Mot-clé : curation-de-donnees
Conceptualisation d’une approche nationale quant aux services de curation de données au Canada
« Ce résumé présente les conclusions du Forum canadien sur la curation de données, un événement national de trois jours tenu…21.08.2019
From Acquisition to Access to Archiving – Creating Library Data Services that Provide End-to-End Support for Library Acquired Data
« This case study outlines the challenges and opportunities that we are currently facing with data management of acquired datasets at…28.02.2019
British Library Labs Symposium 2018 [videos]
« On Monday 12th November, 2018, the British Library hosted the sixth annual BL Labs Symposium, celebrating all things digital at…22.08.2018
Practice of Research Data Management: Findings from an IFLA Project on Data Curators
« What are the roles, responsibilities and activities of information professionals who offer support in research data management and the transition…15.05.2018
Data curation becomes shared endeavor
« Backed by a $526,438 grant from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, the U-M Library and seven other academic libraries will…19.03.2015
Data Carpentry: Workshops to Increase Data Literacy for Researchers. International Journal of Digital Curation
Authors: Tracy K. Teal, Karen A. Cranston, Hilmar Lapp, Ethan White, Greg Wilson, Karthik Ram, Aleksandra Pawlik « Abstract In many domains…02.03.2015
Scientific Data sharing and re-use. ERCIM News (.pdf)
« … The special theme section “Scientific Data Sharing and Reuse” has been coordinated by Costantino Thanos, ISTI-CNR and Andreas…27.02.2015
International Journal of Digital Curation – Vol 10, No 1 (2015)
« Digital Curation and Doctoral Research. Daisy Abbott – Abstract Mapping Methods Metadata for Research Data. Tiffany Chao – Abstract What Factors…05.02.2015
Veille et curation de données – Université Lyon 3 – 22 janvier 2015
« En collaboration avec Anne-Marie Libmann (FLA Consultants) et coprésidente de l’ADBS Lien vers la…31.07.2014
International Survey of Academic Library Data Curation Practices, 2014-15 Edition
« This 100+ page report looks closely at the data curation and management practices of 17 colleges and universities…29.07.2014
Guidelines on Recommending Data Repositories as Partners in Publishing Research Data – Sarah Callaghan, Jonathan Tedds, John Kunze, Varsha Khodiyar, Rebecca Lawrence, Matthew Mayernik, Fiona Murphy, Timothy Roberts, Angus Whyte
« Abstract This document summarises guidelines produced by the UK Jisc-funded PREPARDE data publication project on the key issues…ijdc.net, The International Journal of Digital Curation, 2014