Mot-clé : transformative-agreement
Transformative agreements, publication venues and Open Access policies at the University of Milan
« Starting from July 2020 at the University of Milan, one of the largest and most important Italian universities, the first…05.04.2024
How Can We Get Beyond the Transformative Agreements. A Swedish Perspective [présentation]
« Presentation given in Tiedon tähden – Knowledge first -seminar. (…) »22.03.2024
SCONUL’s response to JISC’s Critical Review on Transitional Agreements
« Jisc released their Critical Review of Transitional Agreements in March 2024, with a webinar chaired by Ann…07.03.2024
A review of transitional agreements in the UK
« Commissioned and governed by Jisc’s strategic groups with input from Delta Think, an open access (OA) data and analytics company,…23.05.2023
[SCONUL – RLUK] Libraries call on academic colleagues to help shift to full open academic publishing
« SCONUL and RLUK welcomed today’s announcement of an agreement with Springer Nature1 as the best outcome that could reasonably have…30.01.2023
cOAlition S confirms the end of its financial support for Open Access publishing under transformative arrangements after 2024
« Transformative arrangements – including Transformative Agreements and Transformative Journals – were…07.12.2022
Alliance of Science Organisations in Germany: Recommendations for Transformative Journal Agreements with Providers of Publishing Services
« With its internal Open Access Strategy 2021–2025, the Alliance of Science Organisations in Germany provides a framework to further shape…17.08.2022
Transformative agreements are not the key to open access
« This editorial was originally published on the Times Higher Education website on August 9, 2022 The…19.07.2021
PNAS announces “Publish-and-Read” agreement with Jisc
« The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) is pleased to announce a two-year transformational open access (OA) pilot…08.07.2021
Transformative agreements: Six myths, busted
« Transformative agreement (TA) is an umbrella term used to describe contracts between institutions and publishers intended to transform the current,…11.06.2021
EUA: Scholarly publishing webinar #3 – Quo vadis, transformative agreements?
« This third webinar of the series « Universities and the future of scholarly publishing » looked into the ins and outs of…05.03.2021
CAUL and CSIRO Publishing collaborate to enable Open Access in Australia and New Zealand
« Many Australian and New Zealand researchers can now publish research articles as open access in CSIRO-owned journals through new transformative…05.01.2021
160 Elsevier journals become Plan S aligned Transformative Journals
« cOAlition S is pleased to announce that 160 journals published by Elsevier are now registered as Plan…04.12.2020
The impact of open access publishing agreements at the University of Vienna in light of the Plan S requirements: a review of current status, challenges and perspectives
« The University of Vienna, in partnership with other organisations across Austria, has been at the forefront of the open access…17.06.2020
Landmark Transformative Agreement reached between Springer Nature and University of California
« Springer Nature, the largest open access (OA) publisher, and the University of California (UC) have agreed a Memorandum of Understanding…11.05.2020
LIBER Webinar: The Anatomy of a Transformative Agreement [vidéo]
« An increasing number of LIBER institutions—and also institutions and consortia worldwide—are looking to integrate their Open Access strategies with Transformative…05.05.2020
État des lieux sur les accords transformants – 31 mars 2020
« Les accords dits « transformants », également appelés « négociations couplées abonnement / « APC » » (en anglais transformative arrangements, transformative…hal.archives-ouvertes.fr, Irini Paltani-Sargologos, 31 mars 2020. 2020. ⟨hal-02538844⟩
LIBER Webinar: The Anatomy of a Transformative Agreement – Wednesday, April 22, 2020
« An increasing number of LIBER institutions—and also institutions and consortia worldwide—are looking to integrate their Open Access strategies with Transformative…03.04.2020
Beyond transformative agreements
« The Swedish Bibsam Consortium is taking a leading role in the transition to Open Access and aims to switch from…eua.eu, Anna Lundén, Astrid Söderbergh Widding, Britt-Marie Wideberg, Wilhelm Widmark, 2 avril 2020
cOAlition S responds to Open Access publishers’ statement on Transformative Agreements
« cOAlition S has taken good note of the position paper by five fully Open Access publishers…13.03.2020
Current Transformative Agreements Are Not Transformative Position Paper – For Full, Immediate and Transparent Open Access
« In 2019, approximately 69% of journal articles published in the world appeared in journals that charge readers for access [Piwowar…04.03.2020
Making a transformative deal with DEAL or… How 51 pages of contract are needed to replace subscriptions
« This post should not have come into existence. In fact, for a long time, “contracts” and “agreements” between publishers and…06.02.2020
Establishing tender procedures and competition within the framework of national library consortia for open access journals
« (…) The existing transformative agreements do not include mechanisms for the definitive flipping of journals into open access and no…05.02.2020
Copyright Clearance Center Adds ‘Touch-Free’ Workflow to RightsLink® for Scientific Communications
« Copyright Clearance Center, Inc. (CCC), a leader in advancing copyright, accelerating knowledge, and powering innovation, announces…10.01.2020
Springer Nature and Germany´s Projekt DEAL finalise world´s largest transformative Open Access agreement
« Springer Nature and MPDL Services GmbH on behalf of Projekt DEAL today announce that the formal contract for the world’s…10.01.2020
New report on internal cost reallocation models within the Bibsam consortium
« (…) Bibsam Consortium was among the few early adopters of transformative open access publisher contracts. In its leading position during…29.11.2019
New transformative agreement with Elsevier enables unlimited open access to Swedish research
« The Bibsam Consortium is signing a Read & Publish agreement with the scientific publisher Elsevier. This means that Swedish researchers…22.11.2019
University of California statement on Carnegie Mellon University’s transformative open access agreement with Elsevier
« Jeff MacKie-Mason and Ivy Anderson, who co-chair the team overseeing UC’s publisher negotiations strategy, issued the below statement today (Nov.18.10.2019
First transformative agreement for Australia and New Zealand
« The Council of Australian University Librarians (CAUL) and the UK-based Microbiology Society are delighted to announce the signing of the…09.10.2019
Copyright Clearance Center Announces RightsLink® for Scientific Communications
« Copyright Clearance Center, Inc. (CCC), a leader in advancing copyright, accelerating knowledge, and powering innovation, announces the release of RightsLink®…10.09.2019