Mot-clé : max-planck-digital-library-mpdl
Max Planck Digital Library Launches the Max Planck Decentralized Science Initiative: DeSci Connect
« The Max Planck Digital Library (MPDL) is thrilled to announce the launch of the Max Planck Decentralized Science Initiative “DeSci…06.11.2024
Max Planck Digital Library sponsors OA Switchboard integration for Open Journal Systems
« OA Switchboard has announced a plugin for PKP’s Open Journal Systems (OJS), designed to enhance visibility and…19.02.2024
Max Planck Digital Library | Open Science Days- 29 January, 30 January 2024 (slides)
« Presentation given in the Open Science Days 2024 organized by the Max Planck…16.10.2023
Max Planck Digital Library | FAIR Principles for Research Software Become More Visible
« The conscious use of research software is becoming increasingly important. The Max Planck Digital Library supports scientists in this. To…21.06.2023
16th Berlin Open Access Conference: Together for Transformation | Final Statement
« Delegations of research performing and research funding organizations from 38 nations and six continents, including ministries of education and research,…26.10.2021
Max Planck Digital Library (MPDL): Open Science Days 2021, October 19-20 [vidéos and slides]
« The Open Science Days are periodically organized by the Max Planck Digital Library.03.12.2020
Max Planck Digital Library: New Information Platform on Research Data Management
« We are very happy to announce that our new Information Platform on Research Data Management has now gone live. You…26.09.2019
The blockchain strategy of the German federal government: bloxberg as an example of the application of blockchain technology in science
« The German federal government refers to the bloxberg-initiative of the Max Planck Society in their recently published strategy paper on…10.05.2019
First international blockchain for science: bloxberg
« Max Planck Digital Library (MPDL) initiates global research project Securing scientific information online and worldwide with no risk of…26.02.2019
bloxberg – The novel Blockchain Consortium for Science
« The Max Planck Digital Library is pleased to announce the new research project bloxberg: the first trusted research infrastructure Twelve…01.03.2018