Mot-clé : british-library-bl
Le programme Polonsky de numérisation des manuscrits médiévaux de la BnF et de la British Library
« Une collaboration à multiples facettes entre la BnF et la British Library (…) Pour la première fois dans le…bbf.enssib.fr, Charlotte Denoël, Marilyne Devidal, Alix Lamé-Bergis, Alexandre Tur, 6 décembre 2019
British Library Shared Research Repository launched in beta
« (…) The Shared Repository, currently a beta service, brings together the openly available research outputs produced by staff and research…03.10.2019
La British Library met à disposition de tous des manuscrits sacrés numérisés
« Longtemps réservés à certains individus haut placés dans les hiérarchies religieuses ou sociales, les manuscrits sacrés d’un certain nombre de…28.02.2019
British Library Labs Symposium 2018 [videos]
« On Monday 12th November, 2018, the British Library hosted the sixth annual BL Labs Symposium, celebrating all things digital at…07.02.2019
Collaboration key for advancing open research: repository progress for Jisc and the British Library
« Jisc and the British Library share an interest in the persistence and open access of the UK research record, and…scholarlycommunications.jiscinvolve.org, Neil Jacobs, 5 février 2019
What is a lab ?
« Mes pérégrinations autour du projet Corpus continuent (pour ceux qui n’auraient pas suivi les épisodes précédents, ils…01.10.2018
La Bibliothèque nationale de France et la New York Public Library main dans la main
« La New York Public Library et la Bibliothèque nationale de France ont signé mercredi 26 septembre un accord historique pour…03.07.2018
British Library to develop shared open access repository services
« The British Library, working with a group of cultural and memory organisations, is piloting a shared repository service for research…19.04.2018
Invitation to Tender: Open Access Shared Repository for the British Library
« The British Library intends to establish a research repository infrastructure to support a number of services, including a new institutional…20.10.2017
British Library On Demand service extends to ‘least developed’ countries
« The On Demand document supply service provided by the British Library to non-commercial UK institutions has been…30.08.2017
British Library to investigate possibility of a ‘single digital presence’ for UK public libraries
« The British Library is to lead an 18-month scoping project to establish the demand for and possible shape of a…28.08.2017
Announcing the new British Library Research Data Strategy
« With the support of a Research Data Strategy since 2010, the Library has been active in services for research data…24.07.2017
British Library Annual Report and Accounts 2016 to 2017 (.pdf)
« (…) The British Library’s six purposes define everything that we do and explain the enduring ways in which the funding…28.10.2016
British Library Annual Report and Accounts 2015/16
« (…) 2015/16 was the first full year in which we were guided by the strategic vision articulated in Living Knowledge:…19.10.2016
Partenariat entre la BnF et la British Library
« Grâce au mécénat de la Fondation Polonsky et pour la première fois dans le domaine des manuscrits, la…20.09.2016
How the British Library is using SEO to become a digital media publisher
« The British Library is becoming a modern news publisher. Its expertise in the field of journalism is immense. The home…26.08.2016
How licensing ended ‘established and respected’ international document supply service
« In this blog, Teresa Hackett, EIFL Copyright and Libraries Programme Manager, reveals the data behind the…20.07.2016
British Library: International Non-Commercial Document Supply Service to be withdrawn
« The International Non-Commercial Document Supply (INCD) Service will be withdrawn from 1 July 2016. Since the overseas Library Privilege service…28.06.2016
British Library Labs Competition 2016
« The annual Competition looks for transformative project ideas which use the British Library’s…29.04.2016
British Library – Discovering Literature: Shakespeare
« A rich celebration of our cultural heritage, Discovering Literature is a free online learning resource that provides unprecedented access to…08.02.2016
British Library Labs Competition and Award open for submissions
« Since 2013, British Library Labs has been inviting researchers, developers and artists in from around the…http://www.bl.uk/projects, British Library Labs, 27 janvier 2016.
Time for a single global copyright framework for libraries and archives. (See : the case of the British Library).
« Digital technologies have transformed libraries, archives and access to information. They have revolutionized the information landscape.30.04.2015
The British Library Machine Learning Experiment
« The British Library Big Data Experiment is an ongoing collaboration between British Library Digital Research and…20.02.2015
BE Royaume-Uni 137 – La British Library accueillera l’Institut Alan Turing dédié aux Big Data
« Le chancelier de l’Echiquier George Osborne a révélé le 4 décembre dernier que le futur Alan Turing Institute,…16.01.2015
Les nouvelles technologies ne sont pas les ennemies des bibliothèques
« L’avènement de l’ère numérique contribuerait à attirer plus de visiteurs en bibliothèque, annonce le dernier rapport de la British Library,…01.04.2014
British Library welcomes new exceptions to copyright
« … The proposed changes, which are due to come into effect on 1 June, include: – Making digital…11.04.2013