Mot-clé : plan-s
Pricing framework to foster global equity in scholarly publishing: webinar
« Watch the webinar to learn how the Equitable Pricing Framework, developed by Information Power for cOAlition S, aims to make…15.10.2024
cOAlition S announces the release of an independent study on the impact of Plan S
« (…) Titled “Galvanising the Open Access Community: A Study on the Impact of Plan S”, the report combines quantitative analysis…25.09.2024
Garantir le libre accès : HAL conforme aux exigences du Plan S
« Le Plan S est une initiative lancée par un groupe de financeurs de la recherche, appelée la…24.04.2024
GTSO Couperin | Retours d’expérience sur le Plan S
« La synthèse ci-dessous est le résultat d’échanges réalisés par les membres du GTSO Juridique en décembre 2023 avec 8 collègues…29.03.2024
Enquête sur le Plan S et la stratégie de rétention des droits (2022-2024)
« Le Plan S est une initiative lancée en septembre 2018 par la “cOAlition S”, un consortium d’agences de…14.02.2024
Bases de données bibliométriques ouvertes vs bases commerciales : vers une nouvelle ère ?
« Une étude demandée par la cOAlition S concernant l’impact du plan S sur la…26.01.2024
Are open bibliometric data sources better than proprietary ones?
« With the advancement of open science, the reliability of open bibliometric data providers compared with proprietary providers is becoming a…18.01.2024
Journal Comparison Service: analysis of the 2022 data
« The Journal Comparison Service has been developed by cOAlition S to shed light on publishing fees and…09.11.2023
5 Years of Plan S (vidéo)
« To mark the 5th anniversary of Plan S, cOAlition S hosted a webinar on Thursday, 2nd November 2023 (…) The…31.10.2023
Open-access reformers launch next bold publishing plan
« The group behind the radical open-access initiative Plan S has announced its next big plan to shake up research publishing…05.09.2023
Five years of Plan S: a journey towards full and immediate Open Access
« In September 2018, a group of national research funding organizations, with the support of the European Commission, rallied behind an…05.09.2023
5 Years of Plan S: webinar | Thursday, 2nd November 2023
« (…) The webinar will bring together funders, researchers, and experts from the scholarly communication field to discuss how Plan S…12.06.2023
Quelle⸱s connaissance⸱s du Plan S et de la stratégie de non-cession des droits ?
« En novembre 2022, le groupe de travail juridique Couperin sollicitait les professionnels de la recherche impliqués dans l’application de la…02.03.2023
Plan S: Annual Review 2022
« At cOAlition S, we are committed to accelerating the transition to open access. As an international consortium of research funding…27.02.2023
How open access diamond journals comply with industry standards exemplified by Plan S technical requirements (.pdf)
« This study investigated how well current open access (OA) diamond journals in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) and…16.11.2022
More than 2000 journals share price and service data through Plan S’s Journal Comparison Service
« cOAlition S is pleased to report that 27 publishers – who publish more than 2000 journals – have embraced the…02.11.2022
Parlons Sciences ouverte Hors-série (Assemblée des partenaires HAL 2022) : Le Plan S et la cOAlition S : vers un accès ouvert sans exception | Johan Rooryck
« Johan Rooryck, directeur exécutif de la cOAlition S, est intervenu lors de la 2e session plénière de l’Assemblée des partenaires…28.09.2022
Plan S Journal Comparison Service: open for libraries and library consortia to register and access price and service data
« cOAlition S releases today the end-user portal of the Journal Comparison Service (JCS). This secure, free, online…16.08.2022
cOAlition S: Monkeypox and open access: time to change the narrative
For the fourth time in less than seven years, the community of science and technology leaders have issued a statement…08.07.2022
Mettre en œuvre la stratégie de non-cession des droits sur les publications scientifiques. Guide pour les chercheuses et les chercheurs
« La stratégie de non-cession des droits est un outil au bénéfice des chercheuses et des chercheurs pour conserver suffisamment de…25.05.2022
Plan S Journal Comparison Service: open for publishers to register and deposit price and service data
« cOAlition S is excited to release today the Journal Comparison Service (JCS), a secure, free and long-anticipated…10.05.2022
cOAlition S invites the research community to complete the Plan S impact survey
« cOAlition S is monitoring developments in the Open Science landscape and is seeking feedback from the research community about their…08.04.2022
cOAlition S: Open Access benefits everyone. Retain your rights. It’s good for you, for science, and for society
« The Rights Retention Strategy (RRS) enables authors to exercise the rights they have on their manuscripts to…21.03.2022
Open access through Subscribe to Open: a society publisher’s implementation
« As pressures mount from global funding mandates and initiatives like Plan S, publishers are seeking sustainable solutions to transition their…01.03.2022
Enabling Open Access through clarity and transparency: a request to publishers
« cOAlition S is delighted to see many publishers making moves to increase Open Access (OA) for research publications. However, some…08.02.2022
Funder groups announce push to strengthen ‘diamond’ open access
« Two associations of major, mainly European research funders have announced an initiative to provide worldwide support for the ‘diamond’ open-access…21.01.2022
cOAlition S: PLAN S 2021 Annual Review (.pdf)
« Plan S is an initiative for Open Access (OA) publishing, which requires that from 2021 scientific publications that result from…14.10.2021
Journal Checker Tool update: we listen and learn from you
« We value feedback from researchers, institutions, funders, and publishers and based on it we always seek to improve the…12.10.2021
Comment savoir si un journal respecte les principes du Plan S ?
‘Vous ne savez pas trop si en publiant dans tel journal vous respecterez le Plan S, les…03.09.2021
cOAlition S statement on Open Access for academic books
« Academic books – defined here to include monographs, book chapters, edited collections, critical editions, and other long-form works – are…09.06.2021
cOAlition S expands its global footprint as the Québec Research Funds adopt Plan S
« cOAlition S is excited to welcome on board the Québec Research Funds (QRF) as the latest organisation…10.05.2021
JISC webinar on “ Plan S Rights Retention Strategy – myth busting online event” – 5th May 2021
« The Rights Retention Strategy (RRS) is a key component of cOAlition S’s Plan S – it is based on a…30.04.2021
Why hybrid journals do not lead to full and immediate Open Access
« In this brief note, we formulate 6 arguments that articulate why cOAlition S Organisations will not financially support the hybrid…28.04.2021
cOAlition S endorses the Subscribe to Open (S2O) model of funding open access
« Using existing budget and subscription processes without imposing paywalls, S2O provides a rapid route to open access that is applicable…12.04.2021
A guide to Plan S: the open-access initiative shaking up science publishing
« In 2018, an influential group of research funders announced a bold pledge: the scientists they fund should publish their peer-reviewed…04.03.2021
Science ouverte : l’ANR prépare la mise en œuvre de la Stratégie de Non-Cession des Droits initiée par la cOAlition S
« L’Agence nationale de la recherche (ANR) poursuit sa politique en faveur du libre accès aux publications par l’adoption et l’application…04.03.2021
A Plan S for books: Voices from the Community
« What should a Plan S for books look like? This is a question we’ve been thinking about at…openaccessbooksnetwork.hcommons.org, Lucy Barnes, 25 février 2021
Plan S Rights Retention Strategy, Copyright and the Academic Community – Part One
« As a society publisher, I have been struggling to understand how best to serve our mathematical community on issues of…scholarlykitchen.sspnet.org, Robert Harington, 18 février 2021
Plan S Rights Retention Strategy, Copyright and the Academic Community – Part Two
« In Part two of this interview post, I continue to grill an eloquent group of stakeholders with a wide range…scholarlykitchen.sspnet.org, Robert Harington, 19 février 2021
cOAlition S response to the STM statement: the Rights Retention Strategy restores long-standing academic freedoms
« The statement published earlier today (3rd February) by the STM Association and signed by a number of…coalition-s.org, Robert Kiley, Johan Rooryck, 3 février 2021
A new mandate highlights costs, benefits of making all scientific articles
« In 2018, a group of mostly European funders sent shock waves through the world of scientific publishing by proposing an…05.01.2021
160 Elsevier journals become Plan S aligned Transformative Journals
« cOAlition S is pleased to announce that 160 journals published by Elsevier are now registered as Plan…09.12.2020
Jisc launches next-generation, Plan S-compliant repository
« Jisc is launching a new multi-content repository for storing research data and articles that will make…07.12.2020
Plan S by Johan Rooryck – 03/12/2020. JeudIST, IRD [diaporama]
« Le Plan S est une initiative lancée en 2018 par Science Europe et la Commission Européenne, et soutenu par cOAlition…04.12.2020
The impact of open access publishing agreements at the University of Vienna in light of the Plan S requirements: a review of current status, challenges and perspectives
« The University of Vienna, in partnership with other organisations across Austria, has been at the forefront of the open access…26.11.2020
La revue Nature (Londres) passe en Open Access pour répondre au plan S, avec des FTA de 9 500 € par article
« Le plan S, en Europe, lancé en septembre 2018, demande aux éditeurs de publier avec le…25.11.2020
Springer Nature adopts Plan S’s Transformative Journals framework
« cOAlition S welcomes Springer Nature’s commitment to adhere to the Transformative Journal (TJ) framework. This route…18.11.2020
cOAlition S releases the Journal Checker Tool, a search engine that checks Plan S compliance
« cOAlition S is excited to announce today, 18 November, the release of the Journal Checker Tool…18.11.2020
Cambridge University Press (CUP) welcomes the transformative journals programme from cOAlition S
« For some time now we have been committed to a transition to totally open research. And therefore we greatly appreciate…06.11.2020
Plan S and funding – what is going to change?
« This presentation was given by Johan Rooryck during the Open Access Talk on 29 October 2020. Johan Rooryck, Professor…29.10.2020
Nature journals announce first open-access agreement
« The publisher of Nature has agreed its first deal to allow some researchers to publish in the journal, and in…nature.com, Richard Van Noorden, 20 octobre 2020, https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-020-02959-1
HHMI (Howard Hughes Medical Institute) Announces Open Access Publishing Policy
« The new Open Access to Publications policy, which will take effect on January 1, 2022, will require all HHMI laboratory…21.08.2020
Why cOAlition S’ Rights Retention Strategy Protects Researchers
« Last month, cOAlition S released its Rights Retention Strategy to safeguard researchers’…21.07.2020
cOAlition S response to the ERC Scientific Council’s statement on Open Access and Plan S
« cOAlition S has taken note that the ERC Scientific Council wishes to pursue their joint efforts towards Open Access in…15.07.2020
cOAlition S develops “Rights Retention Strategy” to safeguard researchers’ intellectual ownership rights and suppress unreasonable embargo periods
« Publishers commonly require authors to sign exclusive publishing agreements which restrict what authors can do with their research findings, including…06.07.2020
Development of Plan S Journal Checker Tool: tender results
« cOAlition S is pleased to announce that the tender process to develop the Plan S Journal…02.07.2020
NWO announces implementation guidelines for Plan S
« Plan S – an initiative of European research funders to accelerate the transition to open access – will apply to…23.06.2020
COAR survey finds no large barriers for repository platforms in complying with Plan S
« (…) The survey found that most repository platforms currently support compliance with Plan S mandatory criteria and, in the few…29.05.2020
Plan S: Taking stock of the current situation and new developments
« This OpenAIRE Policy and Legal Task Force webinar focuses on recent developments around Plan S. Johan…18.05.2020
cOAlition S announces price transparency requirements
« From July 2022 only publishers who adhere to the newly approved Plan S price transparency frameworks will be eligible to…29.04.2020
Pourquoi diffuser des travaux de recherche sous licence « Pas de modification » n’est pas une bonne idée
« Je vous propose ci-dessous la traduction en français, réalisée par mes soins, d’un article du blog de Creative Commons international…16.04.2020