Mot-clé : open-peer-review-opr
Le modèle Publish-Review-Curate
« Publish-Review-Curate (PRC) est un modèle innovant de publication scientifique qui comprend trois étapes : 1. Publish. Les auteurs rendent…03.07.2024
« Towards Responsible Publishing »: Findings from a global stakeholder consultation
« Research Consulting and the Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS) were commissioned to…24.03.2020
EPRIST – La conversation scientifique ouverte (.pdf)
« L’évaluation ouverte ou la révision ouverte de travaux pourrait être la prochaine révolution du libre accès. Alors que le Plan…18.07.2019
Open Peer Review: The Current Landscape and Emerging Models
« (…) This study provides the first comprehensive investigation of OPR adoption, its early adopters and the implementation models used. We…15.02.2019
Open peer review: pilot studies reveal promising findings
« Last year, an open letter recognising the benefits of transparency in peer review processes was…31.01.2019
Peer Review ouvert : accepté par auteurs et relecteurs… à promouvoir car le peer review aveugle n’est pas éthique
« Le peer-review ouvert consiste à mettre en ligne les avis des relecteurs (signés ou non signés) avec l’article publié, ainsi…18.09.2018
Bringing Greater Transparency to Peer Review: Wiley and Clarivate Analytics Partner to Launch Innovative Open Peer Review
« New, scalable open peer review workflow using Publons and ScholarOne technology now live across Wiley’s prestigious journal Clinical Genetics John…30.07.2018
Reviewing the review process: Investigation of researchers’ opinions on different methods of peer review
« Peer review is considered the gold standard of scientific publishing. Trust in the traditional system of editor – blind-reviewer…06.07.2018
Ten considerations for open peer review
« Open peer review (OPR), as with other elements of open science and open research, is on the rise. It aims…30.01.2018
OpenUP Pilot1: Open Peer Review for Conferences
« (…) An important aspect of the process of doing science is peer reviewing. It is one of the most important…15.12.2017
Survey on open peer review: Attitudes and experience amongst editors, authors and reviewers
« Open peer review (OPR) is a cornerstone of the emergent Open Science agenda. Yet to date no large-scale survey of…28.07.2017
A multi-disciplinary perspective on emergent and future innovations in peer review
« Peer review of research articles is a core part of our scholarly communication system. In spite of its importance, the…03.05.2017