Mot-clé : etats-unis
Charleston Conference 2017 ‘What’s past is prologue »
« (…) La 37e édition de la Charleston Conference – Issues in book and serial acquisition a eu…marlenescorner.net, Marlene Delhaye, Marc Martinez, 15 février 2018
Press Release: Library Groups Announce Partnership to Establish ORCID US Community
« LYRASIS, a member-based nonprofit organization serving libraries, archives, and museums, is proud to announce a partnership with the NorthEast Research…28.12.2017
The National Gallery of Art Releases Over 45,000 Digitized Works of Art as Free Downloads
« (…) Among the amazing collections, you’ll find high-resolution images of Van Gogh’s Self-Portrait from 1889, ancient folklore scenes by Giovanni…20.12.2017
OverDrive, la neutralité du net et l’avenir des bibliothèques
« (…) Les bibliothèques sont confrontées aux pratiques culturelles numériques des individus sans être en capacité de répondre aux attentes et…11.12.2017
North American Libraries Struggle to Meet Demand for non-English Language Research Materials
« Academic libraries are struggling to meet a rising demand for non-English language content, according to new survey…04.12.2017
Etats-Unis : AAU-APLU Public Access Working Group Report and Recommendations (.pdf)
« In this era of open scholarship, greater access to research findings and data, especially when grounded in the FAIR principles…08.11.2017
Scholarly Publishers Join Forces to Launch Scientific Society Publisher Alliance (SSPA)
« A group of prestigious not-for-profit scientific membership societies today announced the launch of the Scientific Society Publisher Alliance (SSPA) (byscientistsforscience.org),…07.11.2017
SPEC Kit 357: Libraries, Presses, and Publishing (November 2017)
« This SPEC Kit gathers information on the breadth of practice taking place at the intersection of research libraries, presses, and…07.11.2017
Etats-Unis : Court demands that search engines and internet service providers block Sci-Hub
« The American Chemical Society (ACS) has won a lawsuit it filed in June against…31.10.2017
Research Data Management Services in Academic Libraries in the US: A Content Analysis of Libraries’ Websites
« (…) This study examined the research data (management) services in academic libraries in the United States through a content analysis…25.10.2017
It’s here! CDL (California Digital Library) launches redesigned eScholarship
« The Publishing group at the California Digital Library is pleased to announce the launch of a major redesign of the…osc.universityofcalifornia.edu, Monica Westin, 24 octobre 2017
NASA Perspectives on Deep Learning
« In this video from the HPC User Forum in Milwaukee, Nikunj Oza from NASA Ames presents: NASA Perspectives on Deep…23.10.2017
Digitization Collaborative Provides Open Access to Over 100 Years of American Medical History through the Internet Archive
« The Medical Heritage Library has released 3,907 state medical society journal volumes free of charge for nearly 50 state medical…20.10.2017
Will Wikipedia exist in 20 years?
« Featuring Katherine Maher, Executive Director of the Wikimedia Foundation, in conversation with Harvard Law School Professor…20.10.2017
Operation beprexit
« This fall, the Penn Libraries will begin exploring open source options for hosting Penn’s institutional repository, ScholarlyCommons,…18.10.2017
OverDrive, porte d’entrée à la bibliothèque pour les usagers
« Le programme Get a Library Card est présenté par OverDrive comme le moyen le plus simple et le plus rapide…17.10.2017
The NIH Center of Scientific Review pilots Elsevier’s Expert Lookup to support the peer review process of its grant applications
« The Center for Scientific Review at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has signed an agreement with…17.10.2017
Facebook recule face à la pression de la communauté Open Source
« React est une bibliothèque JavaScript pour la conception d’interfaces utilisateurs interactives, créée initialement par Facebook pour son usage interne et…02.10.2017
What Do Data Librarians Think of the MLIS (Master of Library and Information Science)? Professionals’ Perceptions of Knowledge Transfer, Trends and Challenges
« There are existing studies on data curation programs in library science education and studies on data services in libraries. However,…28.09.2017
Pourquoi il faut voir « EX LIBRIS The New York Public Library » de Frederick Wiseman
« Frederick Wiseman est un documentariste américain bien connu dans les bibliothèques. Oscarisé cette année, il réalise depuis son premier documentaire :…20.09.2017
The Library of Congress: BIBFRAME Development
« The Library of Congress has been exploring “linked data” for over 10 years. The genesis of this development goes back…20.09.2017
What is the 21st Century Academic Library? Qu’est-ce qu’une bibliothèque de recherche au 21è siècle ?
« L’expression «bibliothèque de recherche du 21ème siècle» est de plus en plus utilisée dans l’enseignement supérieur. En effet, on entend…19.09.2017
NSF EAGER Grant for Actionable DMPs
« We’re delighted to announce that the California Digital Library has been awarded a 2-year NSF EAGER grant…19.09.2017
CNNum : Pourquoi le Privacy Shield doit être renégocié
« L’accord « Privacy Shield » organise une partie du transfert des données entre l’Union européenne et les États-Unis. Il fait…19.09.2017
Google propose d’emprunter des ebooks dans les bibliothèques
« Google développe toujours plus son moteur de recherche et propose désormais aux internautes américains des listes de résultats pour trouver…18.09.2017
U.S. Copyright Office Releases Section 108 Discussion Document
« The U.S. Copyright Office today released its Section 108 Discussion Document. Congress enacted section 108 of Title 17 in 1976,…31.08.2017
Etats-Unis : Big Ten Academic Alliance: Next Generation Resource Delivery: Management System and UX Functional Requirements (.pdf)
Report of the BTAA Discovery to Delivery Project Action Committee « (…) Usability testing has demonstrated patrons find the existing discovery…btaa.org, Bruce Barton, Melissa Eighmy Brown, Angela Davis, Kurt Munson, 21 août 2017
Six mois après le lancement de sa politique Open Access, le Met Museum renforce sa visibilité sur Wikipedia et conclu un nouvel accord avec Google
« L’initiative de partage libre et massif des images de la collection lancée en février 2017 par le Met Museum a…16.08.2017
« The following Core Competencies for Scholarly Communication Librarians were developed out of research and discussion conducted by the NASIG Scholarly…16.08.2017
Quand OverDrive propose d’inscrire les usagers à la bibliothèque
« OverDrive fait le pari de devenir l’acteur incontournable des bibliothèques et de contrôler tout l’écosystème. Après avoir transformé le marché…11.08.2017
Etats-Unis : Office of Digital Humanities: Announcing New 2017 ODH Grant Awards
« The Office of Digital Humanities is pleased to announce 31 awards through our Digital Humanities Advancement Grants…11.08.2017
What Happened to Google’s Effort to Scan Millions of University Library Books?
« It was a crazy idea: Take the bulk of the world’s books, scan them, and create a monumental digital library…10.08.2017
Creative Commons USA: Join us for a Twitter Chat on CC Licensing! August 16th
« Next week, Creative Commons USA is hosting a Twitter chat, in partnership with the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition…09.08.2017
Elsevier Is Becoming a Data Company. Should Universities Be Wary?
« Like many big research institutions, the University of Florida pays the publishing giant Elsevier millions of dollars a year so…09.08.2017
Des milliers de textes médiévaux traduits en langage contemporain
« L’université de Stanford vient de mettre en ligne un site internet bien particulier, qui permet aux amoureux du Moyen-Âge de…07.08.2017
Empruntez gratuitement les publications du prestigieux MIT
« Le MIT, pour Massachusetts Institute of Technology, a une place dans le classement des universités les plus connues et les plus…03.08.2017
Library Support for Text and Data Mining: A Report for the University Libraries at Virginia Tech (.pdf)
« This report examines how the University Libraries at Virginia Tech have supported text and data mining in the past, and…vtechworks.lib.vt.edu, Young, P., Brittle, C., Haugen, I., Lener, E., Pannabecker,V, 22 juin 2017
Le Guggenheim vient de restaurer, non sans difficulté, la toute première œuvre d’art numérique entrée dans sa collection
« Le 16 mai 2017, le Guggenheim a annoncé avoir restauré la première œuvre digitale acquise. « Brandon » de Shu…club-innovation-culture.fr, Pauline Broquet, 11 juillet 2017
Jisc futures: our ‘painfully slow’ progress towards the goal of open science
« Tony Hey charts the progress of the US and UK Open Science movement (…) Nobel laureate Ken Wilson called…26.07.2017
ASAPbio July 2017 Meeting: The Evolving Preprint Ecosystem
« This meeting was held at the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in Cambridge, MA on Wednesday, July 19, 2017…03.07.2017
Etats-Unis : NLM: MeSH on Demand Update
« The National Library of Medicine (NLM) is pleased to announce the release of an enhanced version of…28.06.2017
Le site Sci-Hub condamné à payer 15 millions $ pour atteinte au droit d’auteur
« La justice américaine vient de donner raison à l’éditeur scientifique RELX (Elsevier) dans le procès qui l’opposait au site Internet Sci-Hub.27.06.2017
MIT Press, Internet Archive Collaborate to Digitize Titles
« MIT Press has joined forces with the Internet Archive (IA) to scan, preserve, and enable lending of hundreds of the…07.06.2017
Etats-Unis : Overdrive Changes the eBook Game with Cost-per-Circulation
« Overdrive has announced that later in 2017 they are unveiling a Cost-per-Circulation system that schools and…06.06.2017
Academic Libraries Implement New ILS, IR Developed by CERN
« (…) The California Institute of Technology (Caltech) has been using the TIND integrated library system (ILS)…01.06.2017
Library Assessment Conference 2016 Proceedings Now Online
« The Proceedings of the 2016 Library Assessment Conference: Building Effective, Sustainable, Practical Assessment (PDF) are now available on the…19.05.2017
American Library Association (ALA) condemns FCC vote to undermine net neutrality protections, vows to defend open internet
« Today, the American Library Association (ALA) condemned the Federal Communications Commission (FCC)’s vote on Thursday that begins undoing strong net…19.05.2017
Make Data Count: Building a system to support recognition of data as a first class research output
« The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation has made a 2-year, $747K award to the…17.05.2017
Etats-Unis : Library offers largest release of digital catalog records in history
« The Library of Congress announced today that it is making 25 million records in its online catalog available for free…16.05.2017
When the wolf finally arrives: Big Deal cancelations in North American libraries
« Fifteen years ago, when the Big Deal was really coming into its own as a journal purchasing model, I was…02.05.2017
Purdue to acquire Kaplan University, increase access for millions
« Purdue University announced Thursday (April 27) the creation of a new public university that will further…28.04.2017
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory to boost sharing of global scientific research in collaboration with the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative
« Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) today announced a new collaboration with the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative (CZI) that will help accelerate…26.04.2017
Data Privacy Project, former les bibliothécaires à la protection des données personnelles
« (…) Le Data Privacy Project met à disposition des bibliothécaires des modules pour se former en ligne. Les ressources sont…24.04.2017
Revente des données personnelles aux FAI, quelles conséquences pour les bibliothèques ?
« Le site American libraries consacre un article à la question de la vie privée des usagers des bibliothèques et rappelle…12.04.2017
A Visual Dictionary for Sign Language
« Tufts researchers help create an award-winning ASL database that allows users to look up a sign without having to guess…07.04.2017
Etats-Unis : Institute announces new open access policy for all MIT authors
« Optional license allows students, researchers, and staff to make scholarly articles freely available. Thanks to the efforts of Cara Manning…06.04.2017
Aux États-Unis, les bibliothèques universitaires face au big bang numérique
« À l’heure de l’intelligence artificielle et des objets connectés, les bibliothèques universitaires américaines réinventent leur rôle sur les campus, comme…03.04.2017
CLIR and Jisc announce partnership to enhance digital services for libraries and research
« The Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) and Jisc today announced a partnership to advance programs of mutual interest…03.04.2017
F1000 announces partnership with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
« F1000, a provider of a suite of services to support researchers, institutions and funders, has announced a partnership with the…23.03.2017
Berkeley commits to accelerating universal open access, signs the OA2020 Expression of Interest
« The University Library at UC Berkeley took a major step today in its commitment to achieving universal open access for…21.03.2017
AAU, ARL, AAUP to launch open access monograph publishing initiative—Project will share scholarship freely, more broadly
« The Association of American Universities (AAU), Association of Research Libraries (ARL), and Association of American University Presses (AAUP) are implementing…arl.org, Elliott Shore, Jessica Sebeok, Peter Berkery, 16 mars 2017