Mot-clé :
Le G6 s’engage pour la science ouverte
« À l’approche des journées européennes de la science ouverte (4-5 février 2022), le réseau G6, qui regroupe les principaux organismes…07.10.2019
Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) through its network of libraries joins OLH NPS model
« We are extremely pleased to announce that the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) has joined the…10.07.2019
Open Access Routes Dichotomy and Opportunities: Consolidation, Analysis and Trends at the Spanish National Research Council
« This article gives a comprehensive overview of recent Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) publications available in Open Access. With a…07.02.2017
Espagne : Ranking Web of Repositories (2017)
« This is first 2017 edition of the Ranking Web of Repositories, that it is published since 2008. The…10.02.2016