Mot-clé : Norvège
NeIC 2022 – Workshop “EOSC in the Nordics: from policy to practice” | 30 mai 2022
« The EOSC-Nordic workshop “EOSC in the Nordics: from policy to practice” will be co-located with NeIC conference 2022 to be…22.03.2022
Diamond Open Access in Norway 2017–2020
« We see from information published elsewhere that Gold OA is on the increase globally. The OA Diamond study indicates that…23.12.2021
NOR-CAM – A toolbox for recognition and rewards in academic careers
« A working group appointed by Universities Norway (UHR) was mandated to recommend guiding principles for the assessment and evaluation of…12.10.2021
Impact and visibility of Norwegian, Finnish and Spanish journals in the fields of humanities
« This article analyses the impact and visibility of scholarly journals in the humanities that are publishing in the national languages…09.04.2021
Attracting new users or business as usual? A case study of converting academic subscription-based journals to open access
« This paper studies a selection of 11 Norwegian journals in the humanities and social sciences and their conversion from subscription…15.04.2020
Norwegian Centre for Research Data adopts RDA DMP Common Standard for Machine-actionable Data Management Plans Recommendation
« NSDs Data Management Plan (NSD DMP) is a tool for enabling long-term preservation and sharing of research data. Its purpose…28.11.2019
The 14th Munin Conference on Scholarly Publishing 2019. UiT The Arctic University of Norway, November 27–28, 2019
« The Munin Conference is an annual conference on scholarly publishing and communication, primarily revolving around open access, open data and…28.06.2019
Springer nature agrees new transformative deal with Norway
« Springer Nature and the Unit consortium in Norway have agreed in principle a transformative read and publish deal for 2020-…23.04.2019
Norway and Elsevier agree on pilot national licence for research access and publishing
« The Norwegian consortium for higher education and research and Elsevier, the global information analytics business specializing…26.03.2019
Open Science Talk #015 No Deal with Norway [podcast]
« Norway does not have a deal with the publisher Elsevier anymore and follows in Sweden and Germany’s footsteps. But why…soundcloud.com/opensciencetalk, Mona Magnussen, Erik Lieungh, 16 mars 2019
Wiley and The Norwegian Directorate for ICT and Joint Services in Higher Education and Research Partner to Advance Scholarly Research and Publishing in Norway
« John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (NYSE:JWA)(NYSE:JWB), a global leader in research and education, and Unit – The Norwegian Directorate for…14.03.2019
Norvège : les organismes de recherche décident de ne pas renouveler l’accord avec Elsevier
« Après la l’Université de Californie**, le 28 février dernier, c’est au tour de la Norvège, le…13.03.2019
Norwegian research institutions have decided not to renew their agreement with Elsevier
« The offer from Elsevier is a long way from fulfilling the Norwegian requirements for open access to research articles. There…22.01.2018
Norvège : Data management plans facilitate re-use of data
« Better access to research data enhances the quality of research and offers many benefits for business and society at large.forskningsradet.no, Christian Lund. Translation: Glenn Wells/Carol B. Eckmann, 15 janvier 2018
Norvège : National goals and guidelines for open access to research articles
« The government’s goal is that all pubclicly funded Norwegian research articles should be made openly available by 2024, and the…26.07.2017
Evaluation of humanities research in Norway
« The Research Council have conducted an evaluation of the entire field of the humanities. Research and teaching activities are viewed…29.05.2017
The Research Council of Norway: Research articles must be openly available
« The Research Council of Norway is giving universities and university colleges a six-month deadline to upload articles stemming from Council-funded…17.06.2016
National Guidelines for Open Access in Norway
« The working group responsible for creating new guidelines for open access to research results has today delivered their…09.02.2016
Norway : national budget assigns research and innovation a key role in restructuring
« In the national budget proposal for 2016 the Government is giving research and innovation a more important role…http://www.forskningsradet.no, Sindre Mekjan, 9 octobre 2015.