Mot-clé : oa2020
16th Berlin Open Access Conference: Conference Report
« National-level delegations representing research communities from 38 countries across six continents, including scientists and scholars, ministries of education and research,…21.06.2023
16th Berlin Open Access Conference: Together for Transformation | Final Statement
« Delegations of research performing and research funding organizations from 38 nations and six continents, including ministries of education and research,…13.12.2022
Opening doors to global equity in open access
Recommendations to foster global equity in open access publishing from the first in a series of online workshops. Universal Open…14.04.2021
Le RCDR signe une déclaration d’intérêt pour l’initiative Open Access 2020
« Le Réseau canadien de documentation pour la recherche (RCDR) a signé une déclaration d’intérêt pour l’initiative Open Access 2020 (OA2020),…06.02.2020
Establishing tender procedures and competition within the framework of national library consortia for open access journals
« (…) The existing transformative agreements do not include mechanisms for the definitive flipping of journals into open access and no…30.10.2019
OA2020-DE publishes research report on the funding requirements for open access
« OA2020-DE publishes transformation calculation to determine funding requirements for open access at selected German universities and research institutions. (…) »24.09.2019
OA2020-DE research report on the number of publications at German science institutions published
« OA2020-DE research report on the number of publications and distribution of scientific articles in the context of open-access transformation at…10.05.2019
OA2020 and cOAlition S Launch Joint Statement
« Joint Statement of OA2020 and cOAlition S: Research Performing and Research Funding Organizations Working Together to Accelerate the Transition to…19.03.2019
Meaning and Opportunities of the DEAL-Wiley Contract for the Open-Access Transformation
« With the signing of the Wiley contract on 15 January 2019, the alliance project DEAL has…25.02.2019
UC San Diego Makes a Commitment to Open Access by Signing the OA2020 Expression of Interest
« The University of California San Diego has signed an Expression of Interest (EoI) to adopt the principles of…10.10.2018
OA2020-DE and Knowledge Unlatched planning large-scale conversion of journals to Open Access
« OA202-DE, the German National Contact Point Open Access, and Knowledge Unlatched (KU), the central platform for sustainable Open Access (OA)…25.09.2018
APCs – Mirroring the impact factor or legacy of the subscription-based model? (.pdf)
« With the ongoing open-access transformation, article processing charges (APCs) are gaining importance as the dominant business model for scientific open-access…pub.uni-bielefeld.de, Dr. Nina Schonfelder, 18 septembre 2018
OA2020: Divest of Subscriptions, Invest in Open Access!
« Open in order to innovate! In the theme of Open Access Week 2017, OA2020 relaunches its website with a call…23.03.2017
Berkeley commits to accelerating universal open access, signs the OA2020 Expression of Interest
« The University Library at UC Berkeley took a major step today in its commitment to achieving universal open access for…26.09.2016
German National Library of Science and Technology (TIB) supports transformation initiative OA2020
« TIB signs Expression of Interest, stating its commitment to contribute to transformation to Open Access The…22.03.2016