Mot-clé : preprint
What bioRxiv’s first 30,000 preprints reveal about biologists
« More than 1 million studies are now downloaded from the site every month, mostly in neuroscience, bioinformatics and genomics. Researchers…12.12.2018
Rendre public son projet d’article sur un site de preprints
« 1 – Distinguer preprint, postprint et version publiée d’un article 2 – Rendre public son preprint : les…24.09.2018
PKP and SciELO announce development of open source Preprint Server system
« In recognition of SciELO’s twentieth anniversary, the Public Knowledge Project (PKP) and SciELO Program are entering into an agreement to…19.07.2018
The preprint dilemma: good for science, bad for the public? A discussion paper for the scientific community
« There is a quiet revolution taking place in scientific publishing and almost everyone I speak to thinks it’s long overdue.16.07.2018
Preprints in Europe PMC: reducing friction for discoverability
« From July 2018, the Europe PMC repository will start indexing preprints. Making preprints discoverable through Europe PMC will make the…29.06.2018
Preprints and peer review – feedback from the 14th Annual Meeting of ISMPP [video]
« Mary Yianni, Publisher at Taylor & Francis, reviews the different models of peer review and explains the…27.06.2018
Preprints with The Lancet: joining online research discussion platforms
« From June, 2018, the Lancet family of journals are starting a 6-month trial in collaboration with the freely accessible preprint…thelancet.com, Sabine Kleinert, Richard Horton, 23 juin 2018
Citation Count Analysis for Papers with Preprints
« We explore the degree to which papers prepublished on arXiv garner more citations, in an attempt to paint a sharper…arxiv.org, Sergey Feldman, Kyle Lo, Waleed Ammar, 14 mai 2018, arXiv:1805.05238v1
The evolving preprint landscape: Introductory report for the Knowledge Exchange working group on preprints
« (…) Now, a range of innovative services, organisations, and platforms are rapidly developing around preprints, prompting this overview of the…23.05.2018
Power to the Preprint
« Preprints are here!!! Starting today authors submitting their manuscript to most PLOS journals* can also choose to post their article…23.03.2018
American Chemical Society partners with leading Societies to support ChemRxiv™
« The American Chemical Society (ACS) today announced its partnership with the Royal Society of Chemistry and the German Chemical Society…08.03.2018
Can the automatic posting of preprints increase the pace of medical research
« Preprints — versions of research papers made publicly available prior to formal publication in a peer reviewed journal — continue…08.02.2018
Preprint Services Gather to Explore an Annotated Future
« On Thursday, 25 January, 2018, representatives from many of the major preprint servers and other related organizations gathered in person…07.02.2018
PLOS (Public Library of Science) and Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) enter agreement to enable preprint posting on bioRxiv
« The Public Library of Science (PLOS) and Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) announced today an agreement that enables the automatic…12.01.2018
PEERJ : un modèle original de revue qui donne satisfaction aux auteurs
« La newsletter de PeerJ du 4 décembre 2017 nous apprend que 4000 articles ont été publiés…27.11.2017
‘Gates Open Research’, plateforme ouverte de la fondation B & M Gates, est lancée sur le modèle « preprint » de F1000Research
« Elle avait été annoncée, et elle arrive vite : le revue « Gates Open Research » utilise le…21.11.2017
Peer Community in : évaluation des preprints par les communautés
« Le “Peer Community in” (PCI) est une organisation scientifique à but non-lucratif ayant pour but de créer des communautés spécifiques…openarchiv.hypotheses.org, Françoise Gouzi, 20 novembre 2017
Alliance nationale des sciences de la vie et de la santé : « Les preprints sont une forme recevable de communication scientifique »
« Depuis plus de deux décennies, les communautés de physiciens, de mathématiciens et d’informaticiens pratiquent, de manière complémentaire à la publication…31.08.2017
Les archives ouvertes de preprints se développent rapidement et deviennent thématiques
« Nous avons vu que les preprints se développaient, avec par exemple les explications sur AsapBio, avec…30.08.2017
The Center for Open Science, Alternative to Elsevier, Announces New Preprint Services
« (…) As commercial providers buy and build their way into the institutional repository and preprint marketplace, the not-for-profit Center for…26.07.2017
ASAPbio July 2017 Meeting: The Evolving Preprint Ecosystem
« This meeting was held at the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in Cambridge, MA on Wednesday, July 19, 2017…07.07.2017
Les prépublications dans la communication scientifique
« Les prépublications (preprints) sont partie prenante du mouvement du libre accès depuis leur inscription dans la Déclaration…27.06.2017
INRA – Publier la Science n°16 / juin 2017
« – Peer Community In : publier autrement – La Communauté Européenne, nouvel éditeur ? – Ce que les relecteurs ne…21.06.2017
Les preprints : 10 règles simples pour comprendre une anomalie, car les preprints ne sont jamais imprimés !
« (…) La définition est simple : c’est un article qui n’a pas encore été publié dans une revue scientifique. Le…12.05.2017
Elsevier: Introducing BioRN, an SSRN network
« (…) BioRN, an SSRN network, is a newly formed collaborative online scholarly community created for life science researchers to post…09.05.2017
Les aspects techniques pour les services de preprints
« (…) Le document Technical aspects of preprint services in the life sciences: a workshop report [2] reprend…21.04.2017
Public Goods Infrastructure for Preprints and Innovation in Scholarly Communication
« Judy Luther offered an insightful birds-eye view of the burgeoning preprints landscape at Scholarly Kitchen yesterday. As she…05.04.2017
No more paywalls: Find the full-text of an article for free using Unpaywall
« Last week, Impactstory released a trial version of Unpaywall- a highly anticipated tool that links you to free full-text articles…23.03.2017
Unpaywall: A new OA discovery tool
« Some of you may remember oaDOI, a tool that searches for an Open Access (OA) version of an article when…23.02.2017
SciELO Preprints on the way
« The SciELO Program is setting in motion a basic plan for the development and operation of a preprints server –…blog.scielo.org, Abel L Packer, Solange Santos, Rogerio Meneghini, 22 février 2017
The Center for Open Science Releases a Comprehensive, Open Source Preprints Solution
« The Center for Open Science (COS) is pleased to announce that it has extended the capabilities of its…03.11.2016
Crossref now accepts preprints
« Crossref, the not-for-profit member organization for publishers, announced today that it is now accepting the registration of Crossref…21.09.2016
The Institution of Engineering and Technology announces the release of arXiv content in Inspec
« The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) has announced that over 30,000 pre-print articles available in the online…07.09.2016