Mot-clé :
DIAMAS Project | D5.1 IPSP Sustainability Research Report
« Understanding the sustainability of institutional publishers and service providers (IPSPs) constitutes a key step in the DIAMAS project. This…03.04.2024
The open access coverage of OpenAlex, Scopus and Web of Science
« Diamond open access (OA) journals offer a publishing model that is free for both authors and readers, but their lack…03.04.2024
[article+code+data]: A virtuous tryptic towards reproducible research
« Too often, the methods described in research papers are not reproducible because the code and/or data are simply not provided.28.03.2024
Advancing Equity and Innovation in Research Publishing: Time for a New Era in the Open Access Movement?
« Today marks a significant milestone as the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) announces a new Open…28.03.2024
Knowledge Exchange | Framework for scaling up reproducibility practices in research organisations
« This framework is the main output of a Knowledge Exchange (KE) study titled Approaches to scaling up reproducibility in research…27.03.2024
Knowledge Exchange | Approaches to scaling up reproducibility in research organisations
« Reproducibility is vital in ensuring the quality and integrity of research. This Knowledge Exchange report and accompanying framework is the…22.03.2024
Launch of the NORF-funded pilot National Open Access Monitor and Report
« The NORF-funded pilot National Open Access Monitor has been launched and is available at https://oamonitor.ireland.openaire.eu/. (…) »04.03.2024
Making Research Data Publicly Accessible: Estimates of Institutional & Researcher Expenses
« Academic institutions have made significant investments to support public access to research data requirements, yet little to no data about…26.02.2024
The societal impact of Open Science–a scoping review
« Open Science (OS) aims, in part, to drive greater societal impact of academic research. Government, funder and institutional policies state…26.02.2024
The Platform Developers in a Federated Model of Diamond Open Access
« In their recent discussion paper “Towards a Federated Global Community of Diamond Open Access,” Pierre Mounier (OpenEdition,…22.02.2024
Report of the 2nd Diamond Open Access Conference
« …21.02.2024
The Nexus of Open Science and Innovation: Insights from Patent Citations
« This paper aims to analyze the extent to which inventive activity relies on open science. In other words, it investigates…12.02.2024
Monitoring Open Science as Transformative Change: Towards a Systemic Framework
« Following a flurry of policies for Open Science (OS), there is now a wave of initiatives to monitor its adoption.07.02.2024
OASPA – 2023 in Review
« It is important, every now and then, for an organisation to take a step back and look at progress. 2023…29.01.2024
Open-access papers draw more citations from a broader readership
« For 2 decades, advocates of open access in scientific publishing have offered a fundamental justification: Making papers immediately free for…19.01.2024
OASPA’s forthcoming recommendations to increase equity in open access: the story of how we got here, and why
« OASPA has developed a draft of recommended practices to help publishing organisations increase equity in open access. These recommendations are…15.01.2024
Going Open Access: The Attitudes and Actions of Scientific Journal Editors in China
« This study aims to investigate the attitudes and actions of scientific journal editors in China towards open access. Semi-structured interviews…15.01.2024
Open access research outputs receive more diverse citations
« The goal of open access is to allow more people to read and use research outputs. An observed association between…12.01.2024
Articles, software, data: An Open Science ethological study
« Open Science seeks to render research outputs visible, accessible, reusable.(…) In this context, it is relevant to better visualize and…08.01.2024
An Interview with TU Delft Open Publishing on joining OASPA
« TU Delft OPEN Publishing has recently become a member of OASPA in the small professional publisher category,…05.01.2024
Open Science Practice in Western Balkan Countries
« This comprehensive review explores the landscape of open science in the Western Balkan Countries (WBCs), offering insights into existing policies,…20.12.2023
Un guide d’utilisation des Creative Commons pour les journalistes (mais pas que)
« Open Newswire et Creative Commons se sont associés pour proposer un guide pratique sur…07.12.2023
Le monde d’après” pour les bibliothèques académiques, rôle des bibliothèques dans un environnement Open Access ?
« L’Open Access et la réinvention des bibliothèques académiques : entre défis et innovations Comment les bibliothèques académiques peuvent-elles s’adapter…05.12.2023
Suggestions de dépôts : un nouveau service de HAL pour importer automatiquement vos publications déjà en libre accès
« Plusieurs de vos publications sont en libre accès et vous voulez les déposer dans HAL ? Un nouveau service est…05.12.2023
Open access: Dependence from article processing charges publishing in Portugal
« Conversely to diamond open access, gold open access is associated with article processing charges (APCs), which may represent an important…30.11.2023
UKRI monograph open access policy coming soon: here’s what you need to know
« From 1 January 2024, monographs, book chapters or edited collections acknowledging funding from UKRI or any of…29.11.2023
National Open Access Monitor, Ireland Draft Report
« This draft report provides an initial assessment of Ireland’s Open Access (OA) landscape, with a primary focus on a baseline…28.11.2023
Communication Scholarship and the Quest for Open Access
« The advent of black, green, and gold open access publication models poses unique questions for scholars of communication.(…) The purpose…28.11.2023
[DFG: Forschungszentrum Jülich] Monitoring report: open access publications funding programme
« Forschungszentrum Jülich presents monitoring report on the German Research Foundation’s OA funding programme for the funding year 2022. (…) »27.11.2023
Comment trouver un journal nativement Open Access ?
« Dans la voie dorée de l’Open Access, il est important de faire la distinction entre deux types…24.11.2023
Open Science in China: An Open and Closed Case
« China’s place in the global system of science has become increasingly prominent. In 2016, China published the highest number of…21.11.2023
Publications by UU (Utrecht University) authors automatically made open access
« Starting on 1 January short works of science by UU researchers will automatically be published open access in the Utrecht…15.11.2023
Update on UKRI open access policy and fund for books
« From 1 January 2024, UKRI’s open access policy will apply to monographs, book chapters and edited collections that need to…09.11.2023
SPARC Report Urges Action to Address Concerns with ScienceDirect Data Privacy Practices
» Today, SPARC released Navigating Risk in Vendor Data Privacy Practices: An Analysis of Elsevier’s ScienceDirect. Produced…08.11.2023
Open access movement in the scholarly world: Pathways for libraries in developing countries
« Open access is a scholarly publishing model that has emerged as an alternative to traditional subscription-based journal publishing. This study…07.11.2023
Global Summit on Diamond Open Access concludes with pledges to advance Diamond OA initiatives globally
« The Global Summit on Diamond Open Access, held in Toluca, México, and online, from 23 to 27 October 2023, concluded…06.11.2023
Open Access Week Builds Connections with Community over Commercialization Theme
« The 2023 International Open Access Week theme, “Community over Commercialization,” resonated with researchers, advocates, students, funders, and people around the…03.11.2023
[#globaldiamondsummit] Global Summit on Diamond Open Access: Conclusions and Way Forward (.pdf)
« CONCLUSIONS AND WAY FORWARD Knowledge is our most valuable asset and a public good that must be shared widely…03.11.2023
Reflections from the Global Summit on Diamond OA
« (…) “The Diamond Open Access summit marks a huge step in the direction of globally equitable Open Access. We are…03.11.2023
The seed of a global federation for Diamond Open Access has been planted
« By invitation, SPARC Europe recently attended the Global Summit on Diamond Open Access. Participants reflected on…31.10.2023
Open-access reformers launch next bold publishing plan
« The group behind the radical open-access initiative Plan S has announced its next big plan to shake up research publishing…31.10.2023
Swedish Research Council | Funders in joint open access initiative
« The research funders Swedish Research Council, Forte, Formas, and Vinnova have made a strategic decision on a funding model to…26.10.2023
Open science: a dynamic ecosystem
« Presentation of some tools used in the EEG & MEG communities to implement open science, from Open access to open…26.10.2023
Sci-Hub presents a paradox for open access publishing
« (…) Yet, as we explore in a recent paper, pirate sites present a paradox for genuine…20.10.2023
Celebrating 20,000 journals in DOAJ: the value (and cost) of maintaining trust in scholarly publishing
« Today, the DOAJ team is happy to share a significant milestone with our community: the Directory of Open Access Journals…19.10.2023
Open access: Need to move away from transformative agreements
« Sweden is far ahead when it comes to promoting open access to scholarly publications. But there is risk of getting…17.10.2023
shift+OPEN An MIT Press initiative to flip subscription journals to open access
« applications open January 2024 The MIT Press welcomes applications for shift+OPEN, our new program designed to flip existing subscription-based…13.10.2023
Council of Australian University Librarians and Open Access Australasia Statement on the American Chemical Society’s new Article Development Charges
« The Council of Australian University Librarians (CAUL) and Open Access Australasia wish to express our joint concerns over the recent…13.10.2023
La différence entre accès gratuit et Open Access
« Si vous tombez sur un article accessible gratuitement sur le site d’une revue, cela ne signifie pas nécessairement que cet…12.10.2023
Secondary Publishing Rights in Europe: status, challenges & opportunities
« Secondary publishing rights articles have been introduced in seven European countries, while others are exploring their introduction. These are considered…22.09.2023
Open Access and Sales Revenue Can Co-Exist
« The transition towards open access (OA) varies across publication type, research field, and geography. For example, in STEM publishing, Individual…21.09.2023
Promoting Open Access in Research-Performing Organizations: Spheres of Activity, Challenges, and Future Action Areas
« Open access (OA) has become a critical issue in science policy and affects a wide range of activities in universities…20.09.2023
Ithaka S+R: Print Revenue and Open Access Monographs
« Monographs are central to university press publishing, and to the scholarly ecosystem. As Alison Muddit, recent director of University of…08.09.2023
1589 revues perdent leur statut de revues transformantes fin 2023 : la cOAlition S ne remboursera plus les frais de publication
« La cOAlition S a publié en juin dernier un rapport synthétisant les données fournies…08.09.2023
Development and preliminary validation of an open access, open data and open outreach indicator
« We present the development and preliminary validation of a new person-centered indicator that we propose is named “OADO” after its…28.08.2023
Accelerating open access: cOAlition S takes bold action to propel change
« KEY TAKEAWAYS – cOAlition S plans to drop 1,589 titles from its transformative journal programme due to insufficient progress…28.08.2023
Simulating and Contrasting the Game of Open Access in Diverse Cultural Contexts: A Social Simulation Model
« Open Access is a global cause with the aim of allowing unrestricted access to all scientific research output in electronic…17.08.2023
TOME Assessment Highlights Author Satisfaction and Ongoing Commitment to Open-Access Monographs
« The Association of American Universities, the Association of Research Libraries, and the Association of University Presses have published a…17.08.2023
Lost in translation? Revisiting notions of community- and scholar-led publishing in international contexts
« (…) ScholarLed comprises a group of independent and scholar-led Open Access book publishers who joined forces in a collaborative endeavour…10.08.2023
[Alliance des organisations scientifiques allemandes] Recommandations pour des ententes de transformation avec les prestataires de services de publication
« Directives de l’initiative prioritaire « Information numérique » de l’Alliance des organisations scientifiques allemandes dans le contexte de la mise…08.08.2023
The Fully OA group respond to the House Appropriations Committee
« (…) In our capacity as representatives of leading fully Open Access research publishers and Open Science platforms, we submit our…07.08.2023