Mot-clé : author-processing-charge-apc
Estimating global article processing charges paid to six publishers for open access between 2019 and 2023
« This study presents estimates of the global expenditure on article processing charges (APCs) paid to six publishers for open access…14.06.2024
Open dataset of annual Article Processing Charges (APCs) of gold and hybrid journals published by Elsevier, Frontiers, MDPI, PLOS, Springer-Nature and Wiley 2019-2023
« This open dataset of annual Article Processing Charges (APCs) was produced from the price lists of six large scholarly publishers…06.06.2024
Effects of Open Access. Literature study on empirical research 2010–2021
« Open access — the free availability of scholarly publications — intuitively offers many benefits. At the same time,…22.04.2024
[Publications MDPI] Special Issue « Diamond Open Access » is open for submissions
« (…) Against the backdrop of the information introduced above regarding diamond OA, the aim of this Special Issue is to…05.12.2023
Open access: Dependence from article processing charges publishing in Portugal
« Conversely to diamond open access, gold open access is associated with article processing charges (APCs), which may represent an important…09.11.2023
The Oligopoly’s Shift to Open Access. How the Big Five Academic Publishers Profit from Article Processing Charges
« This study aims to estimate the total amount of article processing charges (APCs) paid to publish open access (OA) in…08.09.2023
1589 revues perdent leur statut de revues transformantes fin 2023 : la cOAlition S ne remboursera plus les frais de publication
« La cOAlition S a publié en juin dernier un rapport synthétisant les données fournies…06.07.2023
Article processing charges for open access journal publishing: A review
« Some open access (OA) publishers charge authors fees to make their articles freely available online. This paper reviews literature on…26.05.2023
Résultats de l’enquête sur les clauses science ouverte des accords Couperin et les politiques d’établissement sur les APC
« Dans le but de faciliter le travail des négociateurs Couperin, le groupe de travail Négociation Open Access du consortium a…09.05.2023
Supporting diamond open access journals. Interest and feasibility of direct funding mechanisms
« More and more academics and governements consider that the open access model based on Article Processing Charges (APC) is problematic,…25.04.2023
Missing a golden opportunity? An analysis of publication trends by income level in the Directory of Open Access Journals 1987–2020
« The growing prevalence of the gold open access model can exacerbate the monoculture of research and inequality in knowledge production.21.03.2023
Open Access Charges – Continued Consolidation and Increases
« Each year we survey the list Article Processing Charges (APCs) of a sample of major and significant publishers. Covering over…09.03.2023
Open access publication of public health research in African journals
« There are many claims to the benefits of open access publishing in general and for Africa in particular. This study…10.02.2023
The APC-Barrier and its effect on stratification in open access publishing
« Current implementations of Open Access (OA) publishing frequently involve Article Publishing Charges (APCs). Increasing evidence emerges that APCs impede researchers…01.02.2023
Combien coûtent les APC aux institutions de recherche françaises ? (webinaire)
« Le ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche a publié une étude en janvier 2023, réalisée conjointement par Datactivist…17.01.2023
Présentation de l’enquête APC : combien coûtent les APC aux institutions de recherche françaises ? – 27 janvier 2023 [webinaire]
« Le ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche publie une étude, réalisée conjointement par Datactivist et Pleiade Management and Consultancy, qui chiffre…05.01.2023
Combien coûtent les APC aux institutions de recherche françaises ?
« Le ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche publie une étude qui chiffre les coûts générés par les frais…21.11.2022
The APC-Effect: Stratification in Open Access Publishing
« Current implementations of Open Access (OA) publishing frequently involve Article Publishing Charges (APCs). Increasing…03.11.2022
Determining the Cost of Open Access: Estimating Annual Article Processing Charges for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Medicine Articles at a Large Midwestern University
« Article Processing Charges (APCs) for articles published in for-fee, gold open access journals are paid in a number of ways…19.10.2022
International disparities in open access practices in the Earth Sciences
« The rise in OA publishing has potential implications for researchers and tends to shift article-processing charges from organizations to individuals.19.10.2022
The APC-Effect: Stratification in Open Access Publishing
« Current implementations of Open Access (OA) publishing frequently involve Article Publishing Charges (APCs). Increasing evidence emerges that APCs impede researchers…13.09.2022
The Oligopoly’s Shift to Open Access. How For-Profit Publishers Benefit from Article Processing Charges
« This study aims to estimate the total amount of article processing charges (APCs) paid to publish open access (OA) in…12.08.2022
Article Processing Charges (APCs) and the new enclosure of research
« In 2020 we estimate the annual revenues from article processing charges (APCs) among major scholarly journal publishers to have exceeded…31.05.2022
Should open access lead to closed research? The trends towards paying to perform research
« Open Access (OA) emerged as an important transition in scholarly publishing worldwide during the past two decades. So far, this…21.02.2022
Article Processing Charges, Altmetrics and Citation Impact: Is there an economic rationale?
« The present study aims to analyze 1) the relationship between Citation Normalized Score of scientific publications and Article Processing Charges…21.02.2022
Assessing the effect of article processing charges on the geographic diversity of authors using Elsevier’s “Mirror Journal” system
« Journals publishing open access (OA) articles often require that authors pay article processing charges (APC). Researchers in the Global South…14.02.2022
Science ouverte : quelle politique de prise en charge des APC pour Inria ?
« L’essor de l’accès ouvert (open access) aux publications a été, ces dix dernières années, accompagné par l’apparition d’un nouveau type…13.10.2021
OpenAIRE: Webinar: OpenAPC – Making costs of open access publishing transparent in the EOSC
« This webinar presents the OpenAPC, an OpenAIRE-Nexus service that collects information from organizations like universities and provides them detailed information…15.09.2021
Investigating the Blind Spot of a Monitoring System for Article Processing Charges
« The Open Access (OA) publishing model that is based on article processing charges (APC) is often associated with the potential…31.08.2021
Note d’analyse des APC de l’Université de Lorraine en 2019 et 2020 (.pdf)
« Deux ans après la publication d’un rapport analysant notamment les dépenses d’APC de l’Université de Lorraine pour…26.07.2021
Article Processing Charges based publications: to which extent the price explains scientific impact?
The present study aims to analyze relationship between Citations Normalized Score (NCS) of scientific publications and Article Processing Charges (APCs)…19.07.2021
Open access article processing charges 2011 – 2021
« This study examines trends in open access article processing charges (APCs) from 2011 – 2021, building on a 2011 study…30.06.2021
Les dépenses APC du Cirad pour publier des articles en libre accès en 2020
« Depuis 2017, le Cirad calcule et restitue via le consortium Couperin ses dépenses annuelles pour publier des articles en libre…25.06.2021
Open access article processing charges 2011 – 2021 (.pdf)
« This study examines trends in open access article processing charges (APCs) from 2011 – 2021, building on a 2011 study…14.04.2021
Requiem for impact factors and high publication charges
« Journal impact factors, publication charges and assessment of quality and accuracy of scientific research are critical for researchers, managers, funders,…15.03.2021
Publishing at any cost: a cross-sectional study of the amount that medical researchers spend on open access publishing each year
« Objective To estimate the financial costs paid by individual medical researchers from meeting the article processing charges (APCs) levied…24.02.2021
Copyright Clearance Center Now Automating Open Access Agreement Management Between Publishers and More Than 800 Institutions and Funders in 40+ Countries Through RightsLink® for Scientific Communications
« Copyright Clearance Center, Inc. (CCC), a leader in advancing copyright, accelerating knowledge, and powering innovation, announces that…10.02.2021
PLOS Adopts Copyright Clearance Center’s RightsLink® for Scientific Communications to Manage New Community Action Publishing Model
« (…) The Public Library of Science (PLOS) announced today it is using RightsLink® for…28.01.2021
Guide pratique pour le suivi des dépenses de frais de publication
« Le consortium Couperin avait engagé l’année dernière la démarche de modification de la nomenclature NACRES pour faciliter le repérage des…03.12.2020
EGU journals per-paper APC pilot
« EGU journals currently calculate article processing charges (APCs) based on a cost per page of the final published journal article.26.11.2020
La revue Nature (Londres) passe en Open Access pour répondre au plan S, avec des FTA de 9 500 € par article
« Le plan S, en Europe, lancé en septembre 2018, demande aux éditeurs de publier avec le…29.10.2020
Who’s Writing Open Access (OA) Articles? Characteristics of OA authors at Ph.D.-granting institutions in the United States
« The open access (OA) publication movement aims to present research literature to the public at no cost and with no…mitpressjournals.org, Anthony J. Olejniczak, Molly J. Wilson, 7 octobre 2020
Some Issues on the Funding of the Scientific Publication in Open Access
« The academic/scientific publication in Open Access is already a current practice with several advantages, and the trend is that it…10.06.2020
PLOS and Carnegie Mellon University announce APC-free open access publishing agreement
« Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) and the Public Library of Science (PLOS) today announced a two-year open access agreement that allows…05.06.2020
EDP Sciences and the National Science Library, Chinese Academy of Sciences conclude a significant agreement on article processing charges in support of open access
« EDP Sciences and the National Science Library, Chinese Academy of Sciences (NSLC) are pleased to announce the successful conclusion of…07.04.2020
A better understanding of APC funding sources could accelerate the transition to open access
« New white paper analyses data from Springer Nature authors and interviews with institutions to better understand the fragmented and varied…25.03.2020
Open Access publishing practice in geochemistry: overview of current state and look to the future
« Open Access (OA) describes the free, unrestricted access to and re-use of research articles. Recently, a new wave of interest,…06.03.2020
Copernicus Publications published APC breakdown
« The 5th principle of Plan S states that « When Open Access publication fees are applied, they…06.03.2020
Funding Sources for Open Access Article Processing Charges in the Social Sciences, Arts, and Humanities in the United States
« Article processing charges (APCs) are one method of many to ensure open access to research literature, but studies that explore…mdpi.com, Melissa H. Cantrell, Juleah A. Swanson, 28 février 2020
Establishing tender procedures and competition within the framework of national library consortia for open access journals
« (…) The existing transformative agreements do not include mechanisms for the definitive flipping of journals into open access and no…15.01.2020
Recueil et analyse des dépenses de publication en accès ouvert ou APC (Article Processing Charges)
« L’enquête APC, lancée à l’initiative de Couperin.org avec le soutien de la CPU et des organismes, est le seul exemple…06.01.2020
Drivers of Article Processing Charges in Open Access (.pdf)
« (…) This study is meant to shed light on the various determinants ofAPC. Based on data from the OpenAPC Initiative,…02.01.2020
The Pricing of Open Access Journals: Diverse Niches and Sources of Value in Academic Publishing
« Open Access (OA) publishing has created new academic and economic niches in contemporary science. OA journals offer numerous publication outlets…mitpressjournals.org, Kyle Siler, Koen Frenken, 11 décembre 2019
The engagement of the many – A report on the workshop at the Open Access Days 2019 in Hanover
« Author/Article Processing Charges (APC) have established themselves as the standard form of financing open-access journal articles for the promotion of…13.12.2019
Determinants of Article Processing Charges for Medical Open Access Journals
« For-profit subscription journal publishers recently have extended their publishing range from subscription journals to numerous open access journals, thereby strengthening…quod.lib.umich.edu, Sumiko Asai, 2019, http://dx.doi.org/10.3998/3336451.0022.103
Libre accès et frais de publication associés (Articles Processing Charges) : une étude de cas de la production scientifique des établissements d’enseignement supérieur et de recherche orléanais
« Les principaux résultats de cette étude mettent en évidence que le modèle hybride tend à s’imposer de plus en plus…15.10.2019
Join OpenAIRE for a series of webinars (and more) during Open Access Week 2019!
« The 2019 International Open Access Week will be held October 21-27, 2019. This year’s theme, “Open for Whom? Equity in…11.10.2019
Open Access in developing countries – attitudes and experiences of researchers
« Open Access is often considered as particularly beneficial to researchers in the Global South. However, research into awareness of and…zenodo.org, Andy Nobes, Andy, Sian Harris, 30 septembre 2019
Copyright Clearance Center Announces RightsLink® for Scientific Communications
« Copyright Clearance Center, Inc. (CCC), a leader in advancing copyright, accelerating knowledge, and powering innovation, announces the release of RightsLink®…20.09.2019
Open Access Publishing with Cambridge University Press Begins September 19, 2019
« Earlier this year, we shared some exciting changes that will make it easier and more affordable…17.09.2019
Yale University and Frontiers form open access publishing agreement
« (…) Yale University supports its researchers in making their research more widely available. As part of this support, Yale University…20.08.2019