Mot-clé : thomson-reuters
L’acquisition de l’activité de propriété intellectuelle et de science de Thomson Reuters par Onex et Baring Asia est complétée
« La vente précédemment annoncée de l’activité de propriété intellectuelle et de science de Thomson Reuters à Onex Corporation…21.07.2016
Thomson Reuters Announces Definitive Agreement to Sell its Intellectual Property & Science Business to Onex and Baring Asia for $3.55 billion
« The Intellectual Property & Science business provides comprehensive intellectual property and scientific information, decision support tools and services…27.04.2016
Thomson Reuters Collaborates with Indian Education Ministry to Advance the Global Impact of its Academic Research Performance
« Initiative will provide 165 higher education institutions with access to Web of Science, the world’s most trusted…01.03.2016
Bibliométrie : l’offre complète de la centrale d’achat CNRS
« En février, le CNRS a signé avec les géants de la bibliométrie, Thomson-Reuters et Elsevier, ses deux premiers…06.11.2015
Thomson Reuters partners with Overleaf
« Thomson Reuters has partnered with Overleaf, an online Rich Text and LaTeX collaborative writing and publishing tool.13.10.2015
Thomson Reuters and IBM Collaborate to Deliver Watson Cognitive Computing Technology
« … Thomson Reuters will explore the application of Watson technology to key industry market opportunities to leverage deep content…16.12.2014
Thomson Reuters and Ringgold Create New Standard for Data Accuracy
« … This collaboration will accelerate the scholarly publishing process by easing the previously cumbersome task of accurately identifying the…thomsonreuters.com, Jen Breen, Molly Malone, 16 décembre 2014
Unlock your data. Creating value with identifiers in an open data world
« Identifiers are at the heart of how data becomes linked. It’s a subject that is fundamentally important to…17.10.2014
Thomson Reuters and Copyright Clearance Center Collaborate to Advance Open Access Publishing
« … The Intellectual Property and Science business of Thomson Reuters, the world’s leading provider of intelligent information for…28.08.2014
Thomson Reuters Collaborates with DataCite to Expand Discovery of Research Data
« … The collaboration will promote the discovery of research data sets through the Data Citation IndexSM, a single-point…thomsonreuters.com, Jen Breen, Molly Malone, Jan Brase, 28 août 2014
The United States and European Union Drop in Science and Innovation Impact while Australia, China, India, France and Great Britain Gain Influence According to Thomson Reuters Forecast. Analysis of G20 nations highlights shifts in emphasis
« … The Intellectual Property & Science business of Thomson Reuters, the world leader in providing intelligent information to businesses…20.01.2014
Thomson Reuters Elevates Web of Science as Its Next Generation Research Discovery Platform
« Web of Science becomes the Thomson Reuters scientific search and discovery environment, with new and intuitive user interface,…04.11.2013
Repères RSTI – The Research & innovation performance of the G20 – And its impact on decisions made by the world’s most influential economic leaders
« Le nombre d’articles scientifiques écrits par des pays membres du G20 a augmenté de façon globale au cours de la…07.10.2013
Douze groupes français dans le Top 100 de l’innovation mondiale
« + DOCUMENT – La France conserve le 3 e rang du « Top 100 Global Innovators » de Thomson Reuters, publié aujourd’hui.02.07.2013
Thomson Reuters ScholarOne Web Services Innovative Approach to Resource Integration Enhances Scholarly Publishing Process
» New solution will enable publishers to remain on the pulse of research and streamline the publishing process by…online.wsj.com, Jen Breen, Thomson Reuters, 1er juillet 2013
Universities improve discoverability of research with Thomson Reuters Data Citation Index
» University of Queensland, Leeds, Tufts, and others acknowledge the importance of Data Citation Index for discovering, attributing and…20.12.2012
Thomson Reuters Online Resource Offers Key Trends in Scientific Research and Performance Analysis
« The IP & Science business of Thomson Reuters, the world’s leading provider of intelligent information for businesses…23.11.2012
Thomson Reuters Helps Connect Researchers to Research across Its Scientific Literature Ecosystem with the Integration of the ORCID Registry
The IP & Science business of Thomson Reuters, the world’s leading provider of intelligent information for businesses and…19.10.2012