Mot-clé : repositories
New guide on trusted repositories: Promoting open science and meeting grant requirements
« A new study provides a list of trusted repositories across different fields of research, with an assessment of their readiness…22.11.2024
Transforming scholarly publishing through the Publish, Review, Curate model
« On October 29-30, 2024, COAR organised a strategic meeting to discuss how to accelerate the adoption of the Publish, Review,…22.07.2024
Open Consultation: Crafting a vision for European Repositories
« In January 2023, OpenAIRE, LIBER, SPARC Europe, and COAR unveiled a joint strategy to strengthen…04.07.2024
Mapping Repositories and their Institutional Open Science Policies in Asia
« Persistent Identifiers (PIDs), particularly Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs), are crucial for establishing a robust and globally accessible research infrastructure. In…05.04.2024
Advancing Ireland’s Open Repository Landscape: A Strategic Roadmap
« This report presents an in-depth analysis and strategic roadmap for advancing the open repository landscape in Ireland. Drawing on comprehensive…14.03.2024
FAIRness of Research Data in the European Humanities Landscape
« This paper explores the landscape of research data in the humanities in the European context, delving into their diversity and…05.12.2023
Current State and Future Directions for Open Repositories in Europe
« In January 2023, OpenAIRE, LIBER, SPARC Europe, and…02.06.2023
COAR community consultation on managing non-English and multilingual content in repositories
« COAR welcomes your input on 16 draft recommendations for managing non-English and multilingual content in repositories. These…18.01.2023