Mot-clé : Public Library of Science (PLOS)
Investigating the division of scientific labor using the Contributor Roles Taxonomy
« Contributorship statements were introduced by scholarly journals in the late 1990s to provide more details on the specific contributions made…06.04.2021
A survey of researchers’ needs and priorities for data sharing
« PLOS has long supported Open Science. One of the ways in which we do so is via our stringent data…01.04.2021
Reading Peer Review – What a dataset of peer review reports can teach us about changing research culture
« One of the first megajournals, PLOS ONE, has played a significant role in changing scholarly communication and in particular peer…11.03.2021
PLOS: A Farewell to ALM, but not to article-level metrics!
« Understanding the impact of research is of vital importance to science. The altmetrics movement is defined…23.02.2021
How can we increase adoption of open research practices?
« Researchers are satisfied with their ability to share their own research data but may struggle with accessing other researchers’ data…10.02.2021
PLOS Adopts Copyright Clearance Center’s RightsLink® for Scientific Communications to Manage New Community Action Publishing Model
« (…) The Public Library of Science (PLOS) announced today it is using RightsLink® for…10.06.2020
PLOS and Carnegie Mellon University announce APC-free open access publishing agreement
« Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) and the Public Library of Science (PLOS) today announced a two-year open access agreement that allows…07.11.2019
Le marché du mardi n°50
« Améliorer Wikipedia via PLOS : Peu de chercheurs contribuent à Wikipedia, alors que ce sont des spécialistes qui ont toute…26.08.2019
medRxiv to PLOS: Direct preprint transfers
« Authors with preprints on the new health sciences preprint server medRxiv now have the option to transfer their manuscripts for…14.02.2019
PLOS Provides Feedback on the Implementation of Plan S
« We welcome Plan S as a ‘decisive step towards the realisation of full open access’, in particular the push it…23.01.2019
Les finances de PLOS vont moins bien : modèle APC pose-t-il problème ? Compétition avec Scientific Reports, etc…
« Le rapport financier de 2017 du groupe PLOS a été rendu public en décembre 2018 (rapport des…07.11.2018
Supporting FAIR data in the Earth, Space, and Environmental Sciences
« At PLOS we are thrilled to be a signatory of Commitment Statement towards Enabling FAIR data in…blogs.plos.org, Joerg Heber, Veronique Kiermer, 5 novembre 2018
La publication des avis des reviewers se généralise…. le peer-review ouvert est éthique, intègre et transparent
« Avec la signature de V Kiermer, groupe PLOS, ce sont 7 revues qui rejoignent les revues ayant décidé de mettre…07.02.2018
PLOS (Public Library of Science) and Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) enter agreement to enable preprint posting on bioRxiv
« The Public Library of Science (PLOS) and Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) announced today an agreement that enables the automatic…25.07.2017
A Publishing Milestone to Celebrate: 200,000 PLOS Research Articles and Counting
« In 2003, PLOS published its first research article and this month we’re proud to announce that we have now published…05.12.2016
Apprendre à archiver les données scientifiques devient une compétence supplémentaire à acquérir
« Si peu de revues exigent absolument les données sources pour accepter et publier un article, la tendance est…26.04.2016
PLOS and Linked Data – What Happened Next?
« Late last year we published a blog post in these pages – “PLOS and DBpedia –…20.04.2016
The History of Scientific Publishing: An interview with Aileen Fyfe
« Have you ever wondered about the origins of scientific publishing, and how the field changed over time? In this…23.03.2016
Collaboration with IBM Watson Supports the Value Add of Open Access
« In this massively data rich world, the equilibrium between information and knowledge has increasingly shifted from knowledge toward…08.12.2015
Repères RSTI – An Analysis of Citizen Science Based Research: Usage and Publication Patterns
« Publiée par PLOS ONE, cette étude menée par deux chercheurs australiens analyse 888 articles sur la science citoyenne tirés…07.12.2015
Thésaurus PLOS : test d’appariement avec DBpedia
« PLOS utilise pour classer ses contenus (subject areas) son propre thésaurus. Relier…26.06.2014