Mot-clé : suede
Annual report on open access in Sweden
« As part of its mandate to coordinate, monitor, and promote collaboration in the work for open access to scholarly publications,…05.04.2024
How Can We Get Beyond the Transformative Agreements. A Swedish Perspective [présentation]
« Presentation given in Tiedon tähden – Knowledge first -seminar. (…) »19.02.2024
National guidelines for promoting open science in Sweden
« On behalf of the Swedish government, the National Library of Sweden (Kungliga biblioteket, KB) has developed national guidelines for open…19.10.2023
Open access: Need to move away from transformative agreements
« Sweden is far ahead when it comes to promoting open access to scholarly publications. But there is risk of getting…24.01.2023
The National Library of Sweden enters new agreement with OA Switchboard
« Within the framework of its task to coordinate, monitor and promote cooperation between stakeholders for open access to scientific publications,…17.10.2022
New open publishing platform launched by Stockholm University (video)
« In a near future Stockholm University is to launch its own publishing platform where researchers can publish articles with open…09.05.2022
An Open Science Roadmap for Swedish Higher Education Institutions
« In the spring of 2021, a National Open Science Roadmap for Swedish Higher Education Institutions (HEI) was adopted by The…28.10.2021
The Challenge of Building Structural Equity in Open Access Publishing – from a Small Publisher Perspective
« The theme for the International Open Access Week in 2021 is ‘Building Structural Equity’. Equity for everyone is a challenge…12.11.2020
Swedish researchers’ responses to the cancellation of the big deal with Elsevier
« In 2018, the Swedish library consortium, Bibsam, decided to cancel big deal subscriptions with Elsevier. Many researchers (n = 4,221)…08.07.2020
The first Swedish Read & Publish agreement: An evaluation of the Springer Compact pilot
« In this paper we summarise the lessons learned from the first Swedish Read & Publish agreement: Springer Compact with Springer…03.04.2020
Beyond transformative agreements
« The Swedish Bibsam Consortium is taking a leading role in the transition to Open Access and aims to switch from…eua.eu, Anna Lundén, Astrid Söderbergh Widding, Britt-Marie Wideberg, Wilhelm Widmark, 2 avril 2020
New report on internal cost reallocation models within the Bibsam consortium
« (…) Bibsam Consortium was among the few early adopters of transformative open access publisher contracts. In its leading position during…29.11.2019
New transformative agreement with Elsevier enables unlimited open access to Swedish research
« The Bibsam Consortium is signing a Read & Publish agreement with the scientific publisher Elsevier. This means that Swedish researchers…21.01.2019
Survey on how the cancelled agreement with Elsevier has affected Swedish researchers, students and government agency users
« Six months have passed since Swedish universities and government agencies cancelled their agreement with Elsevier 30 June 2018. Read more…10.10.2018
Recommendations for the renegotiations of Springer Compact: Report 4 of the Evaluation of the Swedish Springer Compact agreement
« Springer Compact was the first Swedish agreement signed with the intent to offset publishing costs with subscription…02.07.2018
Stockholm University gives researchers more support to get published in full Open Access journals
« The money that Stockholm University saves at the cancelled agreement with large science publisher Elsevier will be used to publish…16.05.2018
Sweden stands up for open access – cancels agreement with Elsevier
« Large science publisher Elsevier does not meet the requirements of Swedish universities and research institutes In order to take steps…25.04.2018
National licence negotiations advancing the open access transition – a view from Sweden
« The National Library of Sweden (NLS) has been working on advancing open access (OA) to scholarly output since 2006. In…20.02.2018
Coordination of Open Access to Research Publications in Sweden
« (…) In the Research Bill Knowledge in Collaboration the Government states that open access to research results contributes to maintaining…13.02.2018
Evaluation of the Swedish Springer Compact agreement
« (…) An independent evaluation group has been studying the effects of the agreement and compiled recommendations to guide the upcoming…24.01.2018
Suède : Stronger focus on research in new ordinance to the National Library
« The National Library of Sweden (NLS) shall promote Swedish research quality and the advancement of a democratic society by providing…08.12.2017
Open Access in Sweden 2010 – 2016
« Since the beginning of 2017, the National Library of Sweden (NLS) has a commission from the Swedish government to coordinate…30.11.2017
Stockholm University Press – one of the first Open Access University Presses in Sweden
« (…) Stockholm University Press aims to make journals and books affordable, and to enable the widest possible global dissemination so…14.11.2017
La privatisation des bibliothèques, bientôt une réalité en Suède
« (…) La revue Biblioteksblad a enquêté sur la mise sous gestion privée de bibliothèques, prévue actuellement dans plusieurs communes. C’est la commune…29.11.2016
L’offre de livres numériques à destination des bibliothèques de lecture publique : un regard international
« Cette publication trouve son origine dans le séminaire « L’offre de livres numériques à destination des bibliothèques de lecture…03.11.2016
Boosting Open Access – First Evaluation of the Springer Compact agreement in Sweden
(…) The Springer Compact agreement is a deal that combines journal subscription costs with APC:s for…blog.stockholmuniversitypress.se, Thomas Neidenmark, 26 octobre 2016
Stockholm University: New open access agreement with Springer
« Researchers at Stockholm University can now publish articles open access without any fees in more than 1600 Springer…21.07.2016
Swedish researchers to benefit from innovative open access agreement with Springer
« Springer and the Swedish library consortium for universities and research institutes (Bibsam) have finalized a broad agreement for…30.03.2016
Direction to the Future Swedish Research System – Goals and Recommendations
« The government has established an overarching goal for Swedish research policy which states that Sweden shall be a…19.02.2016
Summary of the Swedish Government’s hearing on Open Access
« On December 16th 2015 the Ministry of Research and Education invited to a hearing regarding the…http://openaccess.blogg, National Library of Sweden, 17 février 2016
Repères RSTI – Proposal for National Guidelines for Open Access to Scientific Information
« Dans ce rapport, conformément aux recommandations de la Commission de l’UE pour les États membres, le…24.02.2014
Prêt numérique en bibliothèques : le modèle suédois – épisode 2
« Nous poursuivons la publication de billets sur l’étude comparée des modèles de prêt numérique en bibliothèques en France…24.02.2014
Prêt numérique en bibliothèques : le modèle suédois – épisode 1
« Nous inaugurons une série de billets portant sur l’étude comparée des modèles de prêt numérique en bibliothèques en…22.07.2013