Mot-clé : european-open-science-cloud-eosc
ESCAPE : les physiciens préparent leur science ouverte
« L’astrophysique et la physique des particules relèvent les défis de la science ouverte en Europe grâce au projet ESCAPE. Directeur…16.10.2020
A Persistent Identifier (PID) policy for the European Open Science Cloud
« This Persistent Identifier (PID) policy is written for senior decision makers within potential EOSC service and infrastructure providers, and will…16.10.2020
Six Recommendations for Implementation of FAIR Practice [FAIR in Practice Task Force of the European Open Science Cloud FAIR Working Group]
« This report analyses the state of FAIR practices within diverse research communities and FAIR-related policies in different countries and offers…14.10.2020
EOSC-Nordic Certification support seminar on FAIR data
« The group within EOSC-Nordic focusing on FAIR data arranged a plenary webinar on certification support early September for a selected…eosc-nordic.eu, Josefine Nordling, Henrik Jakobsen, 30 septembre 2020
Liste de diffusion EOSC (European Open Science Cloud)
« Le MESRI met en place une liste pour diffuser des information sur l’EOSC pour la communauté…23.09.2020
Realising the European Open Science Cloud: Towards a FAIR research data landscape for the social sciences, humanities and beyond
« Help create a FAIR research data landscape! Discover new tools and techniques and aggregate your services to the EOSC…16.07.2020
Appel à manifestation d’intérêt pour adhérer à l’EOSC
« Le mandat de la gouvernance d’EOSC arrive à son terme le 31 décembre 2020. Conformément à…27.05.2020
EOSC-HUB WEEK 2020 – 18-20 May 2020 – [slides & recordings]
« In light of the recommendations from the scientific community and public authorities in Europe regarding the COVID-19 situation, the event…10.02.2020
ARCHIVER launches its Pre-Commercial Procurement Tender
« Providing the European Open Science Cloud research communities with trustworthy repository services for scientific data: ARCHIVER launches its Pre-Commercial Procurement…23.01.2020
Journée EOSC au CNRS, 22 janvier 2020 [vidéos]
« L’European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) est une initiative de la Commission Européenne qui vise à relier les infrastructures de données…09.01.2020
Données Ouvertes : « c’est le moment d’expliciter nos besoins ! »
« L’European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), grand projet d’ouverture des données scientifiques lancé par la Commission européenne en 2016, termine sa…24.12.2019
EOSC. ESFRI Cluster Projects. RDA: Connecting commonalities and collaborative solutions for community research data services
« On 21 October, during the Research Data Alliance Plenary Meeting in Helsinki, SSHOC invited representatives from EOSC, the European Strategy…20.12.2019
Launch of the initial Persistent Identifier Policy for the EOSC
« Over the final half of 2019 a small taskforce has come together to draft a policy…08.10.2019
Achieving Open Science in the European Open Science Cloud: Setting out OpenAIRE’s vision and contribution to EOSC
« The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) is Europe’s undertaking to address the rising field of datadriven research in a more…27.09.2019
EOSC Symposium 2019, 26-28 November, Budapest, Hungary
« (…) The EOSC Symposium is one of the largest, yearly EOSC events. It is co-organised by the…23.09.2019
APSEM2019 : éco-systèmes pour la science ouverte et recherche par les données, 15 -18 octobre 2019 Toulouse (France)
« L’apport croisé et les nouvelles perspectives des technologies du web des données et de la recherche par les données pour…26.07.2019
European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) strategic implementation plan
« The EOSC Strategic Implementation Plan presents the activities that will contribute to the implementation of the EOSC for the period…17.07.2019
Dataverse in the European Open Science Cloud, Dataverse Community Meeting 2019, Harvard University [vidéo]
« Slava Tykhonov from Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS-KNAW, the Netherlands) and Philipp Conzett (UiT/DataverseNO, Norway) presented the vision on…08.07.2019
Architectures of Knowledge: The European Open Science Cloud
« In November 2018, the European Commission launched the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) in Vienna. The EOSC envisions establishing a…02.07.2019
FAIRsFAIR Open Call for Data Repositories
« Would you like to get dedicated support for your data repository to contribute to a culture change necessary to achieve…28.05.2019
Financement du projet européen TRIPLE sur les données en SHS !
« Dans le cadre de leurs collaborations, la très grande infrastructure de recherche Huma-Num et…18.03.2019
« (…) The FAIRsFAIR project addresses, in a 36 months timeplan, the development and concrete realisation of an overall knowledge infrastructure…22.02.2019
EOSCpilot & LIBER Webinar: Ethical Issues & Skills in the European Open Science Cloud
« The implications of ethics and private/sensitive data are often underappreciated and misunderstood. At the same time, the European Open Science…28.11.2018
EOSCpilot & LIBER Webinar: Skills and Training in Open Science and the EOSC ecosystem
« Interested in skills and training in Open Science and the EOSC ecosystem, as it relates to libraries…26.11.2018
Le nuage européen pour la science ouverte devient une réalité
« (…) Le nuage offrira aux chercheurs un environnement sûr où stocker, analyser et réutiliser des données à des fins de…22.11.2018
Prompting an EOSC in practice [Final report and recommendations]
« (…) With this report we aim to mark a transition towards the practical implementation of the EOSC, based on the…24.10.2018
LIBER Libraries & The European Open Science Cloud
« The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) will be launched in Vienna on 23 November and research libraries…09.10.2018
EOSC-hub Magazine, Issue 2, October 2018 (.pdf)
« EOSC-hub and ESFRIs towards co-creation: the key for the success of EOSC EOSC in practice – WeNMR EOSC-hub at DI4R…21.09.2018
Coming Soon: An Open Cloud for Social Sciences and Humanities
« LIBER is one of 19 partners starting work in January 2019 on SSHOC: a new project to create a European…31.07.2018
How the Science Cloud could pay its way
« New paper explores potential business models for the European Open Science Cloud (…) »26.06.2018
2nd EOSC summit 2018
« On 11 June 2018, the High Level Expert Group on the European Open Science Cloud and the…12.06.2018
EOSC Consultation Platform launched during EOSC Summit 2018
« During the 2nd EOSC Summit held in Brussels today, 11 June 2018, the High Level Expert Group together with the…04.05.2018
EOSC-hub and OpenAIRE-Advance get together to support Open Science and the European Open Science Cloud initiative
« Two flagship EC initiatives, OpenAIRE-Advance and EOSC-hub open a new exciting chapter in their collaboration with the signing…16.03.2018
Implementation Roadmap for the European Open Science Cloud (.pdf)
« This Staff Working Document (SWD) presents the outcome of the exploration of appropriate governance and financing mechanisms for the European…22.01.2018
EOSC-hub: integrated services for the European Open Science Cloud
« The EC-funded project EOSC-hub project started on January 1st 2018, bringing together an extensive group of national and international service…28.12.2017
Science ouverte : la France rejoint GO FAIR en tant que co-fondatrice
« La France devient membre fondateur de GO FAIR et confirme son implication internationale dans les données de la recherche et…07.12.2017
Ouverture d’un bureau international pour l’initiative GO FAIR
« Dans la cadre de la mise en œuvre du European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), qui vise à créer une plate-forme…05.12.2017
Dedicated Information session for ESFRI RIs and ERICs on EOSC and long-term sustainability of Research Infrastructures
« The European Commission organized a dedicated information session to clarify specific topics of the Horizon 2020 RI…04.12.2017
Nine things we now know about the European open science cloud
« The idea of creating a shared online repository that would make all data from publicly funded research available for anyone…27.10.2017