Mot-clé : editeur-commercial
GTSO Données de Couperin | Les entrepôts de données d’éditeurs commerciaux : quelle stratégie adopter ?
« Face à la multiplication des sollicitations des éditeurs auprès de la communauté scientifique pour promouvoir les entrepôts de données privés,…09.11.2023
The Oligopoly’s Shift to Open Access. How the Big Five Academic Publishers Profit from Article Processing Charges
« This study aims to estimate the total amount of article processing charges (APCs) paid to publish open access (OA) in…24.08.2023
FinELib consortium | Costs of scientific journals have reached unsustainable level – The future of subscriptions in jeopardy
« Publishers are demanding increasingly higher fees for reading scientific journals and open access publishing, even though the scientific community can’t…24.03.2023
Karger pilots Subscribe to Open model
« Karger Publishers is piloting the new Open Access model Subscribe to Open to help pave the way for a broader,…01.02.2023
The Future Of Open Research In India – A Publishers Perspective
« Nitasha is two-term President of Association of Publishers in India, the trade body for international publishers. A publishing professional of…01.12.2022
CNRS Info | « Il n’y pas de raison que les scientifiques fassent une cession exclusive gratuite de leurs œuvres aux éditeurs »
« Le CNRS demande désormais à ses chercheurs et chercheuses d’appliquer la stratégie de non-cession des droits d’auteur lors du dépôt…13.09.2022
The Oligopoly’s Shift to Open Access. How For-Profit Publishers Benefit from Article Processing Charges
« This study aims to estimate the total amount of article processing charges (APCs) paid to publish open access (OA) in…20.10.2021
Springer Nature seeks to reduce language barriers by harnessing technology to offer free auto-translation service of books and manuscripts to all its book authors
« Springer Nature is now offering researchers the opportunity to have their books and manuscripts auto-translated free of charge. Following…03.05.2021
Comment les scientifiques s’organisent pour s’affranchir des aspects commerciaux des revues
« L’expression « évaluation par les pairs » a fait irruption dans les médias avec la crise du Covid-19 et l’on en mesure…08.02.2021
Le RCDR (Réseau canadien de documentation pour la recherche) annonce les Principes de négociation actualisés
« « Les Principes fondamentaux ont beaucoup contribué à l’évolution de notre programme d’octroi de licences », selon Clare Appavoo, directrice générale du…30.01.2020
[VIDEO]: Meet the publishers
« In this webinar, Hamish McDougall (Business Development Manager, SAGE Publishing), Jonathan Patience (Head of Commissioning,…08.11.2019
What we’ve learned from the evaluation of the 2016-2018 Springer Compact agreement
« As we come towards the end of the first year of our second read and publish agreement for the Springer…scholarlycommunications.jiscinvolve.org, Lindsay Robertson, 6 novembre 2019
The publishing costs at EMBO
« EMBO and EMBO Press are making their journals’ finances public to provide transparency and clarity about what it costs to…30.08.2019
Implementing publisher policies that inform, support and encourage authors to share data: two case studies
« Open research data is one of the key areas in the expanding open scholarship movement. Scholarly journals and publishers find…18.02.2019
Open and honest: The future of research publishing has landed
« Emerald Publishing is the first publisher to adopt F1000’s Open Research Publishing model. With the launch of the new platform,…23.01.2019
Celebrating 30,000 Open Access Articles … PARs, RAPs, and Exploring Implications
« Last week Wiley and Projekt DEAL announced a transformative Publish-and-Read agreement…scholarlykitchen.sspnet.org, Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe, 22 janvier 2019
SAGE Publishing acquires Lean Library to bring library services into the patrons’ workflow
« SAGE Publishing has acquired technology start-up Lean Library and its associated products to promote the value of the academic library…05.09.2018
STM statement on Plan S (.pdf)
« On 4th September 2018 ‘Plan S: Accelerating the transition to full and immediate Open Access to scientific publications ‘ was…18.07.2017
Major German Universities Cancel Elsevier Contracts
« (…) In Germany, the fight for open access and favorable pricing for journals is getting heated. At the end of…16.03.2017
Three More STM Publishers Select Copyright Clearance Center’s RightsLink® Platform to Handle Article Publishing Charges for Open Access Articles
« Copyright Clearance Center, Inc. (CCC), which creates global licensing and content solutions that make copyright work, announces that…13.03.2017
What researchers told us about their experiences and expectations of scholarly communications ecosystems
« Publishers, vendors and librarians often discuss the needs of the researcher. However, it is not often that information professionals have…24.02.2017
Springer Nature: Recommended: Connecting researchers with the research that matters to them
« Recommended, a new service which connects the research community with the most relevant content, is launched by Springer…25.10.2016
Report on offset agreements: evaluating current Jisc Collections deals. Year 1 – evaluating 2015 deals
« This report is a comparative study of the different offset agreements that Jisc Collections has negotiated to date on behalf…14.06.2016
Scientific journal subscription costs in Finland 2010-2015: a preliminary analysis
« Detailed information on journal subscription costs paid to individual publishers by the Finnish research institutions has…06.06.2016
Karger Publishers and Dutch Universities Sign Novel Open Access and License Agreement
« Nine members of the Dutch UKB consortium finalized an agreement with Karger Publishers which incorporates the publication of…11.06.2015
OCLC signs agreements with leading publishers worldwide
» OCLC partners with global STM and Open Access publishers to make content discoverable through WorldCat Discovery Services (…)…13.03.2015
Résultats 2014 des grands éditeurs scientifiques : une croissance satisfaisante, des profits record. Un terrain favorable à de nouvelles concentrations ? (.pdf)
« … La structuration du marché de l’IST répond parfaitement au modèle de la « longue traîne ». Un nombre…16.01.2015
Fusion de Macmillan Science and Education et Springer Science+Business Media
« Les groupes Holtzbrinck Publishing et BC Partners annoncent par communiqué de presse la fusion de leurs filiales…12.01.2015
Dutch universities dig in for long fight over open access
« … In January last year, Sander Dekker, the Dutch minister for education, culture and science, decreed that 60 per…31.10.2014
Text mining : vers un nouvel accord avec Elsevier
« La semaine est placée sous le signe de la divulgation de documents officiels sur le text mining (pourrait-on…27.10.2014
Académie des sciences – Les nouveaux enjeux de l’édition scientifique – Octobre 2014 (.pdf)
Résumé exécutif L’Académie des sciences recommande que les modalités de diffusion des publications scientifiques soient réorganisées…09.10.2014
EBSCO Serials Price Projections for 2015 (.pdf)
« Each year, EBSCO surveys a wide range of publishers and reviews historical serials pricing data in order to provide…26.09.2014
Reed Elsevier: Goodbye to Berlin – The Fading Threat of Open Access (Upgrade to Market-Perform) – Claudio Aspesi, Helen Luong (.pdf)
« … 11 years after the Berlin Declaration on Open Access, however, the rise of Open Access appears to inflict little…17.07.2014
Degrees of Openness. Access Restrictions in Institutional Repositories – Hélène Prost – Institute of Scientific and Technical Information (CNRS), Joachim Schöpfel – Charles de Gaulle University Lille 3
« Abstract Institutional repositories, green road and backbone of the open access movement, contain a growing number…24.06.2014