
L’Université de Lorraine rejoint OPERAS
« L’infrastructure OPERAS œuvre pour le développement de la communication et de l’édition scientifique ouverte dans le domaine des sciences humaines…09.03.2023
Roadmap and budget projections for a technology-based collaborative translation service dedicated to open scholarly communication – Open Call for Proposal
« Company Background OPERAS is the Research Infrastructure supporting open scholarly communication in the social sciences and humanities (SSH) in…16.11.2022
DOAB officially launches its new service to further build trust in peer review and open access academic book publishing
« The Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB), a community-driven discovery service for open access books, is launching…07.11.2022
Working together towards a resilient and community-controlled federation of analytics tools and services for books
« Two international projects, OPERAS-PLUS project and the Book Analytics Dashboard project, commit to…10.10.2022
Kick off for newly funded project: OPERAS-PLUS
« The project OPERAS-PLUS has received 2,7 million EUR through Horizon Europe to support the further development of OPERAS in its…03.10.2022
Translations and Open Science Project
« From September 2022 to September 2023 OPERAS coordinates a series of studies commissioned by the French Ministry of Higher Education…29.09.2022
OPERAS receives funding to develop and sustain the infrastructure and its services
« The OPERAS Research Infrastructure receives 2,7 million Euros by the European Commission to further develop and sustain the infrastructure and…22.08.2022
VERA (Virtual Ecosystem for Research Activation)
« (…) COESO is creating VERA (Virtual Ecosystem for Research Activation), an online platform designed to enable and encourage “participatory research”…19.08.2022
DOAJ becomes a member of OPERAS
« DOAJ is pleased to announce that it has become a member of OPERAS, the Research Infrastructure supporting…29.06.2022
OPERAS Annual Report 2021
« OPERAS is the Research Infrastructure supporting open scholarly communication in the social sciences and humanities (SSH) in the European Research…05.05.2022
Triple, un service multilingue de partage de connaissances en SHS
« L’infrastructure européenne de recherche Operas contribue à une recherche sans frontière en favorisant la diffusion des données et des publications…09.03.2022
[#osc2022] Open Science Conference 2022 | 8-10 March 2022 « Scholarly Communication in the Open Science framework: The Diamond Open Access model »
« The talk presents the Action Plan for Diamond Open Access, developed by Science Europe, cOAlition S, OPERAS,…02.03.2022
Action Plan for Diamond Open Access
« Science Europe, cOAlition S, OPERAS, and the French National Research Agency (ANR) present an Action Plan for Diamond Open Access…24.01.2022
Workshop on Diamond Open Access, 2 February 2022
THE PROGRAMME « ‘Diamond’ Open Access refers to Open Access journals and platforms that are free to both…22.12.2021
Reviewathon for OPERAS Living Book
« The OPERAS Living Book has been updated, and the OPERAS community is invited and encouraged to participate in a post-publication…30.08.2021
TRIPLE Conference: Empowering Discovery in Open Social Sciences and Humanities
« The TRIPLE project is organising its first international conference “Empowering Discovery in Open Social Sciences…16.07.2021
OPERAS intègre la feuille de route des infrastructures de recherche européennes
« L’infrastructure OPERAS, pilotée par OpenEdition, en partenariat avec la TGIR Huma-Num, figure parmi les 11 projets inscrits sur la…01.07.2021
ESFRI announces the 11 new Research Infrastructures to be included in its Roadmap 2021
« (…) OPERAS – Open Access in the European Research Area through Scholarly Communication, the distributed RI to enable Open Science…29.06.2021
Future of Scholarly Communication. Forging an inclusive and innovative research infrastructure for scholarly communication in Social Sciences and Humanities
« This report discusses the scholarly communication issues in Social Sciences and Humanities that are relevant to the future development and…21.06.2021
OPERAS-P Project Final Meeting: Building up OPERAS as a community-driven infrastructure – June 29, 2021
« The OPERAS-P final meeting (June 29, 2021, 11.30 to 13.00 CEST) will gather communities to present and discuss the results…08.06.2021
Workshop : « Soutenir la communication ouverte en SHS à l’échelle française et européenne : l’infrastructure OPERAS » – 28 juin 2021
« Organisé par OpenEdition et Huma-Num en collaboration avec l’équipe du projet OPERAS, le workshop « Soutenir la…05.05.2021
Report: Networking the Networks – Opening OPERAS-GER
« The first national node event of OPERAS took place on 26 April 2021, with the aim to present the OPERAS…16.03.2021
Survey on Citizen Science funding in the Social Sciences and Humanities
« The COESO project, in its early stages, aims at an in-depth understanding of the landscape on Citizen…09.03.2021
For a Change: Let’s Make a Change! OPERAS Survey on Collaborative Models for Open Access Books
« (…) We are launching a survey of publishing organisations throughout Europe to identify and better understand existing and potential business…24.02.2021
Academic Libraries and Open Access Books in Europe. A Landscape Study
« The last fifteen years have witnessed the emergence of a new role for academic libraries. Besides fulfilling their fundamental task…18.02.2021
The Future of Scholarly Communication – OPERAS-P Workshop – 24, 26 February 2021
« OPERAS-P, an H2020 project coordinated by CNRS, is organising a workshop Future of scholarly communication, which will…18.02.2021
COESO (Collaborative Engagement on Societal Issues) Kick-off meeting
« The COESO project (Collaborative Engagement on Societal Issues) kicked-off on 19/20 January 2021. The 3-year participatory research…13.10.2020
Conférence OPERAS « Opening up Social Sciences and Humanities in Europe: From Promises to Reality » : les inscriptions sont ouvertes !
« La conférence « Opening up Social Sciences and Humanities in Europe: From Promises to Reality », organisée par le consortium…22.07.2020
Aidez-nous à mieux connaître les revues en accès ouvert qui ne facturent pas de frais de publication
« Le consortium OPERAS et ses partenaires lancent une enquête destinée à mieux comprendre les revues en accès ouvert qui ne…04.06.2020
Call for Members – OPERAS Scientific Advisory Committee
(…) Be part of a dynamic, multidisciplinary and international network shaping the research publication structure of tomorrow! Help us to…11.05.2020
TRIPLE User Research Survey
« (…)The questionnaire is specifically targeted at researchers and academics from the Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) at any stage of…16.04.2020
OAPEN – open access for books
« In these deeply troubling times, we are nonetheless happy to announce that the OAPEN Library has moved to a new…11.03.2020
Enquête OPERAS sur la communication savante en sciences humaines et sociales
« Dans le cadre du projet d’infrastructure européenne OPERAS, coordonné par OpenEdition et Huma-Num, une…10.01.2020
Création de l’association OPERAS : une nouvelle entité légale
« Les principaux membres de l’Infrastructure de recherche européenne OPERAS se sont réunis pour créer une association…29.10.2019
DARIAH and OPERAS join forces to make Open Science a reality in the arts, humanities and social sciences
« DARIAH (Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities) is a European research infrastructure supported jointly by a consortium of…11.10.2019
Le projet TRIPLE sur les données en SHS est lancé !
« Le projet TRIPLE (Targeting Researchers through Innovative Practices and Multilingual Exploration), coordonné par la TGIR Huma-Num…18.09.2019
OPERAS’s Answers to the Expert Group for Open Science of the European Commission
« The OSPP (Open Science Policy Platform) asked their stakeholders some questions on the future of Scholarly Publishing and Scholarly Communication.29.05.2019
In support of open infrastructures: A statement from OPERAS in response to the ‘Open Research Library’, a new initiative from Knowledge Unlatched
« On May 16, Knowledge Unlatched (KU) launched a new hosting platform for Open Access monographs, the…28.05.2019
Financement du projet européen TRIPLE sur les données en SHS !
« Dans le cadre de leurs collaborations, la très grande infrastructure de recherche Huma-Num et…30.10.2018
ESFRI identifies OPERAS’ field of action as high strategic potential area
« From 12 – 14 September 2018, the 4th International Conference on Research Infrastructures (ICRI) took place in Vienna in the…10.09.2018
‘Publication favela’ or bibliodiversity? Open access publishing viewed from a European perspective
« A number of initiatives exist in European countries to support open scholarly communication in humanities and social sciences. This article…07.08.2018
OPERAS launches White Papers
« The White Papers of the OPERAS Working Groups are now available! Follow the links below to the full text pdf…19.07.2018
HIRMEOS Hypervideo on OA Monographs
« (…) The aim of the interactive video framework is to offer a point of reference for all those seeking information…16.07.2018
Conclusions of the international conference on Open Scholarly Communication hosted by EKT
« The International Conference on Open Scholarly Communication « Open Scholarly Communication in Europe: Addressing the Coordination Challenge » was…23.02.2018
The Visibility of Open Access Monographs in a European Context: A Report Prepared by Knowledge Unlatched Research
« This report explores the extent to which Open Access (OA) specialist scholarly books can be seen by the communities that…09.02.2018
OPERAS: Validation of Certification, Discovery, and Research for Society services
« The OPERAS core group met in the Central Library in Amsterdam on 24 January 2018. The core group has validated…01.12.2017