ScienceFair – a new desktop science library
« (…) ScienceFair v1.0 is a new kind of desktop science library ScienceFair’s first release introduces several new concepts and technologies…
elifesciences.org, 29 juin 2017
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How P2P and blockchains make it easier to work with scientific objects – three hypotheses
« The financial industry, medical records, the Internet of Things – millions are currently being invested in research into blockchains, financed…
blogs.tib.eu, Lambert Heller, 9 mai 2017
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The Difference between Copyright Infringement and Plagiarism—and Why It Matters
« Reading a recent article in The Atlantic and the subsequent comments, I was struck again by…
lj.libraryjournal.com, Rick Anderson, 17 août 2016
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Le réseau anonyme Tor voit son trafic exploser
Depuis deux semaines, le réseau Tor connaît une explosion inédite de son trafic. Prise de conscience soudaine accompagnant…
Numerama, Guillaume Champeau, 29 août 2013
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