Mot-clé : data-citation
CHORUS Forum: Are We Ready for Data Citation Metrics? October 28, 2021 [slides & recordings]
« Scholarly data has become one of the most important components of Open Science. Governments and funders are mandating that researchers…02.08.2021
SSHOC: Roundtable of Experts on Data Citation
« On May 20th 2021, SSHOC hosted a Roundtable of Experts for Data Citation, to…27.05.2020
Measuring and Mapping Data Reuse: Findings From an Interactive Workshop on Data Citation and Metrics for Data Reuse
« Widely adopted standards for data citation are foundational to efforts to track and quantify data reuse. Without the means to…11.02.2020
FAIR Data Reuse – the Path through Data Citation
« (…) In this paper, we discuss how data citation and its underlying infrastructures, in particular associated metadata, provide an important…09.01.2020
Datacite Citation Display: Unlocking Data Citations
« Are published datasets actually being cited? It’s a question that must cross the mind of any avid reader of this…blog.datacite.org, Kristian Garza, 7 janvier 2020, https://doi.org/10.5438/1843-k679