Mot-clé : workshop
EOSC Compliant PID Implementations – Practical Guidelines for Implementing Best Practices – 21 November 2023
« A look into how you can adapt existing PID implementation best practices and apply them to your domain and work…27.01.2023
Atelier pilote au sein de la communauté Research Data Alliance sur la planification de la gestion des données de recherche
« A l’occasion de son 10e anniversaire, la Research Data Alliance va proposer une série d’ateliers virtuels sur des thèmes liés…08.12.2022
OpenAIRE: Copyright for Open Science (C4OS) Series
« Can we think of a Copyright system that provides equitable compensation to all involved parties, while maximising access to scientific…04.01.2022
3rd ESFRI RIs -EOSC Workshop: What does EOSC bring to RI users? 25 & 26 January 2022
« The main objective of the workshop is to bring together ESFRI, ESFRI RIs and EOSC stakeholders, in order to showcase…22.11.2021
Open for you! An introduction series to open science
« Everything you always wanted to know about open science but were afraid to ask! The vision of science we…05.11.2020
University approaches to citizen science in the transition to Open Science – 9 -10 December 2020 [EUA & OpenAIRE workshop]
« EUA and OpenAIRE will host a joint online workshop on citizen science, on December 9-10th. Participants…16.10.2020
Delivering RDM services workshop – 2-6 november 2020 registration open!
« A wide range of data management services are in place in institutions, including research information management systems, DMP tools, e-lab…15.11.2019
Les #JNSO2019 18-19 novembre 2019, Paris, [retransmission en direct] / #French National #OpenScience Days [live broadcast]
« La deuxième édition des journées nationales pour la science ouverte sera hébergée par Sorbonne Université au cœur de Paris, en…04.06.2019
Workshop #1 – Appropriation des savoirs ouverts
« Ce workshop a rassemblé les partenaires impliqués dans le projet ASO ainsi que des spécialistes des…09.04.2018
OpenMinTeD invites you to an all around TDM experience
« This event marks the official launch of the OpenMinTeD platform (www.openminted.eu, services.openminted.eu) and we would like to invite you to join…21.08.2017
Open access community workshop, July 2017 – what happened and what next
« On July 18 2017 we held a workshop in Birmingham for members of the open access community to attend as…scholarlycommunications.jiscinvolve.org, keriodonoghue, 11 août 2017
43rd International Conference on Very Large Data Bases – Technical University of Munich, Germany, from August 28th to September 1, 2017 – Proceedings PhD Workshop (.pdf)
« This volume contains the proceedings of the VLDB 2017 PhD Workshop, co-located with the 43nd International Conference…dbs.uni-leipzig.de, Peter Christen, Bettina Kemme, Erhard Rahm (eds.) août 2017