Mot-clé : international-science-council-isc
Charting the Future of Science: Reforming scientific publishing for a new era of open knowledge
« Geoffrey Boulton, Governing Board member and chair of the Future of Scientific Publishing, presents the new discussion paper, The Case…27.11.2023
Researcher Assessment: ISC Members invited to respond to global survey
« Joint global mapping exercise on research evaluation and engagement launched for national academies and research councils, and regional and international…27.11.2023
L’avenir de l’évaluation de la recherche : une synthèse des débats et des développements actuels
« Ce rapport de synthèse est publié par le groupe de réflexion de l’ISC, le Center for Science Futures, avec ses…27.06.2023
Communicating Science: Analysis of the Push for Open Access
« Moumita Koley, ISC consultant on the Future of Scientific Publishing, reflects on the historic changes in the science ecosystem with…07.06.2023
Science for a Changing World: Release of the ISC 2022 Annual Report
« The International Science Council is proud to share with you its 2022 Annual Report, reviewing our year in tackling complex…26.05.2023
GYA, InterAcademy Partnership, and International Science Council release “The Future of Research Evaluation: A Synthesis of Current Debates and Developments”
« The GYA, the InterAcademy Partnership (IAP) and the International Science Council (ISC) Centre for Science Futures have released a synthesis…03.03.2023
Towards a FAIRer World Implementing the UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science to address global challenges – UNESCO, Paris, and virtual – 29 March 2023
« (…) UNESCO, ISC, CODATA and WDS have joined efforts to organise this one-day, hybrid symposium to explore the existing and…17.01.2023
In 2023 may knowledge be set free: Open science resolutions for the new year
« (…) Yet another new year at our disposal gives us yet another chance to start or to continue building our…13.12.2022
Opening doors to global equity in open access
Recommendations to foster global equity in open access publishing from the first in a series of online workshops. Universal Open…21.10.2022
Global developments on research evaluation and assessment
« An update on the ISC partnership with the Global Young Academy (GYA) and InterAcademy Partnership (IAP) on research evaluation.17.06.2022
#IYBSSD2022 | Pour que la « science ouverte » devienne une réalité, il faut faire avancer des questions clés
« Selon Peter Gluckman, président du Conseil international de la science (CIS), pour faire de la science ouverte une réalité, il…03.11.2021
Reforming publishing for more research integrity [International Science Council (ISC) Occasional paper]
Strengthening Research Integrity The Role and Responsibilities fo Publishing. Author : Professor Michael N. Barber AO, FAA, FTSE, Member…25.10.2021