Mot-clé : open-citations
The French National Open Science Fund provides long-term support for international open science infrastructures
« The French National Open Science Fund (FNSO) is providing financial support to four international infrastructures selected by…15.12.2021
OpenCitations receives the Open Publishing Award in Open Data
(…) Since 2019, the Open Publishing Awards, founded and organized by the Coko Foundation and sponsored…19.08.2021
A qualitative and quantitative analysis of open citations to retracted articles: the Wakefield 1998 et al.’s case
« In this article, we show the results of a quantitative and qualitative analysis of open citations on a popular and…23.07.2021
A tipping point for open citation data
« Open citation data can improve the transparency and robustness of scientific portfolio analysis, improve science policy decision-making, stimulate downstream commercial…21.10.2020
WikiCite/2020 Virtual conference – Open citations & linked bibliographic data | 26-28 October 2020
« A Wikimedia initiative to develop open citations and linked bibliographic data to serve free knowledge. WikiCite is a…12.10.2020
Google Scholar, Microsoft Academic, Scopus, Dimensions, Web of Science, and OpenCitations’ COCI: a multidisciplinary comparison of coverage via citations
« New sources of citation data have recently become available, such as Microsoft Academic, Dimensions, and the OpenCitations Index of CrossRef…12.08.2020
Creating Restful APIs over SPARQL endpoints with RAMOSE
« Semantic Web technologies are widely used for storing RDF data and making them available on the Web through SPARQL endpoints,…27.05.2020
The OpenCitations Data Model
« A variety of schemas and ontologies are currently used for the machine-readable description of bibliographic entities and citations. This diversity,…26.03.2020
Additional 31 million citations in COCI
« (…) The fourth release of COCI contains more than 655 million DOI-to-DOI citation links between more than 55 million bibliographic…22.01.2020
More than 624 million citations now available on COCI
« (…) We are now proud to announce the third release of COCI, which contains more than 624 million DOI-to-DOI citation…17.10.2019
The NIH Open Citation Collection: A public access, broad coverage resource
« Citation data have remained hidden behind proprietary, restrictive licensing agreements, which raises barriers to entry for analysts wishing to use…17.09.2019
Software review: COCI, the OpenCitations Index of Crossref open DOI-to-DOI citations
« In this paper, we present COCI, the OpenCitations Index of Crossref open DOI-to-DOI citations (…03.09.2019
Comparison of bibliographic data sources: Implications for the robustness of university rankings
« Universities are increasingly evaluated, both internally and externally on the basis of their outputs. Often these are converted to simple,…26.06.2019
Matilda: Building a bibliographic/metric tool for open citations and open science
« Although bibliometrics and library science are older, bibliometric tools were really born about 50 years ago and were only made…06.03.2019
Using open citation data to identify new research opportunities
« This year’s Annual Forum for the LIS-BIBLIOMETRICS mailing list took place at the British Library Knowledge…blog.research-plus.library.manchester.ac.uk, Stephen Pearson, 4 mars 2019
Crowdsourcing open citations with CROCI An analysis of the current status of open citations, and a proposal
« (…) In this paper, we analyse the current availability of open citations data in one particular dataset, namely COCI (the…20.11.2018
New release of COCI: 450M DOI-to-DOI citation links now available
« As introduced in a previous blog post, COCI is the OpenCitations Index of Crossref open DOI-to-DOI references,…opencitations.wordpress.com, Silvio Peroni, 19 novembre 2018
Citations ouvertes : 100 millions de DOI créés par Crossref dont 200 000 en provenance d’OpenEdition !
« L’agence Crossref, partenaire d’OpenEdition pour l’enregistrement des DOI (Digital Object Identifier) attribués aux ressources…25.09.2018
EPRIST – Les citations ouvertes (.pdf)
« Les citations sont un instrument privilégié de la recherche bibliographique : le repérage des citations ultérieures d’une publication permet de…eprist.fr, Pierre-Carl Langlais, Analyse I/IST-n°28-Septembre 2018
Workshop on Open Citations, September 3-5, 2018 | Bologna, Italy
« The workshop Information About 500 million open bibliographic citations are available on the web. We invite to this workshop…19.03.2018
Comprendre comment marche la science grâce aux citations ouvertes
« Un demi-milliard d’Open citations, ou « citations ouvertes », références bibliographiques en accès ouvert utilisées dans les publications scientifiques, ont…17.01.2018
OUP joins I4OC
« We are pleased to announce that Oxford University Press has today joined the Initiative for Open Citations…18.07.2017
I4OC: Availability of open reference data nears 50% as major societies and influential publishers endorse the Initiative for Open Citations
« In the days immediately following the launch of the Initiative for Open Citations (I4OC) in April this…07.04.2017
Initiative for Open Citations
« The Initiative for Open Citations I4OC is a collaboration between scholarly publishers, researchers, and other interested parties to promote…07.03.2017